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Do you still rely on your sense of language to fill in the blanks in the line test? Enter reading mode

Do you still rely on your sense of language to fill in the blanks in the line test? Enter reading mode Add in Wechat Click me to consult

2024-03-28 08:43:13 | Source: Secondary public education Liu Huifen

In the travel test, the word selection part has always been a headache for our students, and even some students rely on "masking" to choose the words that are pleasing to the eye, and call it language sense. However, "the sixth sense" is not always effective. It is not a long-term solution to solve problems by language sense after all. The most important thing is to carry out context analysis, find clues according to the inter sentence relationship of the context, and prescribe the right medicine. The following is a topic for public education to tell you how to "suit the remedy to the case".

[Example] Balancing the relationship between feelings and innovative adaptation can make classic music radiate the charm of ________. We also hope that in addition to the ________ classics, the songs in our memory will also include new tracks that are constantly emerging.

The most appropriate item to fill in the underlined part is:

A. Endless listening

B. Be famous all the time

C. As time goes by, you will be familiar with it

D. Be fresh and welcome

[Chinese public resolution] C. First of all, there is a word "Shi" in front of the first blank, which indicates that there is a causal relationship between the two sentences. The above is the relationship between good feelings and innovation, which means that the air should reflect good feelings and innovation, that is, old and new. Corresponding to the option, item A is enduring, which means that after a long time, it still remains vigorous. This word can only reflect a relatively long time, which means old, but has nothing to do with new. Item B is endless, which means continuous growth and reproduction. If it is inconsistent with the meaning of the passage, it shall be excluded. Item C is more fresh and valuable after a long time. It just reflects the meaning of "old" and "new". retain. Item D is refreshing, which means that it focuses on the generation of new feelings, and does not conform to the meaning of the main sentence of the question. In memory, the second empty space is opposite to the meaning of "birth" in the following text, and this empty space should reflect the classic characteristics: it exists in memory for a long time. While item C is familiar, it means that if you listen more and can repeat it clearly, it can just reflect the classic characteristics and conform to the sentence meaning. The answer is to lock item C. Second, item A, "Never get tired of listening", is to describe music or songs that are pleasant to listen to, so that people will not be tired of listening many times, which does not reflect the characteristics in memory. Item B "Popular" means that good things are praised and praised by people, which obviously does not conform to the meaning of the sentence. D refers to liking to see and listen, which does not reflect the characteristics of the classic for a long time, does not conform to the meaning of the sentence, and is excluded. Therefore, item C is locked. So the answer to this question is C.

Through the above analysis and explanation, we will find that the word selection is not a "monster". For each blank filled in, the answer is in the text. Combined with the context analysis of the air, and according to the prompt information, find the meaning of the air, and grasp the word selection is actually so simple. It is hoped that the majority of examinees will accumulate more in their usual practice and abandon the way of selecting words only by "Meng" as soon as possible.


(Editor in charge: zs)

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