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2023 Inner Mongolia Civil Servant Examination Application Study Scheme Enter reading mode

2023 Inner Mongolia Civil Servant Examination Application Study Scheme Enter reading mode Add in Wechat Click me to consult

2023-01-18 15:25:58 | Source: Secondary public education

Dear examinees, the 2023 civil servant exam in Inner Mongolia is coming, and there is less and less time to prepare for the exam. Today, China Public Education will take you to understand the content of the application for the civil servant exam in Inner Mongolia, and then provide you with the application learning plan.

1、 Number of questions

Generally speaking, there are five questions in the essay. One composition topic and four sub topics. In terms of the distribution of question types, they are generally divided into summary, countermeasures, comprehensive analysis, implementation, and article writing. These five types of questions are tested in the essay.

2、 Key points for examination preparation

1. Reading materials

The essay is generally divided into three parts. Precautions, given information and answering requirements. Among them, the information given accounts for the largest proportion of space, generally about 6-8000 words. The given information is generally selected from official media, academic journals and other channels. When doing all the questions, you need to read the given materials and then extract the key points, which requires relatively high reading comprehension ability of examinees. Therefore, develop the habit of reading materials in the daily preparation process. It can be selected from official media, public accounts and clients, such as People's Daily, People's Daily, Qiushi, Learning from Powerful APP, etc., to keep abreast of national current events and policies; At the same time, it can also be read repeatedly from the argument papers over the years.

When reading, we need to pay attention to developing good reading habits, such as making good use of symbols and words to annotate to ensure that the core content is clear and prominent. At the same time, we need to learn some reading methods, such as reading keywords, conjunctions, core sentences, etc., to sort out the logic of the materials, and provide help for later processing and integration of key points.

2. Practice test questions

Hand is better than eye. If you want to get a high score in the essay exam, you need to do a lot of questions and grasp the rules of the exam questions. The argument materials for civil servants' examination are very logical on the whole, and the types of materials are gradually diversified. Case type, opinion type, and data type materials add some difficulty to reading. Therefore, it is necessary to do more questions over the years to grasp the key points of the examination questions. So a lot of exercises need to be done in the process of preparing for the exam National Civil Service Exam Application questions, Inner Mongolia provincial examination application questions, including other provincial examination questions can also be practiced. When doing the questions carefully and meticulously, you don't need to pursue speed for the first time, but focus on finding all the key points. When doing the second time, you should clarify your ideas and think about the source of the key points. When doing the second time, you can appropriately limit the time to improve the speed.

Practice in stages. In the first stage, learn the theory, lay a good foundation, and clarify the thinking of different question types; In the second stage, practice with different types of questions, consolidate theoretical knowledge, grasp the skills of doing questions, and practice repeatedly; The third stage, set exercises, the overall exercise to grasp the time to do questions, improve the speed of doing questions.

3. Practise words diligently

When answering the essay exam, we usually answer in grid paper, which puts forward certain requirements for our writing. Therefore, it is recommended to develop the habit of using the essay answer paper to answer questions when practicing questions in general, and adapt in advance. At the same time, we should develop the good habit of practicing characters diligently. We can use the commenting model calligraphy as an exercise. First, we should practice fonts, and second, we should strengthen the accumulation of materials.

(Editor in charge: zj03600)

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