NPHOTO Terms of Use

When using the website, you must agree to abide by the following use agreement (terms):

Basic terms

  1. You must be at least 14 years old when using this website.
  2. You are responsible for all actions under your account.
  3. You are responsible for keeping any password of your account confidential.
  4. You must not attack, intimidate, impersonate or harass other users.
  5. You may not use for any illegal act or purpose. International users need to agree to abide by the relevant laws and regulations of the host country.
  6. You are responsible for any data, text, information, user name, pictures, photos, personal information, audio and video files, links and other contents and behaviors you upload, publish or store in
  7. The service is for personal and non-commercial purposes only. It shall not be used for association, company, commerce and other purposes.
  8. You must not create or send spam emails to any user.
  9. You must not upload any network worm or virus or any code with destructive nature.
  10. You must not infringe any local and international laws (including but not limited to copyright laws) applicable to your region. has the right to close user accounts that violate the above terms. has the right to modify and change this clause. While explicitly prohibits the above behaviors or contents, you understand and agree that cannot be responsible for the user's behaviors on the website. You understand and agree that as long as you use the website, all risks are borne by you personally.

General Conditions

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