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The highlight of the joint examination on February 25, 2023: start with "small incision" and write a "big article" on grassroots governance Enter reading mode

The highlight of the joint examination on February 25, 2023: start with "small incision" and write a "big article" on grassroots governance Enter reading mode Add in Wechat Click me to consult

2023-02-25 20:39:59 | Source: Secondary public education

The strong wind knows the strong grass, and the real gold is tested. In 2023, the multi provincial joint examination will end in a tense and orderly manner. On the way to prepare for the exam, the examinees always adhere to the principle of seeking the right thing, doing the right thing, taking the right path, and always adhere to self-respect, self alarm, self-examination, self encouragement, and good beginning and good end. In preparing for the examination, CUHK Education has always adhered to the government's concept of employment, and paid full attention to the all-round improvement of candidates' political literacy, legal literacy, professional literacy, etc., to help the public examination. In view of the latest examination questions, CUHK Education made a brief analysis for reference.

According to the examinee's recollection, the theme of this exam was "grassroots governance". General Secretary Xi Jinping proposed in the report to the Twentieth National Congress of the Communist Party of China that "improve the social governance system, and improve the social governance system of co construction, co governance and sharing" and "build a community of social governance in which everyone is responsible, responsible and enjoyed". This time, the examinees need to have a clear understanding of grassroots social governance and the social governance system of co construction, co governance and sharing, and the determination and confidence of the government to comprehensively improve the effectiveness of grassroots governance from the perspective of detail, from the small point of view, and from the practical aspects. What's more, they need to understand that the country advocates young cadres to take root at the grassroots level, and aspire to be idealistic, responsible, able to bear hardships The hope of good young people who are willing to struggle in the new era.

(1) From the perspective of theme selection: focus on "grassroots governance" to activate the "nerve endings" of public services

Grass roots governance is not only the "last mile" of national governance, but also the "nerve endings" of the people's perception of the quality, efficiency and temperature of public services. To do a good job in grass-roots governance in the new era, we should focus on the details, start from the small, and make efforts from the real. As a grass-roots government department, we should support new farmers to take root in the countryside; We should make full use of digital management to help the transformation and upgrading of rural economy; We should give full play to the exemplary role of Party members, mobilize the masses to participate in grass-roots governance, and form a new governance pattern of joint construction, joint governance and sharing; We should give full play to the spirit of young cadres' responsibility, take the initiative to take root at the grass-roots level, learn from the masses, and improve their skills, so as to fully activate the "nerve endings" of public services. We believe that all the upward prosperity comes from the downward rooted strength.

(2) From the perspective of material composition: from new farmers' work to rural butterfly change, from the traditional governance model to the new pattern of co construction and co governance with the help of new science and technology, an all-round three-dimensional display

Grass roots are the best "classroom" and the thickest "fertile soil" for young people to grow up. Going to grass roots for training is the need for young people to grow and become talents. From new farmers breaking down barriers to work to the rise of the reputation of terraced fields; The formation of a new model from traditional governance to digital governance; From the gathering of young people in big cities to the diversion of young people taking root at the grass-roots level, the grass-roots society is undergoing revolutionary evolution in the new era. As a young cadre in the new era, we should go deep into the grass-roots level, get close to the masses, jump down, and strive to increase our knowledge, accumulate experience, and sharpen our talents in the hot practice of the new era and new journey, so as to lay a good foundation for growth and progress. As a grassroots cadre in the new era, we should explore digital empowerment, improve the informatization level of grassroots governance, and promote the transformation of grassroots governance to grassroots "wisdom". Examinees can analyze the government's position and attitude from what they advocate, oppose, praise and criticize in the materials, so as to draw conclusions or key points that are consistent with the government's thinking, social values and governance concepts and meet the internal requirements of the topic.


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(Editor in charge: Fan Fan)

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