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Interpretation of 2021 Hunan Civil Servant Examination Application (Towns and Towns): "Introducing Phoenix to Build Nests" depicts the beautiful picture of rural revitalization Enter reading mode

Interpretation of 2021 Hunan Civil Servant Examination Application (Towns and Towns): "Introducing Phoenix to Build Nests" depicts the beautiful picture of rural revitalization Enter reading mode Add in Wechat Click me to consult

2021-03-27 21:44:06 | Source: Secondary public education

April showers bring May flowers. The 2021 civil servant exam in Hunan Province has come to an end. The Zhonggong education team has analyzed and deeply interpreted the argumentation questions, as follows:

1、 Theme selection: "good plan" as a pen to describe the beautiful picture of rural revitalization

The report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposed that the problem of agricultural and rural farmers is a fundamental issue related to the national economy and the people's livelihood. We must always address the "three rural" issues as the top priority of the work of the whole party and implement the strategy of rural revitalization. The Central Economic Work Conference also stressed the need to scientifically formulate the strategic plan for rural revitalization and implement the rural revitalization strategy. Now that we have won the battle against poverty, what we need to do well is to promote the effective connection between rural revitalization and poverty alleviation. Vigorously develop rural revitalization, focus on the grassroots, excellent grassroots cadres fight on the front line, take every possible means to lead the masses to a happy life. The group came to the village to solve the problem of "unsatisfactory partnership". After Qihe City removed the township and merged the town, it retained a convenient service station, but the masses felt it inconvenient. Laifeng Village "introduced the phoenix to build a nest" to attract talents to return to the village to build their hometown to solve the talent problem. The four villages in D City, under the leadership of the party organization, increased their income and solved the problem of becoming rich. These are vivid manifestations of rural revitalization. It can be seen that at such an important time point this year, the 2021 Hunan Provincial Civil Servant Examination Application (Township) closely follows the background of the times. Grass roots cadres, under the guidance of the national policy "baton", will make good plans to lead the people to a well-off society.

2、 Material setting: mainly case materials with strong timeliness

1. Mainly case materials.

The main case material is the characteristics of the Hunan Province examination (township), and most of the materials are mainly cases. According to the examinees' recollections, for example, the case of "group entering the village" in the first question, the case of Qihe City withdrawing from the township and retaining the convenient service station in the town, the case of Laifeng Village "introducing the phoenix to build nests" to attract talents to return to the village and build their hometown, the case of four villages in D city increasing income and becoming rich under the leadership of the party organization, etc. These case materials constitute the main content of Hunan Province's 2021 examination (township), highlighting the importance of "attracting phoenix to build nests" in rural revitalization, promoting rural revitalization, and jointly building beautiful villages.

2. The materials closely follow the hot spots of current politics and have strong timeliness.

According to the examinee's memory, whether it is the "innovative new model" of the group entering the village, or the revitalization path of innovative talents of "introducing phoenix to build nests" in Laifeng Village, or the topic of the party organizations in four villages of D city leading the villagers to increase income and become rich, these are all hot issues of rural revitalization. In 2021, the materials of the examination paper of Hunan Examination and Application (Townships) closely follow the hot spots of current politics. With the content of time sensitive materials, the examinees' understanding of current national policies and hot spots will be tested, and thus their understanding of grass-roots work will help to select appropriate talents. Therefore, candidates should pay attention to relevant policy hot spots according to the characteristics of their posts in preparing for the exam, so as to be prepared.

3、 Topic setting: multiple types of questions to test the working ability of grassroots

The title design of the 2021 Hunan Provincial Examination and Application (Townships) paper takes the form of "generalization+countermeasures+analysis+implementation" to test the ability of candidates to work at the grass-roots level with a variety of questions.

According to the recollection of the examinee, the first question is the summary question, which requires the summary team to solve the practice of "partnership is not satisfactory", and limits the given information to 1. Candidates need to focus on the main points of how to solve the problem of "disharmony of partnership" when the group enters the village in the materials, but they should pay attention to "induction by sections" to reflect the order of the main points.

According to the examinee's recollection, the second question was "summary+countermeasure", which required to analyze the factors that villagers complained about "the convenience service station is not convenient for people at all", put forward solutions and limit the given data. Candidates need to sort out the reasons for villagers' complaints in the materials, classify and summarize the key points, and propose solutions.

According to the examinee's recollection, the third question is a comprehensive analysis question, which requires to talk about the understanding of the underlined sentence "others are 'building nests to attract phoenixes', while we are' attracting phoenixes to build nests'", and limit the given information to 3. Candidates need to first explain the meaning of the underlined sentences, and then analyze the reasons and practices of Laifeng Village as "attracting phoenix to build nests" according to the materials.

According to the recollection of the examinees, the fourth question is the implementation question, which requires that, as a staff member of the research team, a work information introducing the work of village level party organizations leading villagers to increase income and become rich should be drafted for the leaders to refer to, and the given information should be limited to 4. It is necessary to fully understand the materials, classify and integrate them according to their contents, and present them in the form of key work points.

If you don't have enough to eat all day long, don't give up your work in cunyin. The written examination of Hunan Province in 2021 has come to an end. In the next interview, I hope you can prepare for the examination scientifically and carefully. Zhonggong Education wishes that all examinees can learn from what they have learned, draw inferences from one instance and become public at one stroke!

(Editor in charge: Fan Fan)

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