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Interview hotspot: vigorously promote the construction of modern industrial system and accelerate the development of new quality productivity Enter reading mode

Interview hotspot: vigorously promote the construction of modern industrial system and accelerate the development of new quality productivity Enter reading mode Add in Wechat Click me to consult

2024-04-08 09:02:16 | Source: Secondary public education Zhao Yan
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In the afternoon of March 5, General Secretary Xi Jinping, when attending the deliberation of the Jiangsu delegation at the second session of the 14th National People's Congress, stressed that we should firmly grasp the primary task of high-quality development and develop new quality productivity in line with local conditions.

The government work report of this year's NPC and CPPCC listed "vigorously promoting the construction of modern industrial system and accelerating the development of new quality productivity" as the top task of the government in 2024.

New quality productivity has become a hot word in the National Two Sessions. From a new starting point, what aspects should relevant industries promote the development of new quality productivity?

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The government work report of the 2024 NPC and CPPCC listed "vigorously promoting the construction of modern industrial system and accelerating the development of new quality productivity" as the top task of the government in 2024. From a new starting point, what aspects should relevant industries promote the development of new quality productivity?

[Zhonggong Resolution]

1. Explain the essence of new quality productivity.

When attending the deliberation of the Jiangsu delegation at the second session of the 14th National People's Congress, General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that we should firmly grasp the primary task of high-quality development and develop new quality productivity according to local conditions. The new quality productivity is an advanced productivity quality characterized by high technology, high efficiency, high quality, and in line with the new development concept. Green is the background of the new development concept, and the essence of new quality productivity is green productivity.

2. Describe the development status of new quality productivity.

In recent years, all parts of the country have strengthened their confidence, risen to the difficulties, optimized the industrial structure, planted thick soil for development, and laid a solid green foundation for the development of new quality productivity. The green and low-carbon development of the steel industry in Guangdong Province has made new breakthroughs, reducing carbon dioxide emissions by more than 500000 tons annually; Tianjin has built a green and innovative industrial park and cultivated more than 1000 high-tech enterprises in the green and low-carbon fields; Shanxi has built the country's first "zero carbon demonstration village in China".

Today, the ability of scientific and technological innovation continues to improve, new industries, new models and new driving forces are growing faster, and the endogenous driving force for development is accumulating. All these have injected lasting impetus into the modernization of accelerating the formation of more new quality productivity and promoting the harmonious coexistence of man and nature.

3. From a new starting point, what aspects should relevant industries promote the development of new quality productivity?

(1) Increase support for intelligent manufacturing. Support scientific research institutes and enterprises to break through the innovation and integration of key technologies such as digitalization, artificial intelligence and intelligent equipment, promote the R&D and industrialization of key products such as industrial robots, industrial software and intelligent manufacturing equipment, form an independent, controllable, advanced and applicable general intelligent manufacturing system solution, and focus on the national intelligent manufacturing strategy and dual carbon strategy, Support leading enterprises in various industries, take the lead in developing and forming industrial solutions that can be applied on a large scale in the industry and put them into practice, and empower and popularize upstream and downstream enterprises in the industrial chain through policy subsidies or innovative business models.

(2) Strengthen the transformation and upgrading of advantageous basic industries, accelerate the innovation of green science and technology and the promotion and application of advanced green technology, strengthen the green manufacturing industry, develop the green service industry, expand the green energy industry, develop green low-carbon industries and supply chains, build a green low-carbon circular economy system, and transform the advantages of basic industries into new national competitive advantages.

(3) Firmly establish and practice the idea that green water and green mountains are golden mountains and silver mountains, and unswervingly follow the path of ecological priority and green development. For example, building a green material ecosystem, formulating and releasing national standards for the application of green materials, improving and building a green material standard system, covering all links such as material preparation, product certification, green application, testing and acceptance, further developing and releasing mandatory policies for the application of green materials, and establishing professional institutions for the testing, evaluation, and certification of green materials, Stimulate new momentum of green transformation.


(Editor in charge: zs)

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