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How to answer new questions about interview plan organization Enter reading mode

How to answer new questions about interview plan organization Enter reading mode Add in Wechat Click me to consult

2024-06-24 11:16:23 | Source: Secondary public education Cui Factory

In all kinds of public examination interviews, planning and organization questions are one of the questions that we often get. For most students, it is not difficult to answer such questions. What is difficult is to answer them well and find new ideas. So how to answer the highlights of planning and organization questions? Here are some tips for public education.

1. Highlight the key points. Many students waste too much time on unimportant details when answering the plan and organizing questions. There are no details but lack of new ideas and focus. It is suggested that everyone should highlight the key points and not talk about non key content or talk about less.

2. The form should be innovative. There are many ways to organize an activity, for example, as a publicity activity, there are both conventional organization methods (such as manuals, banners, radio, etc.) and more innovative organization forms (garden party, flash mob, mobile publicity vehicle, etc.). As for the conventional way, it is difficult for people to give high marks because they listen more, so it is suggested that people should innovate more in the form of activities to attract the attention of the audience.

3. Pay attention to the effect. How well an activity is organized, the final criterion is whether its effect reaches the expectation. Therefore, when answering questions, we should focus on how to ensure that the activities can achieve the best results. For example, for the publicity topic, we should think about which methods are more suitable for the characteristics of the target, and how to do so to ensure that everyone can grasp the content we are promoting.

Now let's apply the techniques just mentioned through a plan organization topic.

Example: As summer vacation approaches, drowning accidents of primary and secondary school students enter a dangerous period of frequent occurrence. In order to strengthen the safety management of primary and secondary school students in the town, further prevent drowning events, and ensure the life safety of the majority of primary and secondary students, a town carried out publicity work for primary and secondary school students to prevent drowning. If you were in charge, how would you organize?

First, highlight the key points. For the anti drowning publicity activities, the focus is on which publicity methods can attract the attention of schools, students and parents. Then, we can skip or talk less about the preliminary preparation and go straight to the key point: drowning prevention publicity is related to the health of students and the happiness and future of families. I will take a series of publicity methods to ensure that everyone pays attention to it. Then, focus on 2-3 specific publicity activities.

Secondly, form innovation. For the anti drowning publicity activities, the local government may organize similar activities every year, so it is vital to ensure the enthusiasm of all parties involved. To this end, we can attract their interest through innovative forms, such as organizing campus activities, holding excellent blackboard newspaper selection activities, or using mobile advertising vehicles to go to the countryside. This combination of conventional and innovative ways can ensure that all students and parents can actively participate and learn about relevant content.

Finally, pay attention to the effect. Our propaganda goal is to hope that students will not go swimming or drown. What can we do to achieve this effect? We can set up some links in the publicity process, such as playing promotional videos of drowning cases, increasing interaction links, or paying special attention to left behind children, and jointly entering the home with schools, village cadres and other key communication with parents. Through these measures, we can ensure the effectiveness of publicity activities.

In addition to the above sharing, there are many skills to answer planning and organization questions, which need constant thinking and exploration in practice. Welcome to Zhonggong Education to learn more answers.


(Editor in charge: liqian)

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