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How to Answer the Opinion Questions of Public Examination Interview with High Quality Enter reading mode

How to Answer the Opinion Questions of Public Examination Interview with High Quality Enter reading mode Add in Wechat Click me to consult

2024-06-21 10:12:45 | Source: Secondary public education Cai Li

For opinion questions, candidates are asked to "love and hate" in the public examination interview questions. "Love" is because there are opinions in the question stem and the direction of the answer. "Hate" is because it is easy to grasp the essence of the contradiction of views, and it is difficult to answer high-quality questions. If you want to answer well and make a brilliant answer, please continue to look down:

1. Review the topic clearly and clarify the point of view: When answering opinion questions, first of all, we should have a deep understanding and analysis of the topic, and clarify the core ideas and main discussion content required by the topic. On this basis, quickly form their own clear point of view, and discuss around this point of view.

2. Clear logic and organization: When expressing opinions, pay attention to clear logic and organization. Logical words such as "first, second, and last" can be used to organize the answers to make the content more hierarchical. At the same time, it is necessary to avoid logic confusion or self contradiction.

3. Enrich the content with examples: In order to make the viewpoint more convincing, it can be discussed in combination with specific examples or cases. These examples can be personal experiences, or social hot events or typical cases. Through the introduction of examples, it can make the views more vivid, specific, and more likely to resonate with the examiners.

4. Thorough analysis and comprehensive discussion: When answering questions about opinions, we should analyze and discuss the opinions in depth. We should not only elaborate our own views, but also explain and explain them to show their rationality and feasibility. At the same time, it is also necessary to consider the possible limitations or shortcomings of the point of view, and give corresponding solutions or improvement measures.

For example, a city has sufficient resources for the development of ancient towns and plans to develop tourism economy. In the early planning, some people think that it is more important for the government to strengthen management and strictly control; Others believe that it is more important to give play to the role of the market and let businesses take the initiative. What do you think of these two strategies?

[Key points for answering questions]

1、 Show your point of view. Government management and market play an important role in the development of tourism economy. They complement and promote each other.

2、 Respectively analyze question stem opinions.

1. Analyze the importance of strengthening government management. The government plays an important role in the development of tourism economy. The government's management ability and management level will affect the development of the entire tourism market. The strictness of government management determines the quality and safety of tourists' experience, and also relates to tourists' evaluation and reputation of the ancient town. At the same time, the strictness of government management can also curb the bad behavior of individual businesses, protect the legitimate rights and interests of tourists, and maintain the order of the tourism market.

2. Analyze the importance of playing a market role. The market role is an important force to promote the development of tourism economy. It can stimulate the enthusiasm and innovation of businesses, promote businesses to improve service quality, and improve tourists' satisfaction and consumption experience. The market role can also promote benign competition among enterprises, improve the overall competitiveness of the ancient town tourism industry, and promote the healthy development of the tourism market.

3、 Put forward measures and suggestions. In the development of tourism economy, both government management and market role are very important. We should do a good job in cooperation, rather than simply focusing on one aspect. Specifically, I think the following measures should be taken:

1. The government strengthens management. In the development of tourism economy, the government should strengthen the management of ancient towns, strictly standardize the management regulations, and ensure the safety and quality of tourists. The government should also strengthen the supervision of businesses, curb the bad behavior of some businesses, and maintain the order of the tourism market.

2. Support market development. The role of the market is also very important. The government should create a good business environment, so that businesses have more incentive to innovate and improve service quality to attract more tourists. The government can also introduce some preferential policies, such as reducing taxes and fees, low interest loans, etc. Encourage enterprises to invest in construction and promote the healthy development of the tourism market.

3. Establish cooperation mechanism. The government and businesses need to establish a cooperation mechanism to promote the development of tourism economy through joint cooperation. The government can strengthen the training and guidance for businesses, help businesses improve their service level and management ability, and improve the quality of ancient town tourism.


(Editor in charge: liqian)

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