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2021 Qinghai Civil Servant Examination Position Table and Analysis Summary Enter reading mode

2021 Qinghai Civil Servant Examination Position Table and Analysis Summary Enter reading mode Add in Wechat Click me to consult

2021-03-04 09:28:25 | Source: Secondary public education

2021 Qinghai Civil Servant Examination Announcement It has been announced that 1034 people will be enrolled in the 2021 Qinghai Civil Service Examination. Registration time: 09:00, March 5 - 18:00, March 9, written examination time: March 27. Candidates can ctrl+d collect this page. For more information about Qinghai civil service examination, please pay attention to: Zhonggong Education Qinghai Civil Servant Examination Channel

※  2021 Qinghai Civil Service Examination Position List

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※  2021 Qinghai Civil Servant Examination Position Analysis

In 2021, 1034 people in Qinghai Province will be admitted to the exam, with an increase of 26%. The educational threshold will be lowered

(Editor in charge: zs)

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