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Interview skill: how to say goodbye to "routine" when answering interpersonal questions Enter reading mode

Interview skill: how to say goodbye to "routine" when answering interpersonal questions Enter reading mode Add in Wechat Click me to consult

2024-05-23 08:54:16 | Source: Secondary public education

In the interview and examination, the frequency of interpersonal questions is relatively high, but some students attach much less importance to the preparation of interpersonal questions than comprehensive analysis, planning and organization and other types of questions. They think that interpersonal questions are relatively simple, nothing more than communication, improving ability and other solutions. However, if they do not think carefully and grasp the essence of the problem, the answers appear routine, It is not only bad for solving interpersonal problems, but also has an impact on your interview scores.

[Example display]

You are a newcomer to the company. You are enthusiastic about your work and have great ideas about your work. When participating in the discussion of the working group, your opinions are always rejected, but the results show that your opinions are very useful. The leader always arranges you to do some unimportant things, for which you feel very distressed. What should you do about it?

[Zhonggong Analysis]

In combination with the above questions, the first point is that some student associations habitually believe that if the opinions are not adopted, it is not good communication. So in the solution, we talked about "on the one hand, we need to read a lot of professional books and literature related to work; on the other hand, we need to practice language expression skills. We can learn excellent expression methods by watching debates and other videos to further improve our expression and communication skills." Second, leaders arrange unimportant things, It is stated that "we should cultivate our craftsman spirit. Regardless of the difficulty of the task, we should be serious, rigorous, complete with quality and quantity guaranteed, and really make great efforts in precision, detail and practicality."

It seems that the answers are rich, but they do not fundamentally solve the problem. Therefore, in order to avoid routinization, the solution to the problem should be targeted:

1. For example, if the suggestions put forward are not accepted, and the identity given by the question stem is a new employee of the unit, then in essence, the work is very enthusiastic, which really shows that the work attitude is good, but it is likely that the suggestions put forward are not operational, so when proposing solutions, It can be "you can listen to the suggestions of your old colleagues before putting forward suggestions, and the old colleagues can give advice or repeatedly practice and demonstrate before putting forward suggestions to see whether you can operate; you should also pay attention to the accumulation and summary of experience in daily life, so that you can better understand the business of the unit, so as to put forward targeted suggestions;

2. For example, the leader arranges you to do some unimportant things, which makes you more distressed. The essence of the problem may be that your mind is not correct or you do not correctly understand the leader's intention. Therefore, in the solution, it can be said that we should take a correct view. The work of the organs and units seems to be small, but in fact it is a major event related to people's livelihood. Therefore, there is no insignificant thing, and we should take it seriously; Or, to correctly understand the leader's intention and arrange for me is also because I am a new person who wants to exercise my ability and let me accumulate experience in basic work.

Therefore, in order to get rid of routinization in answering interpersonal questions, the key is to analyze the nature of the problem and find a targeted solution.


(Editor in charge: zs)

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