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2024 316 Provincial Examination and Test Science Preparation Plan Enter reading mode

2024 316 Provincial Examination and Test Science Preparation Plan Enter reading mode Add in Wechat Click me to consult

2024-01-08 14:45:15 | Source: Secondary public education Huang Yan

The written examination of the 2024 Provincial Joint Examination was held on March 16. At present, it is only more than two months away from the examination. As we all know, the civil service examination is difficult and competitive. To stand out, candidates must make reasonable arrangements for preparing for the examination in limited time, and rapid improvement of ability becomes the top priority. Zhonggong Education has tailored a set of detailed and reasonable test preparation plans for the examinees to help them take the public examination.

1、 Knowledge reserve stage

1. Understand the examination content and form of the travel test subject, and understand the examination purpose and key points of the five special subjects of the travel test subject: common sense judgment, speech understanding and expression, judgment reasoning, quantitative relationship, and data analysis;

2. Develop a reasonable test preparation plan for your strengths and weaknesses.

(1) Read books. The travel test books systematically sorted out the core test points of travel test and summarized the problem-solving skills of various types of questions. Through learning, examinees can have a more detailed understanding and grasp of travel test subjects, laying a solid foundation for future sprints. Candidates can allocate about 2-5 days for each module to study according to their own ability characteristics.

(2) Making test questions: the test questions directly reflect the ideas and intentions of the author, so after systematic learning of the teaching materials, you can select 1-2 sets of test questions for unlimited practice, focusing on getting familiar with the way and thinking of the test questions.

(3) Multi simulation: After being familiar with the exam form, candidates should do more simulation questions and conduct the simulation test strictly according to the exam time. Consolidate the core examination points that have been learned, and apply the quick solution skills to the actual combat, so as to finally achieve mastery and ease of use.

Finally, complete a complete set of line test paper to check the extent of your knowledge. What weaknesses still exist, formulate learning objectives for the next stage in a targeted manner, and strive to strengthen and improve these weaknesses in the second stage.

2、 Consolidation and improvement stage

(1) Special teaching materials+question bank - the killer of personal weakness.

Through the first stage of learning and training, young partners should have their own ability level positioned. According to the problems encountered in the course of learning the teaching materials and the wrong questions in the simulated test questions, identify the weak points, and carry out special exercises at the beginning of the second stage. The existence of shortcomings means that the examinee has not mastered the relevant parts systematically and deeply, so he should first choose special textbooks for learning, improve the knowledge system with gaps, and establish a systematic knowledge network. Then, the learning achievements are tested through the special question bank until the weaknesses are improved.

Special exercises are more targeted, and extensive review is avoided to save time. Young partners must pay attention to that when encountering difficulties and difficulties, they must return to basic knowledge in time to remedy the deficiencies.

(2) Test questions+simulation, practical improvement.

This stage mainly focuses on doing a lot of test questions and simulation questions, and carries out practical drills to achieve the purpose of improving ability. In the practical stage, everyone should regard each model test as a real test, work on the test questions strictly according to the time specified in the test, and take each set of test questions and simulation questions seriously. In particular, the wrong questions need to be carefully summarized and analyzed by the examinees. It is clear that it is not enough to grasp the knowledge points, or because there are problems in the examination, fill in the gaps and adjust the method of doing the test questions in time.

In this process, we should consciously practice problem-solving skills, transform knowledge into ability, carefully analyze and summarize, and gradually find out the appropriate answer sequence to improve the efficiency of the answer.

3、 Adjust the sprint phase

The last five days are the period for the examinee to adjust his/her state and make a final dash. CUHK suggests that the examinee should not do a lot of simulation questions to avoid anxiety caused by poor answer state. Just choose the test questions of the past three years for practice. In the process of doing questions, examinees should develop a good habit of doing questions, first easy then difficult, first strong then weak, learn to give up appropriately, and not waste time on weak. After finishing the questions, carefully study the answer analysis to see if there is still something to be consolidated, and at the same time, read the key and difficult points, error prone questions, etc. summarized by yourself.

One day before the test, it is not recommended to do the test again. Instead, we should relax, relieve the excessive tension, and prepare the necessary items for the test room, such as printing the admission card, preparing the ID card, watch (not electronic), 2B pencil, eraser, pencil sharpener, black signature pen, etc. In addition, candidates should check the route of the examination room in advance, and those who have conditions can go to get familiar with the environment of the examination room. Go to sleep as soon as possible, and greet the exam with full spirit. You should leave early for the exam room on the day of the exam to avoid being late in case of emergencies.


(Editor in charge: zll)

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