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Where to download the 2023 Qinghai Civil Servant Examination Position List Enter reading mode

Where to download the 2023 Qinghai Civil Servant Examination Position List Enter reading mode Add in Wechat Click me to consult

2022-10-31 15:22:27 | Source: Secondary public education

two thousand and twenty-three Qinghai Civil Servant Examination Position List Not yet published. According to the practice in previous years, Qinghai Civil Service Examination Position List It can be downloaded from Qinghai Personnel Examination Information Network (www.qhpta. com), and candidates can pay close attention to the official information.

Candidates can consult the 2022 Qinghai Civil Servant Examination Position List for reference.

》》2022 Qinghai Civil Servant Examination Position Table Download

》》2022 Qinghai Civil Servant Examination Position Search System


2022 Qinghai Provincial Examination Conditions

1. Have the nationality of the People's Republic of China;

2.18 years old or above, 35 years old or below (born from March 7, 1986 to March 7, 2004), of which the age of the new graduate students of master's degree and doctoral degree (non in-service) in 2022 can be extended to less than 40 years old (born on March 7, 1981 and later);

The applicants for the prison and drug rehabilitation police of the judicial administration department shall be over 18 years old and under 30 years old (born between March 7, 1991 and March 7, 2004), of which the age of the new graduate students and doctoral students (non in-service) in 2022 shall be extended to less than 35 weeks old (born on March 7, 1986 and later);

3. Support the Constitution of the People's Republic of China, the leadership of the Communist Party of China and the socialist system;

4. Have good political quality and moral character;

5. Have the physical condition and psychological quality to perform the duties normally;

6. Have the educational level and working ability that meet the requirements of the position;

7. Have relevant majors and other qualifications required by the position to be applied for;

8. Those who apply for the post of people's police shall meet the requirements of the Notice on Printing and Distributing Special Standards for Physical Examination of Civil Servants (Trial) (RSBF [2010] No. 82).

Active servicemen, non fresh graduates in school, civil servants in service and staff of organs (units) managed by reference to the Civil Servant Law cannot apply for the examination.

Candidates shall not apply for positions that constitute the situations listed in the first paragraph of Article 74 of the Civil Servant Law after employment, nor shall they apply for positions in the employing units where persons who have husband wife relationship, direct blood relationship, collateral blood relationship within three generations or close marriage relationship with themselves serve as leading members.

(Editor in charge: zll)

Statement: The copyright of the articles published on this website with the source marked as "Zhonggong Education" belongs to Zhonggong Education, and cannot be reproduced without permission.

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