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Interview skills: how to improve the political quality of answering questions Enter reading mode

Interview skills: how to improve the political quality of answering questions Enter reading mode Add in Wechat Click me to consult

2024-06-21 10:21:27 | Source: Secondary public education Cheng Kejian

After entering the interview, how should the examinee prepare for the exam to reflect the height of the answer in the interview and obtain high scores? The key is to improve political literacy and gain the favor of examiners.

First, focus on current political hot spots. Many examinees have already understood in the written examination that preparing for the exam must accumulate hot political knowledge, but they often just browse the news, which is difficult to adhere to and only understand the fur, and cannot be reflected in the interview answer. Candidates need to be clear and pay attention to current political hot spots. The key is not to remember the news event itself, but to understand the official statement after the event, feel the concept of our government, people first, life first, and improve the level of political literacy imperceptibly. Candidates can learn about hot political news through WeChat official accounts such as Xinhuanet, News 1+1 and official microblog.

The second is active learning. On the one hand, it is to learn the new thoughts of General Secretary Xi Jinping on governance. It mainly includes the Chinese Dream, the rule of law, building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way, and rural revitalization. Recommend books such as Xi Jinping's Thirty Lectures on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, and Xi Jinping's Outline for Learning Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era; On the other hand, we should learn some important speech spirit, especially the speech of General Secretary Xi Jinping to young people and leading cadres; Third, we should learn about current political hot spots, especially political hot spots. Learn more about hot topics through websites and APPs such as People's Daily, People's Daily and Learning Power. Ways to improve logic.

Third, recite classic quotations. If you want to improve your political literacy, you should take the third step and recite more classic quotations. A good quotation cannot be read only once. Only by reciting it thoroughly and understanding its meaning can it be used freely in the formal answer. If the source is understood, the meaning can be better used in the answer, and the height of the answer can be really improved.

In order to truly reflect a strong political literacy in the interview, in addition to supplementing the content of these aspects, it is more important to strengthen the practice in combination with the corresponding topics to achieve the effect of flexible use and mastery.


(Editor in charge: liqian)

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