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Lack of conditions for high score skills in 2018 Guangdong civil servant interview contingency questions Enter reading mode

Lack of conditions for high score skills in 2018 Guangdong civil servant interview contingency questions Enter reading mode

2018-02-23 14:17:12 | Source: Secondary public education Li Xuemei
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Contingency question is a common question type in the public service exam. The question of lack of conditions belongs to a small category of contingency questions, which also appears from time to time in the exam. Let's unveil the mystery of this kind of question. The lack of conditions simply means that we can not carry out a work smoothly due to the lack of some conditions (human, financial, material, etc.) in the process of carrying out a work. Zhonggong Education believes that the core of such problems is how to successfully complete the work in the process of missing conditions.

Example: "The leader asked you to organize a meeting. Ten minutes before the meeting, a very important expert had not arrived, and the leader and other participants had already entered. What would you do?"

[Zhonggong Analysis] This question is a typical type of lack of conditions, mainly the lack of experts. So if we want to answer such questions well, we should be able to grasp the core and make the work go smoothly. In the face of the failure of experts to arrive in time, the first thing we need to do is to contact experts in various ways. After contacting experts by phone, WeChat, SMS, etc., we may face several situations. One situation is that experts can arrive on time, then the meeting will proceed normally, another situation is that experts are late, and another situation is that experts cannot come, In particular, in the last two cases, we must report to the leaders and follow their arrangements. In the last two cases, we can respond as some scenarios by postponing the meeting, adjusting the order of the meeting, carrying out the meeting normally or canceling the meeting. Of course, we can also consider whether we can contact other experts to help ensure the normal progress of the meeting if the experts cannot arrive.

So through this question, we can easily see that when encountering the problem of missing conditions, we should not be too nervous when the problem occurs. We need to be able to stabilize the current situation and avoid chaos. Next, we need to make up for what is missing, and find what is missing. But if we can not complete the supplement in time, we should try to think of some alternatives, For example, when there is a lack of classrooms, in addition to trying to find a suitable classroom, we also need to immediately find other ways to stagger the time, or live broadcast to solve this problem, so it is to fill and replace. Finally, make a summary to prevent similar problems from happening again.

Zhonggong Education reminds examinees to first look for missing conditions, then seek solutions, and finally summarize when encountering such problems.

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(Editor in charge: mjcb_liqian)