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Analysis on the data of 2025 national civil service examination -- similarities and differences between contribution rate and growth promotion Enter reading mode

Analysis on the data of 2025 national civil servant examination -- similarities and differences between contribution rate and growth promotion Enter reading mode Add in Wechat Click me to consult

2024-04-02 08:24:03 | Source: Secondary public education

There are many relatively low frequency knowledge points in the analysis of line survey data, but they may also appear, but many people will ignore these knowledge points, such as the concepts of contribution rate and pull... growth. Only after you master it can you open a gap with others. Next, public education will take you to look at these two test points.

1、 Contribution rate:

Contribution rate: also known as growth contribution rate, it generally refers to the role of growth of a certain part of the whole in the overall growth. When actually examined, it refers to the proportion of growth of a certain part of the whole in the overall growth. The total contribution rate of each part is equal to 1, and the contribution rate can be positive or negative, and may exceed 100%.

For example, in 2020, the construction area of real estate development enterprises nationwide will be 9267.59 million square meters, up 3.7% year on year, 0.5 percentage points higher than that from January to November, and 5.0 percentage points lower than that of the previous year. Among them, the residential construction area was 6555.58 million square meters, up 4.4% year on year. The newly started housing area was 2244.33 million square meters, down 1.2% year on year, 0.8 percentage points less than that from January to November. Among them, the newly started residential area was 1643.29 million square meters, down 1.9% year on year. The completed housing area was 912.18 million square meters, a year-on-year decrease of 4.9%, 2.4 percentage points lower than that from January to November.

In 2020, the contribution rate of residential construction area of national real estate development enterprises to the growth of housing construction area is about:

A.83.6% B.76.3% C.69.5% D.63.6%

2、 Drive growth:

Stimulating growth: an indicator used to analyze the extent to which the growth of a certain part drives the overall growth. Generally, it refers to the ratio of the growth of a certain part of the whole to the overall base period value, which is expressed as... percentage points of stimulating growth.

For example, from January to October 2019, the newly established foreign-invested enterprises in Shaanxi Province contracted to use foreign capital of 2.711 billion US dollars; The actually utilized foreign capital was 7.073 billion US dollars, up 80.02% year on year, including 3.746 billion US dollars of foreign direct investment.

From January to October, there were 78 newly established foreign-invested enterprises in Shaanxi Pilot Free Trade Zone, accounting for 37% of the total number of newly established foreign-invested enterprises in the province; The actually utilized foreign capital was 3.075 billion US dollars, up 4.73% year on year. There were 22 newly established foreign-invested enterprises in the state-level economic development zone, and the actually utilized foreign capital was 1.384 billion US dollars, up 176.53% year on year.

From January to October 2019, how many percentage points will the actual utilization of foreign capital in Shaanxi Province be driven by the actual utilization of foreign capital in Shaanxi Provincial National Economic Development Zone?

A.19.6 B.22.5 C.12.7 D.37.5

3、 Difference and connection between growth promotion and contribution rate:

1. Difference: Both formulas are presented in the form of fractions, and the numerator is part of the growth, but the denominator is different.

2. Connection: Both the growth promotion and contribution rate reflect the relationship between parts and the whole, and in actual examination, sometimes the growth promotion and contribution rate are used to calculate the overall growth rate.

For example, the GDP of 2018 was 90030.9 billion yuan, an increase of 6.6% over the previous year. The annual contribution of final consumption expenditure to GDP growth was 76.2%. The per capita GDP was 64644 yuan, an increase of 6.1% over the previous year. The gross national income was 89691.5 billion yuan, up 6.5% over the previous year.

The final consumption expenditure in 2018 will drive the GDP growth ()

A. 4 percentage points B.4% C. 5 percentage points D.5%

[Answer] C. It can be seen from the first paragraph that the annual GDP in 2018 increased by 6.6% over the previous year, and the contribution rate of the annual final consumption expenditure to the growth of GDP was 76.2%. According to the "driving growth=contribution rate × overall growth rate", the figure is 76.2% × 6.6% ≈ 76% × 6.6% ≈ 5%, that is, the annual final consumption expenditure in 2018 drove the growth of GDP by about 5 percentage points. Choose C item.

You need to keep in mind the formula of relevant concepts, and be able to accurately identify the type of questions in the exam and score steadily.


(Editor in charge: zs)

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