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  • Date: September 15, 2023 Qingdao office furniture, details of design and customization of office furniture and introduction to collocation

    With the continuous progress of enterprise economic development, ordinary Qingdao office furniture has been unable to meet the needs of many enterprises. Therefore, the design and customization of office furniture was born. The office furniture enterprises designed and produced the office furniture according to the requirements of customers. For example: customized office filing cabinet, customized office···

  • Date: March 13, 2023 What office furniture does Qingdao need?

    If people want to work, they need to use relevant furniture. What are the necessary office furniture in our life? What are the office furniture brands on the market? Which brands impressed you? Today, Nuojimei will answer for you one by one. What are the necessary office furniture? 1. Office chair. Office···

  • Date: February 13, 2023 Qingdao office furniture, Qingdao office desk, and Norgemme office furniture are trustworthy [Picture]

    How to choose office furniture in Qingdao? How to choose a desk and chair in Qingdao? Nuojimei provides you with more professional suggestions and opinions. 1. Choose the right shape and size: usually, the computer desk is placed in the study or living room. Before purchasing, you should estimate the area of the study or living room and determine the placement of the computer desk···

  • Date: February 6, 2023 Daily maintenance of office furniture Maintenance and repair of office furniture

    1. The office furniture should not be placed in the place where the sun can directly shine, close to the window, to block the sunlight, so as to avoid fading and premature aging of the paint film; The desk furniture should not be close to the stove and heater, nor should it touch hot objects such as hot water bottles, so as to avoid cracking of the furniture and peeling off of the paint due to high temperature baking···

  • Date: February 3, 2023 Qingdao office furniture should focus on Norgime. What is the difference between panel office furniture and painted office furniture?

    Qingdao office furniture is targeted at Nuojimei. Office furniture has many materials, including boards and steel frames. There is also the painting process. How should we identify the dazzling materials in the market? Today, let's focus on the difference between plate type and painting process 1. Cost is not···

  • Date: February 1, 2023 Maintenance and precautions of Qingdao office furniture, steel office furniture and metal office furniture

    1. Stable and durable In terms of structure, steel furniture is mainly spot welded and argon welded, and all parts are connected as a whole, which is not easy to deform, and the maintenance rate is low. However, it should also be noted that the thickness of the steel plate must meet the requirements of the specification. If you cut corners, the steel plate is very thin, it will be very tolerant···

  • Date: January 29, 2023 Qingdao Nuojimei Office Furniture teaches you how to distinguish environmental protection office furniture

    1. A copy of the inspection report should be stamped with the official seal. The inspection report of Qingdao office furniture products is a prerequisite for entering the market. General office furniture manufacturers use copies when selling, but those without the red seal of the inspection agency are invalid; For the inspection report of a provincial inspection agency, it depends on whether···

  • Date: January 3, 2023 Several Key Points of Quick Selection of Leisure Area Qingdao Office Furniture Leisure Area

    Several key points for quick selection of leisure office furniture Leisure office furniture is an important part of enterprise office furniture purchase, and many enterprises have different preferences for leisure office furniture. For ordinary consumers who do not have professional industry knowledge, how can they quickly choose their own leisure office···

  • Date: December 13, 2022 Qingdao office furniture design integrates market demand and user demand

    The reason why the product is popular must be the design. The customized style to meet the use needs of office furniture is favored by consumers. It is precisely because its product design integrates the dual needs of the market and users. The market demand of Qingdao shows that the product is popular, and the user demand description is exactly what users want, beautiful and easy to use···

  • Date: December 8, 2022 Which is a good Qingdao office furniture manufacturer? How to choose Qingdao office furniture?

    Public furniture is a necessity for every company and enterprise. Many furniture are difficult to choose. Let Norgime Office Furniture show you about it! 1. In terms of function, because the number of pieces of each set of furniture is different, there are many different functions, but each set of furniture needs to have basic functions such as sleeping, sitting, posing, writing, and storing···

thirteen billion five hundred and eighty-nine million two hundred and seven thousand nine hundred and ninety-eight
 Qingdao office furniture, Qingdao office desk, and Aojima Norgime office furniture are worthy of your trust!