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Notice to Tourists of Mount Putuo

Putuo Mountain Line Guide: Mount Putuo is surrounded by the sea, with beautiful scenery and unique seclusion, known as The first world is quiet Stone trees, pagoda cliff carvings, and Sanskrit sound are all full of mystery of Buddhism. The island is rich in trees, ancient camphor trees and flowers Island Botanical Garden It is called. Shared by the whole mountain sixty-six Trees planted for more than 100 years one thousand two hundred and twenty-one Strains. In addition to the thousand year old camphor tree, there is also Putuo hornbeam, a rare and endangered species unique to China, which is listed as a national first-class protected plant. The island is surrounded by golden sand, white waves, fishing sails, green mountains, silver billows and golden sand, surrounded by a large number of ancient temples, forming a colorful picture.

The best travel time for Mount Putuo: You can enjoy Putuo all year round. Although Mount Putuo can be visited all the year round, you should be careful when you choose to go to the island. If they are pilgrims and believers, they will choose three days to go to the island: two month nineteen Day is the birthday of Guanyin Bodhisattva, six month nineteen Day is the day when Bodhisattva gets his way, nine month nineteen Day is the day when Bodhisattva becomes a monk. These three days are all in the lunar calendar. February is the most popular season for the big incense festival. In June, there are more people visiting the mountains to escape the summer. In September, it is called the small incense festival. There are fewer pilgrims. In the first three days of these three days, a large number of pilgrims went to the island. The waiting time may be longer, and the house price may be slightly higher.

Twelve characteristic scenes of Mount Putuo: Lotus Ocean Ferry, Short Gu Sacred Site, Plum Bay Spring Dawn, Panduo Sunset, Lotus Pond Night Moon, Fahua Soul Cave, Ancient Cave Tide Sound, Sunrise Rising, Thousand Step Jinsha, Bright Snow, Tea Mountain Morning Fog, Tianmen Qingfan !

Weather forecast of Putuo Mountain in the next three days

Today 06-27
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Tomorrow 06-28
06-29 the day after tomorrow

Zhejiang Tourist Attractions

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Comments on Mount Putuo Scenic Spots

  • Crazy Revival Comments were made on December 28 Score: 8 points The holy land of Buddhism
  • travel through all the kingdoms Comments were made on December 28 Score: 8 points See piety, see faith, and see the sea view of the Buddhist country
  • Radix Isatidis Comments were made on December 28 Score: 8 points I don't have any impression anymore. I went to school

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