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The key to sprint in the week before the 2024 multi provincial joint examination Enter reading mode

The key to sprint in the week before the 2024 multi provincial joint examination Enter reading mode Add in Wechat Click me to consult

2024-03-08 08:50:57 | Source: Secondary public education Guan Lingyi

The week before the exam is a critical period for the sprint of the travel test. In this period, the key point of the examinee's learning is not how much new knowledge to master, but to find the best answer strategy by adjusting the answer order and time allocation under the existing knowledge reserve, so that they can get higher scores in a limited time. Zhonggong Education summarized the methods and precautions for the examinees to explore the answer strategies, hoping to help everyone!

1、 Find the most suitable answer strategy through the limited time model test

One week before the exam, the model test should be conducted at least 4-5 times with full simulation. The first three times of model test can try different answer sequences, and the last 1-2 times can be consolidated or fine tuned. Each person is good at different parts, and the order of answer will also be different, but the overall principle of answer is unchanged, that is Those who are good at and have a high accuracy rate answer first, and those who are not good at and have a low accuracy rate answer later

Suggestions: 1. First make verbal understanding, and then make common sense judgments. Because although speech understanding is not simple, it will not be like mathematics. We always have the most basic understanding ability. At the same time, the reading volume of the speech topic is large, and if it is put in the back, it is easy to fail to answer the paper because of nervousness. In the last 10 minutes of the exam, the examinee will be nervous. At this time, answering other questions will affect the accuracy. Common sense judgment tests the accumulation of knowledge, and the question stem is short. It will be yes or no, and it is more appropriate to put the final answer.

2. Fragment reading and logical judgment shall be done separately. Although these two parts belong to arts, there are great differences in thinking. Segment reading requires analysis and understanding of the author's intention, and requires a certain reading comprehension ability. Logical judgment is more based on the known conditions of the question stem, and uses logical reasoning ability for analysis, requiring no additional subjective judgment. These two types of questions must be done separately, or they will cause confusion.

3. Try not to put the data analysis too far behind. Data analysis requires examinees to calmly work on the questions, find the right data, recall the formula, and make accurate calculations. Once put behind, in a hurry, the accuracy will be affected.

4. Graphical reasoning and analogical reasoning can also be done at the front. (The premise is that you can control your emotions). In fact, graphical reasoning and analogical reasoning are very affected by the state of different periods of time, so they can also be done in the front position without any tangle. When you are tired of doing other topics, look back at the figures and analogies that have not been done, and you may see the answer at a glance. Of course, this strategy requires the examinee to have a good attitude, otherwise, the test will be hit hard, and it is easy to affect the mood of answering questions.

5. The quantity relationship cannot be abandoned when 70 is considered in the test. In fact, the quantitative relationship can be matched by two or three options. But choose some simple questions to do. If you can do half of them correctly, and then get 1-2 correct questions, the correct rate is about 60%.

2、 Take precautions against mistakes by reviewing wrong topics

In the final stage, the model test is actually to find the best answer strategy and maintain the feel of doing the test. It does not require additional learning of new knowledge points, but it is necessary to often review the wrong questions, find out the missing and fill in the gaps, and guard against the creeping errors.

Finally, CUHK hopes that all the examinees can achieve their wishes and win the gold medal!


(Editor in charge: zll)

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