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Interpretation of 2018 Inner Mongolia Civil Servant Examination Application Questions: Public Management Service Should Use New Thinking Enter reading mode

Interpretation of 2018 Inner Mongolia Civil Servant Examination Application Questions: Public Management Service Should Use New Thinking Enter reading mode Add in Wechat Click me to consult

"The desert is full of smoke, and the river is full of yen"; "The sky is vast, the wild is boundless, and cattle and sheep can be seen in the wind blowing grass"...... The beautiful and vast Inner Mongolia is more beautiful in this spring season. Today, we ushered in the annual civil service exam. The public education of China carried out a comprehensive analysis and in-depth interpretation of the essay questions at the first time to help the examinees grasp the characteristics of the proposition of the essay in Inner Mongolia, help you better grasp the times and the context of the exam questions, and cope more calmly in the next exam.

1、 Given material

(1) Theme selection: focus on public services

The public has put forward higher requirements for the development of public services. It pays attention to both the improvement of the efficiency of public service supply and the implementation of the fairness of public service supply; It pays attention not only to the universality of public service supply, but also to the refinement of public service supply. A well-off society in all respects is a well-off society shared by the whole people. All people are "a community of shared future", and should also share the fruits of comprehensively deepening reform. The 2018 Inner Mongolia District Examination focuses on public services, closely linked to the current direction of government reform, and is a response to the current goal of deepening reform and building a service-oriented government. The theme is both profound and grounded, in line with the characteristics of Inner Mongolia's proposition close to people's livelihood and public opinion.

(2) Material selection: comprehensive type, wide vision, grounding

1. Comprehensive material types and rich expression techniques

In 2018, Inner Mongolia's application materials combined data, cases, opinion materials and other techniques. There were both domestic and foreign cases, urban and rural cases, people's attitude towards the economic model of "Internet collaborative consumption", as well as opinion materials such as the game of interests and knowledge, which showed the discussion on the theme of "public service" to the examinees.

2. Wide field of vision, time-space intersection

Material selection includes both domestic and foreign, urban and rural areas. There are both cases in which an American landlord was robbed of a rented house but failed to file a lawsuit, and cases in which a melon farmer was fined midway through selling melons, hoping to deepen the examinee's in-depth thinking and strengthen the reference. To answer this kind of questions well and understand the thought of the full text well, candidates are required to have a broad vision and broad thinking. Usually, they should develop a thinking mode that is good at absorbing and learning from each other, so that they can cope with the exam freely.

3. Material selection: grounding gas

The timeliness of material selection is not obvious. There are not only old materials such as farmers who were fined in the middle of selling melons, a province that tried to establish a "mobile medical platform" to improve primary medical services, American landlords who were robbed by tenants but complained fruitlessly, but also new materials such as "tainted pension public welfare", domestic brand washing machines that launched one touch APP, and put into use in the university town of R City. The materials are cordial and grounded.

2、 Topic setting: continue the tradition and highlight the examination of basic skills of argumentation

The topic design of the 2018 Inner Mongolia essay exam takes the form of "summary+summary+summary+composition". Objective questions limit partial material propositions, and compositions aim at the whole material propositions.

The first topic is the summary topic, which summarizes the experience of the development of domestic brands in the new economic environment. This question requires a wide number of words and belongs to the conventional question type. Candidates only need to find out the main points in the way of general summary questions, and then conduct appropriate processing and merging.

The second question is also a summary question, which requires candidates to summarize the problems of the Internet collaborative consumer economy. This question has limited the scope of the answer, but the materials and ideas are relatively new, and the answer is a little difficult, but it is not difficult to complete this question as long as the examinee reads the materials carefully and finds out the main points through the case phenomenon.

The third question is to sum up the questions and ask the examinees to sum up the specific practices of improving public services in the materials and summarize the experience. This question is still a routine question, and it is not difficult. Candidates should correctly understand and reasonably analyze the specific practices of the case, and carefully sort out the key points step by step. They should pay attention to the comprehensiveness of the key points, and do not miss the key points.

The fourth question is the composition question, which requires the examinee to write an argumentative paper by analyzing the sentence "When to add and when to subtract is an art that requires wisdom, vision, skill and career". The composition is the key and difficult point of this Inner Mongolia exam, which requires examinees to correctly and comprehensively understand the social value of public services, grasp all the given materials well, and carry out elaboration and analysis.

This year's civil servant exam in Inner Mongolia has ended, but the exam we will face in the future is far from over. Looking back at this year's examination questions, we should closely follow the focus of the government reform and use new thinking to examine old problems. Simplicity contains profound philosophy. This is the unique charm of Inner Mongolia, a vast and rich land, and it is also something that all candidates preparing for the examination should deeply grasp and internalize. As aspiring civil servants, you should not be satisfied with the pursuit of knowledge, but should be good at digging and summarizing, learning from the past to know the present, so as to learn from the existing knowledge? Unknown, strategizing, winning thousands of miles away!

(Editor in charge: ZHANG Jian)

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