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How to be more logical in 2024 provincial examination interview questions Enter reading mode

How to be more logical in 2024 provincial examination interview questions Enter reading mode Add in Wechat Click me to consult

2024-01-31 08:48:05 | Source: Secondary public education Wen Hao

In the interview process, how to keep the logic of answering questions clear in a short time is a very important skill. An organized answer can not only show your way of thinking and ability to solve problems, but also leave a deep impression on the interviewer. In this article, CUHK Education introduces some methods to help you keep your logic clear when answering questions in the interview.

1. Understand the problem

The topic discussion is the basis for demonstrating the ability to execute the orders of superior leaders. Before answering questions, first make sure you fully understand the questions you need to answer. In the situation of listening to questions, if there is any ambiguity about the question, you can appropriately ask the interviewer to ensure correct understanding, and then it is the same as the question reading mode. Only by combing and grasping the question method, core questions, and key information in the question stem can you give accurate and targeted answers.

2. Build a framework

Before answering questions, you can build a framework to organize your thoughts and ensure that the logic of the answer is clear. This framework can include several main aspects or key points, and the specific framework structure can be determined according to the characteristics of the problem.

For example, if the interviewer asks you, how do you view a phenomenon? You can build a framework, including the overall evaluation of the phenomenon, the causes of the phenomenon, the impact and the corresponding suggestions. Such a framework can help you to keep clear, logical and rigorous when answering questions.

3. Step by step

When answering questions, answer them step by step according to the framework of self sorting, sort out the corresponding internal links of the answer content, and carry on from beginning to end. This can help the interviewer better understand your thinking process, attract the attention of the interviewer, and better show your logical ability.

4. Be good at using conjunctions

When answering questions, use some conjunctions to make the whole answer more coherent. For example, you can use words such as "first", "second", and "last" to guide the order of answers, or words such as "on the one hand", "on the other hand", and "in addition" to sort out the level of juxtaposition to help the interviewer better understand your answers.

5. Example support

In order to better explain and support your own views, you can use some specific examples to illustrate and support your own logic. Give examples to make your answers more specific and powerful, help the interviewer better understand your way of thinking, and reflect whether your ability is suitable for the post.

For example, if the interviewer asks you how to understand General Secretary Xi Jinping's emphasis on "no ambition, nothing can be achieved in the world." You can first explain the meaning of this sentence, and then expand in detail why we should aspire, which is why Comrade Xi Jinping emphasized this sentence. By citing an example of ambition, such as Grandpa Yuan Longping's dream of enjoying the cool under the grass, the importance of ambition is further demonstrated by finally making Chinese people's bowls filled with Chinese food. Finally, talk about how to fulfill the requirements of the General Secretary and complete the answer to this question.

To sum up, clear logic is an essential ability in the interview process. By understanding the problem, building a framework, gradually advancing, supported by connectives and examples, you can clearly show your way of thinking and problem-solving ability in the interview.


(Editor in charge: zs)

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