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Interview skills: how to arrange the planning and establishment work Enter reading mode

Interview skills: how to arrange the planning and establishment work Enter reading mode Add in Wechat Click me to consult

2023-12-26 08:59:29 | Source: Secondary public education Ma Jing

[Example] There are more than 500 people over 60 years old in this community, and people generally complain that it is inconvenient to buy vegetables and cook. In order to facilitate the elderly to have meals and ensure their "food", the community plans to build a canteen for the elderly for pilot. How will you carry out this work?

[Key points for answering questions]

The work of building a community canteen for the elderly can be carried out according to the following steps:

1. Research needs: First, we should understand the dining needs and preferences of the elderly in the community, which can be investigated through questionnaires, symposiums and other ways. Learn about the elderly's taste preferences, diet taboos, food allergies and other information to provide basis for the design of the canteen menu.

2. Preparation of budget: according to the research results, estimate the expenditure of the canteen and determine the funding source of the canteen. Various ways such as community self financing, government support and social donation can be considered.

3. Determine the site and equipment: selecting the appropriate site and equipment is the key to the construction of the canteen. The site should be accessible to the elderly, well ventilated and clean. The equipment includes kitchen equipment, table chairs, tableware, kitchenware, etc.

4. Recruiters: The canteen needs professional chefs and service personnel, who can be found through newspaper recruitment, community recruitment and other ways.

5. Menu design: according to the needs and preferences of the elderly, design a nutrition menu suitable for the elderly, pay attention to controlling the amount of salt, soy sauce and vinegar, and ensure that the food is nutritious and delicious.

6. Promotion: After the canteen is completed, it needs to be actively promoted to let the elderly know the existence and service content of the canteen. It can be promoted through community announcements, clubs for the elderly, etc.

7. Safety assurance: food hygiene and food safety are very important, and relevant management systems need to be developed to ensure food safety and service quality, and regular inspection and evaluation should be carried out.

The above are the basic steps for the construction of the elderly canteen, which can be properly adjusted and improved according to the actual situation, and a good service system can be established to provide better living security for the elderly in the community.

[Summary of ideas]

1、 Clarify work purpose (principle and significance)

You can start with the role, the activity itself, and the reality.

2、 Elaboration of work priorities

1. Carry out research and evaluation: on the one hand, it is to obtain successful methods and skills, and summarize past problems, reasons for failure, remedial measures, etc; On the other hand, it is to understand the current situation and the needs and demands of relevant stakeholders.

2. Arrange site facilities: hardware facilities, such as address, tools used in the construction process.

3. Clarify operation management: arrange personnel, including management personnel, general staff, professional technicians, etc., and arrange personnel for general preparatory work such as recruitment and training; Establish systems and formulate corresponding rules and regulations according to the types of projects planned to be established to guide the work of each department and staff behavior; Negotiation operation. In the process of planning and establishment, as an organizer or participant, candidates should coordinate the overall development of the project, that is, the way and specific operation process of the organization's personnel and property.

4. Improve and promote: conduct acceptance test and solve possible problems; The completed projects need to be publicized in a reasonable way to make the service objects understand their existence, so as to provide better services in a wider range.


(Editor in charge: Liu)

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