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Announcement on Qualification Reexamination of Jiuquan Examination Area for Civil Servant Examination in Gansu Province in 2023 Enter reading mode

Announcement on Qualification Reexamination of Jiuquan Examination Area for Civil Servant Examination in Gansu Province in 2023 Enter reading mode Add in Wechat Click me to consult

2023-03-23 18:34:42 | Source: Western Pioneer

The written examination results of civil servants employed in the 2023 annual examination in Gansu Province have been announced, and the following notices are given on the matters needing attention in the qualification review.

1、 Determination principle

Candidates who apply for the same position shall be determined to enter the qualification review according to the ratio of 1:3 between the number of candidates to be recruited and the number of candidates to be reviewed according to the order of written examination scores from high to low. When the last candidate is in parallel, the parallel candidates shall enter the qualification review together.

2、 Time, place and form

From March 25 to March 29, 2023 (8:30-12:00 in the morning and 14:30-18:00 in the afternoon), in the lobby on the first floor of Renshe Building (west side of the municipal administrative service center), No. 26, Fukang Road, Suzhou District, Jiuquan City. This qualification review is conducted by means of on-site audit.

3、 Review materials

1. All qualification reexamination personnel must provide the original and copy of valid resident ID card, graduation card, degree card and other materials and the "electronic registration and filing form of academic information" verified and printed by Xuexin Network in accordance with the requirements of the Recruitment Announcement.

2. College graduates in 2021 and 2022 who apply for the position of new college graduates must provide Employment unit not indicated The original and photocopy of the job selection notice or employment registration certificate of, and sign the letter of commitment for not being employed; In 2023, college graduates who have not yet obtained their graduation certificates or degree certificates must provide any one of the employment recommendation forms, employment agreements or certification materials (including the examinee's name, gender, ID card number, major, enrollment time, educational system, educational level and other information) stamped by their colleges and universities.

3. On the job candidates must provide the consent certificate issued by their unit and the competent human resources department, and the resigning personnel must provide the relevant resignation certificate.

4. If the position conditions require that a member of the Communist Party of China be a member of the Communist Party of China, the identity certificate of the party member issued by the party branch where the party organization is affiliated must be provided.

5. If the position conditions require obtaining a legal professional qualification certificate or other relevant certificates, the original and copy of the certificate or valid transcript must be provided, and the transcript must be sealed and confirmed by the relevant department issuing the certificate.

6. The position conditions require that the examinee who is limited to the registered permanent residence should provide the original of the registered permanent residence and the copy of the page containing the householder and himself/herself.

7. If the position requirements are limited to the number of local public officials, the certificate of public officials in the number of public officials issued by the competent personnel department must be provided.

8. If the position conditions require "four projects" and "practical projects for people's livelihood", the certificate issued by the personnel department of the organization at or above the county level that the service has expired and passed the assessment, has not been enrolled and agrees to apply for the examination must be provided.

9. If the post conditions require "the secretary and director of the village party organization", the post holding document or election certificate, as well as the assessment grade in the past three years must be provided.

10. If the post conditions require college graduates to retire as soldiers, they must provide the original and photocopy of the Non commissioned Officer Retirement Certificate of the Chinese People's Liberation Army (or the Non commissioned Officer Retirement Certificate of the Chinese People's Armed Police Force) uniformly produced by the Ministry of National Defense.

11. If the major of the candidate is not included in the professional category required by the position or the name of the major is not completely the same as that required by the position, it must be certified by the graduate school of the candidate that the major of the candidate belongs to the professional category required by the position, or that although the name of the major of the candidate is different from that required by the position, the course is basically the same and belongs to the same major, The transcript of my courses is attached.

4、 Physical fitness evaluation

The physical fitness assessment for the people's police who have applied for the post and passed the qualification review is initially scheduled to be organized and implemented around April 8. If it cannot be carried out due to weather and other reasons, it will be postponed as the case may be. The specific time, place and precautions will be notified separately.

5、 Interview

The people's police post physical fitness assessment qualified personnel and other post qualification reexamination qualified personnel participate in the interview. One week before the interview, they log in the "Registration System" section of Gansu Organization and Work Network, and print their own Interview Notice. The interview will be organized and implemented before the end of April, and the specific time, place and precautions will be notified later.

6、 Other matters

1. Candidates must confirm that they meet the qualification conditions specified in the enrollment policy documents such as the Recruitment Announcement, Application Guide, and make all preparations for qualification review, and attend the qualification review at the designated place at the specified time, otherwise they will be deemed to have given up automatically.

2. The certificates and materials provided during qualification reexamination must be true, accurate and complete, and consistent with the application information filled in online application. Qualification review runs through the whole process of recruitment. If it is found that the applicants do not meet the qualification requirements in each link of recruitment, the recruitment procedure will be terminated.

3. During the on-site qualification examination, if there is a vacancy due to abandonment or disqualification in the reexamination, it can be filled in the written examination from the highest to the lowest among the applicants for the same position after being approved by the competent department of civil servants. If the last one of the replacement personnel has the same score, they will enter the qualification examination together.

4. The examinee must keep the application telephone unblocked and answer the telephone of the recruitment authority in a timely manner. If the recruitment authority is unable to contact the examinee in a timely manner due to personal reasons of the examinee, the relevant consequences shall be borne by the examinee.

Tel.: 0937-261755218893861237

enclosure: The list of qualification reexamination personnel for civil servants employed in the 2023 examination in Jiuquan City, Gansu Province. xlsx

Organization Department of CPC Jiuquan Municipal Committee

March 23, 2023

Original title: Announcement on the qualification reexamination of Jiuquan Examination Area for the staff of Gansu Province's examination and recruitment of government functionaries and management units referring to the Civil Servant Law in 2023


(Editor in charge: Ma Lijuan)

Statement: The copyright of the articles published on this website with the source marked as "Zhonggong Education" belongs to Zhonggong Education, and cannot be reproduced without permission.

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