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Use the first insight to win an interview Enter reading mode

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2024-01-30 08:58:15 | Source: Secondary public education Li Shuang

In the civil servant interview, comprehensive analysis questions have always been the top priority of the survey. However, it is difficult to answer the comprehensive analysis questions as a whole. First, the timeliness is strong, and there are many hot topics; The second is multi-dimensional. In addition to general social phenomena, it also involves the understanding of philosophy, views, quotes, policies, ideas and other contents. How to get the first chance and win the favor of the examiners through a "beautiful" beginning in the exam becomes the key step to success. Today's public education takes the famous aphorism topic in the comprehensive analysis topic as an example to share with you five methods of comprehensive analysis of the first statement of famous aphorism topic.

[Example display]

General Secretary Xi Jinping once said that happiness comes from struggle. As a young man, what's your opinion?

[Zhonggong Skill]

1、 The core topic started steadily

Struggle refers to working hard to achieve a certain goal, overcoming various difficulties and coping with various pressures in the process. General Secretary Xi's words are just the earnest teachings for the people of all ethnic groups to start their own businesses.

2、 Examples of the same kind show the vision

The atomic bomb and hydrogen bomb have become an important guarantee of national security, which cannot be separated from the hard work of scientists with two bombs and one star, such as Qian Xuesen and Peng Huanwu. The great achievement of reducing the number of people out of poverty from 98.99 million in 2012 to 5.51 million by the end of 2019 cannot be separated from the hard work of poverty alleviation cadres, such as Huang Wenxiu. Struggle is the basis for achieving our career, and we must resolutely practice it in our work and life.

3、 Experience empathy

What is happiness? Happiness is the reward we get after suffering, and happiness is the rainbow we get after suffering. Never tasted the bitter taste of balsam pear, how can you know the sweetness of candy? Happiness is just a struggle step by step.

4、 Introduction of famous words with high insight

"The nine tiered platform starts from the accumulation of soil." In the new era, we must turn the grand blueprint of building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way and building a modern socialist country into reality. As young people, we must not indulge in fantasy, not concentrate on empty voices, step by step, and do every job well on the ground.

5、 See depth for background import

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, every livelihood project has created conditions for hard work while improving the sense of gain of the masses. To achieve relatively full employment and let workers do their best; Cure the chronic disease of salary delay and arrears, and eliminate the worries of migrant workers; We will improve the vocational education and training system and provide diverse paths for young people to become talents... We have achieved practical results in all aspects, such as learning, working, medical care, and housing. This is the result of our continuous efforts. As the beneficiaries and participants of development, we should stick to the original intention and keep forging ahead.


(Editor in charge: zs)

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