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Notice on Matters Related to Review of Qualification of Civil Servants for Examination and Employment in Lanzhou City, Gansu Province in 2022 Enter reading mode

Notice on Matters Related to Review of Qualification of Civil Servants for Examination and Employment in Lanzhou City, Gansu Province in 2022 Enter reading mode Add in Wechat Click me to consult

The written examination results of civil servants employed in the 2022 annual examination in Lanzhou City have been announced. According to the provisions of the Announcement on the 2022 Annual Examination of Gansu Province to Employ Civil Servants and Staff Members of Administrative Units Referencing the Civil Servant Law, a total of 1134 candidates (see the annex) have entered the qualification review. The matters related to qualification review are hereby notified as follows:

1、 Time and method

The qualification review will take place from July 28 to July 30, 2022, and will be conducted online. Applicants who enter the qualification review will be invited to log in to the qualification review system at the specified time( )Submit relevant materials.

2、 Review materials

Applicants who participate in the qualification review shall upload their valid resident ID cards, admission cards, education (degree) certificates through the online review system, and also upload relevant qualification certificates or other supporting materials according to the requirements of job conditions.

1. If there are requirements for the political outlook, professional and technical qualifications or practicing qualifications, legal professional qualification certificates, foreign language proficiency, etc. for the position you are applying for, you need to upload the corresponding certification materials.

2. For those who are required to apply for the position for new graduates of colleges and universities, they need to upload the employment registration card; In 2022, graduates of ordinary colleges and universities who have not yet obtained a diploma (degree) certificate need to upload their student cards and the employment recommendation form or employment agreement issued by their school (referring to the college students who have signed a contract with the employer).

3. For those who apply for the position of "service grassroots project personnel" and "livelihood practical project personnel" in Gansu Province, they need to upload certification materials according to the relevant requirements of the Application Guide.

4. For those who are required to apply for the post as retired soldiers of college graduates who have served in the army for more than 5 years (inclusive), they need to upload the notice of enlistment or the certificate of enlistment and the certificate of retirement; For posts limited to the places of enlistment or student origin in Gansu, relevant certification materials of the places of enlistment or student origin shall be provided.

5. If the position requires grassroots work experience, it is required to upload the grassroots work experience certificate issued by the grassroots work unit. If the position requires grassroots work experience in enterprises or other economic and social organizations, it is required to provide labor contracts (employment agreements) and social security certificates.

6. If the requirements for applying for the position are limited to the household registration of Lanzhou City or the place of origin of students, the household register or other relevant supporting materials shall be provided.

7. On the job candidates need to provide the consent certificate issued by their unit and the competent human resources department, and the resigning personnel need to provide the relevant resignation certificate.

8. Those who have obtained foreign (overseas) educational background and academic degree shall provide educational background, degree certification materials and other relevant certification materials from the education department.

The original documents of the above certificates and materials required for position review must be scanned into jpg, png, bmp, jpeg and other formats before uploading.

3、 Other matters

1. The qualified personnel shall log in the qualification review system to print the Interview Notice before the interview, and the interview time will be notified separately. Any vacancy arising from the disqualification or abandonment of the qualification review of applicants shall be filled according to the written examination scores from high to low. The supplementary personnel shall be notified by the municipal examination and record office by telephone, and the deadline for the supplementary reexamination is 17:00 on August 2, 2022.

2. The qualification review must be uploaded by the candidate himself through the review system. The candidate who fails to participate in the qualification review within the time limit is deemed to have given up automatically.

3. The certificates and materials provided by applicants for qualification review must be authentic and valid. Those applicants who do not meet the requirements for qualification review, cannot provide the materials required for qualification review, or provide false information about the materials, will be disqualified for interview.

4. Candidates must keep the mobile phone number filled in during registration unblocked.

Relevant information about the follow-up process of civil servant recruitment in Lanzhou 2022 will be released on the Lanzhou platform of Gansu Party Construction and the WeChat public account of Lanzhou Zugong. Please pay attention in time. If you have any questions, you can directly consult the Lanzhou Examination and Admission Office (hotline: 0931-8153595).

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List of Civil Servants Recruited in the Examination of Lanzhou in 2022

Lanzhou Examination and Enrollment Leading Group Office

July 26, 2022

Original title: Notice on Matters Related to Review of Qualification of Civil Servants Employed in Lanzhou 2022 Annual Examination


(Editor in charge: Ma Lijuan)

Statement: The copyright of the articles published on this website with the source marked as "Zhonggong Education" belongs to Zhonggong Education, and cannot be reproduced without permission.

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