Shenzhen OCT International Travel Agency Co., Ltd Official website
 OCT OCT Travel Agency

Notice of Hualien Tourism

Taiwan Line Guide: Taiwan Island is mountainous, with mountains and hills accounting for more than two-thirds of the total area. Taiwan Mountains and the Northeast of Taiwan Island —— The southwest trend is parallel and lies vertically in the east of the central part of Taiwan Island, forming a land with many mountains in the east, hills in the middle and plains in the west Shape feature. Taiwan Island has five mountains, four plains and three basins, namely, the Central Mountains, the Snow Mountains, the Yushan Mountains, the Ali Mountains and the Taitung Mountains, the Yilan Plain, the Jianan Plain, the Pingtung Plain and the Taitung Longitudinal Valley Plain, the Taipei Basin, the Taichung Basin and the Puli Basin.

Best travel time in Taiwan: Taiwan is a beautiful and rich island of the motherland, with superior hydrothermal conditions. Taiwan has always had Fruit Kingdom There are many kinds of fruits. The output value of flowers and plants is also considerable. Taiwan has a mild climate, with no winter in summer. It is suitable for tourism all the year round.

Taiwan Tourism Food: Eating is a way to understand Taiwan three hundred and nineteen There are snacks in all towns and villages. To satisfy your appetite, you can taste all kinds of delicious food at each stop and smell the flavor of Taiwan. More distinctive snacks include: Wonton in soup, nine beef noodles, Laotianlu, Keelung Tripod edge file , Changhua meatball, stinky tofu, coffin board, flavor meat dumplings, etc. If you want to taste these delicacies, you can go to the following street of delicacies A good appetite.

Package service: OCT Travel Agency provides enterprises and institutions with package tour services. The itinerary and reception standards are customized according to your requirements, and the price is negotiated one by one.

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