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Qu Qingshan: Xi Jinping's Cultural Thought Enriches and Develops Marxist Cultural Theory

Qu Qingshan 00:00, June 13, 2024 Source: People's Daily

The author is the president of the Central Institute of Party History and Literature

Xi Jinping's cultural thought, formed and constantly enriched in the great practice of building a socialist culture with Chinese characteristics in the new era, is a theoretical summary of the practical experience of building the Party's leadership culture in the new era. This important thought is rich in connotation, profound in exposition and profound in breadth and depth. It is a shining example of combining the basic principles of Marxism with China's specific reality and excellent traditional Chinese culture. It enriches and develops Marxist cultural theory, constitutes a cultural chapter of Xi Jinping's thought on socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, and promotes ideological and cultural work for a new era and a new journey Taking on a new cultural mission provides a powerful ideological weapon and a guide to scientific action, and contributes Chinese wisdom to creating a new form of human civilization and leading the development and progress of world civilization.

From the historical perspective, Xi Jinping's cultural thought creatively puts forward the fundamental requirement of "two combinations", which demonstrates the Party's historical confidence and cultural confidence

The history of the Party shows that whether the basic principles of Marxism can be combined with China's specific reality and excellent traditional Chinese culture is crucial to the success of China's revolution, construction and reform. Engels said: "Marx's whole world view is not a doctrine, but a method." Lenin pointed out that Marxism "The application of these principles is specifically different in Britain from France, France from Germany, and Germany from Russia". Comrade Mao Zedong stressed that "the great power of Marxism Leninism lies in its connection with the specific revolutionary practice of various countries. For the Communist Party of China, it is necessary to learn to apply the theory of Marxism Leninism to the specific environment of China." He also stressed that "we are Marxist historicists, and we should not cut off history. From Confucius to Sun Yat sen, we should sum up and inherit this precious heritage. " The reality of China is concrete, and the excellent traditional Chinese culture is local. Adhering to and developing Marxism must adhere to the "two combinations", and promote the sinicization and modernization of Marxism.

The creative proposal of "two combinations" profoundly clarifies the soul and root of the Party's theoretical innovation. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "It is the only way to open up and develop socialism with Chinese characteristics on the profound basis of more than 5000 years of Chinese civilization, and combine the basic principles of Marxism with China's specific reality and excellent traditional Chinese culture." Historical experience in both positive and negative aspects shows that "two combinations" are the greatest magic weapon for our success. The premise of "combination" is mutual agreement. "Combination" is not a "platter", but a profound "chemical reaction". On the one hand, Marxism brought advanced thought and theory to China, and activated the gene of Chinese civilization with the light of truth; On the other hand, the excellent traditional Chinese culture has enriched the cultural life of Marxism, and promoted Marxism to achieve a new leap of sinicization and modernization. The "second combination" makes Marxism Chinese and the excellent traditional Chinese culture modern. "Combination" has built the foundation of the road. The "second combination" has made the socialist road with Chinese characteristics have a broader and deeper historical depth, and expanded the cultural foundation of the socialist road with Chinese characteristics. Chinese style modernization gives modern power to Chinese civilization, and Chinese civilization gives Chinese style modernization profound connotation. "Combination" opens up space for innovation. The "second combination" enables us to grasp the ideological and cultural initiative and effectively act on the road, theory and system. "Combination" consolidates the cultural subjectivity. The "second combination" is a profound summary of the historical experience of Marxism's sinicization and modernization, a profound grasp of the law of the development of Chinese civilization, a new height of our party's understanding of China's road, theory and system, and a new height of our party's historical self-confidence and cultural self-confidence, It shows that our party's consciousness of promoting cultural innovation has reached a new height in inheriting the excellent traditional Chinese culture.

Creatively put forward the outstanding characteristics of Chinese civilization, and profoundly expounded the essential attributes of Chinese civilization. General Secretary Xi Jinping made a profound summary of the five outstanding characteristics of Chinese civilization: continuity, innovation, unity, inclusiveness and peace. The Chinese civilization is the only great civilization in the world that has been developing continuously and in the form of a country. The Chinese civilization is a kind of civilization that revolutionizes the past and innovates the past. The long tradition of great unity of Chinese civilization has formed the unity of pluralism, unity and concentration. The Chinese civilization has never used a single culture to replace multiple cultures, but has converged from multiple cultures into a common culture to resolve conflicts and build consensus. Peace, harmony and harmony are the concepts that have been passed down by Chinese civilization for more than 5000 years. It advocates building a world of unity of people and themselves with moral order, and putting others first in the relationship between people and themselves. The outstanding characteristics of Chinese civilization are shaped by many important elements of China's excellent traditional culture. In the historical process of promoting the construction of a strong country and the rejuvenation of the nation, it is not only necessary but also very important to summarize, summarize and refine these outstanding characteristics. Clarifying these outstanding characteristics further strengthens our historical confidence and cultural confidence.

It creatively proposes to promote the creative transformation and innovative development of Chinese excellent traditional culture, and profoundly expounds the dialectical relationship between the inheritance and development of Chinese excellent traditional culture. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that "Chinese Communists are not historical nihilists and cultural nihilists, and cannot forget the past and belittle themselves." "We should make a scientific analysis of traditional culture, inherit and carry forward the beneficial and good things, resist and overcome the negative and bad things, select the essence and discard the dross, instead of adopting an absolutist attitude of overall acceptance or rejection." General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that "we should properly handle the relationship between inheritance and creative development, and focus on creative transformation and innovative development." Creative transformation means that we should, according to the characteristics and requirements of the times, transform the connotation and outdated forms of expression that still have reference value, endow them with new era connotation and modern forms of expression, and activate their vitality. Innovative development is to supplement, expand and improve the connotation of Chinese excellent traditional culture in accordance with the new progress and progress of the times, so as to enhance its influence and appeal. To treat the excellent traditional Chinese culture, we should adhere to the principle of making the past serve the present, learning from the past, adhering to a differentiated approach, inheriting the useful and discard the useless, and adhering to the principle of not forgetting the original, absorbing the foreign and facing the future. Promoting the creative transformation and innovative development of China's excellent traditional culture has provided a fundamental basis for us to handle a series of relationships between cultural inheritance and development.

From a practical perspective, Xi Jinping's cultural ideology creatively proposes a new cultural mission for the new era, providing strong spiritual impetus and cultural support for the great cause of building a strong country and national rejuvenation

Culture plays an important role in the development of human society. Engels pointed out that "every progress in culture is a step towards freedom." Comrade Mao Zedong pointed out that "culture reflects political and economic struggle, but it can guide political and economic struggle at the same time. Culture is indispensable, and no society can be built without culture." Culture is the blood of a nation and the spiritual home of the people. Culture revitalizes the country, and culture strengthens the nation. To realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, we must promote the great development and prosperity of socialist culture.

Creatively put forward the new cultural mission of the new era, and defined the goals and tasks of cultural construction in the new era. General Secretary Xi Jinping clearly put forward: "It is our new cultural mission in the new era to continue to promote cultural prosperity, build a strong cultural country, and build the modern civilization of the Chinese nation at a new starting point." This mission is the inevitable requirement of the Party's mission and task in the new era and new journey for cultural development, defines the goals and tasks of cultural construction in the new era, and aims to build a strong country The great cause of national rejuvenation provides strong spiritual power and cultural support.

The creative proposal of adhering to the Party's cultural leadership clarifies the political guarantee for cultural construction in the new era. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "We must firmly hold the leadership, management and discourse power of ideological work in our hands, and we must not be sidelined at any time, otherwise we will make irretrievable historical mistakes." To uphold the Party's cultural leadership, we must clearly adhere to the Party's control over propaganda, ideology, media and the Internet, and adhere to politicians running newspapers Run magazines, stations and news websites, and let the Party's flag fly high in the front of propaganda, ideology and culture. It is necessary to take a clear stand and adhere to the principle of Party spirit, adhere to the correct political direction, stand firm in political position, firmly maintain a high degree of consistency with the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core, and resolutely safeguard the authority and centralized and unified leadership of the Party Central Committee.

Creatively put forward that Chinese style modernization is the modernization of material civilization and spiritual civilization, and defined the development direction of cultural construction in the new era. General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that "Chinese style modernization requires both material wealth and spiritual wealth". We should adhere to the principle of "two hands" and "two hands hard", and promote the coordination and mutual promotion of material civilization and spiritual civilization. We will vigorously develop advanced socialist culture, strengthen education in ideals and beliefs, inherit Chinese civilization, and promote the all-round enrichment of materials and the all-round development of people. Socialism with Chinese characteristics can only be achieved if both material and spiritual civilization are well developed.

It creatively puts forward the idea of strengthening cultural self-confidence and clarifies the role of cultural construction in the new era. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that "cultural confidence is a more fundamental, broader and deeper confidence, and a more fundamental, deeper and more lasting force." To strengthen cultural confidence, we must adhere to our own path, base ourselves on the great historical practice and contemporary practice of the Chinese nation, summarize China's experience with Chinese principles, and upgrade China's experience to China's theory. We should be good at extracting essence and energy from the treasure house of Chinese culture, and maintain high confidence in our own cultural ideals, cultural values, cultural vitality and cultural creativity.

Creatively put forward the cultivation and promotion of socialist core values, and defined the basic project of cultural construction in the new era. General Secretary Xi Jinping requested that "cultivating and carrying forward the core socialist values should be taken as a basic project to solidify the spirit and strengthen the foundation". The core socialist values answer the important questions of what kind of country to build, what kind of society to build, and what kind of citizens to cultivate. They are the concentrated embodiment of contemporary Chinese spirit. To cultivate and carry forward the core socialist values, we should focus on cultivating new people of the times who shoulder the responsibility of national rejuvenation, pay attention to all aspects of penetration, deep integration, and work hard on the refinement, small size, and implementation. Only by adhering to the core socialist values as the guide, can cultural construction form a powerful force to unite people's hearts and gather people's strength.

Creatively put forward the people centered work orientation, and made clear the political position of cultural construction in the new era. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "The people are the creators of history and the times." To do a good job in propaganda, ideological and cultural work, we must pay attention to the people, and take the realization, maintenance and development of the fundamental interests of the majority of the people as the starting point and end point. To prosper and develop socialist literature and art, we must go deep into life and take root in the people. To develop philosophy and social sciences with Chinese characteristics, we must adhere to the people centered research orientation and establish the ideal of learning for the people. Only by adhering to the people's position can we better meet the new expectations of the people's spiritual and cultural life, and can we fully stimulate the vitality and creativity of the people, so that cultural development can obtain an inexhaustible source of power.

It creatively proposes to grasp the dominant power of public opinion under the condition of informatization, widely gather social consensus, and clarify the public opinion environment of cultural construction in the new era. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that the Party's work of news and public opinion "is a major event to govern the country, manage politics and secure the country", and "if we cannot pass the Internet, we cannot pass the pass of long-term governance". To master the leading power of public opinion, we must adhere to the correct guidance of public opinion, adhere to positive publicity, grasp the timing and efficiency, sing the theme, promote positive energy, and consolidate and strengthen the mainstream ideological public opinion in the new era. We will promote the integrated development of traditional and emerging media, strengthen social management of the Internet in accordance with the law, make cyberspace clear, and create a good public opinion environment for building a strong country and rejuvenating the nation.

From the world perspective, Xi Jinping's cultural thoughts creatively put forward the common values of all mankind and the global civilization initiative, demonstrating the world's aspirations and responsibilities of a big party and a big country

Marx and Engels founded scientific socialism, which revealed the objective law of the development of human society and described the bright future of communism. Since its birth, the Communist Party of China has kept in mind its original mission, not only to seek happiness for the Chinese people and rejuvenation for the Chinese nation, but also to seek progress for mankind and common ground for the world. Comrade Mao Zedong and Comrade Deng Xiaoping once stressed that "China should make greater contributions to mankind" and "should be able to make more contributions to mankind with its own development". With the accelerated evolution of the world's unprecedented changes in a century, the world has entered a new period of turbulence and change. It is urgent to answer the questions of the times, "What's the matter with the world?" and "Where is mankind going?".

Creatively put forward the common values of all mankind, which provides the correct concept guidance for the cohesion of human value consensus and the common construction of a better world. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that "countries have different histories, cultures, systems and levels of development", but "peace and development are our common cause, fairness and justice are our common ideal, and democracy and freedom are our common pursuit". These ideas are by no means exclusive patents of individual countries, nor are they excuses for a few countries to distort and discredit other civilizations, interfere in other countries' internal affairs wantonly, and provoke conflicts and confrontation everywhere. We should be highly responsible for the future and destiny of mankind, and embody the common values of all mankind concretely and realistically in the practice of realizing the interests of our own people. The common values of all mankind profoundly reflect the basic principle of the unity of universality and particularity of Marxism, break the narrow historical limitations of the so-called "universal values" in the West, transcend the differences in ideology, social system, ethnic and religious, and firmly occupy the moral commanding heights of the development and progress of world civilization, It fully demonstrates China's mission as an advocate of common values for all mankind.

He creatively put forward the concept of equality, mutual learning, dialogue and inclusiveness, and contributed Chinese wisdom to promoting exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that "every civilization is unique", "it has its own value of existence", "there are only colorful differences between civilizations, but there is no difference between high and low". Civilizations exchange due to diversity, learn from each other due to exchange, and develop due to mutual learning. We should promote mutual respect and harmonious coexistence among different civilizations, and make exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations a bridge to enhance friendship among people of all countries, a driving force for human social progress, and a link to maintain world peace. The concept of civilization featuring equality, mutual learning, dialogue and inclusiveness, starting from the basic principles of Marxism, emphasizes that civilization exchanges transcend civilization estrangement, civilization mutual learning transcend civilization conflict, and civilization coexistence transcend civilization superiority, fully demonstrating the broad mind of equality and mutual learning and the theoretical character of openness and inclusiveness.

The initiative of global civilization has been creatively put forward, which has injected rich humanistic strength into the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind. General Secretary Xi Jinping creatively proposed the global civilization initiative, "jointly advocating respect for the diversity of world civilizations", which is the vitality of building a community with a shared future for mankind; "Jointly advocating and carrying forward the common values of all mankind" is the value orientation of building a community with a shared future for mankind; "Jointly advocate attaching importance to the inheritance and innovation of civilization", which is the requirement of the times to build a community with a shared future for mankind; "Jointly advocate strengthening international people to people and cultural exchanges and cooperation", which is an important way to build a community with a shared future for mankind. The Global Civilization Initiative has vividly confirmed the scientific prediction of Marxism on the trend of spiritual and cultural production towards world history, profoundly reflected the dialectical relationship between material civilization and spiritual civilization, and pointed out the right direction and injected powerful force to create a new situation of people to people exchanges, cultural integration, and people to people connectivity among countries around the world, and to consolidate the humanistic foundation for building a community with a shared future for mankind.

The soul of a country is shaped by culture. Xi Jinping's cultural thoughts connect history and future, theory and practice, China and the world, and have distinctive practical, theoretical, national and contemporary characteristics. They have made original contributions to enriching and developing Marxist cultural theories, and made historic contributions to inheriting and developing China's excellent traditional culture, It has made worldwide contributions to promoting the progress of human civilization. Xi Jinping's cultural thought is not only a scientific theoretical system that is systematic, logical and interconnected, but also an expanding and open ideological system, which will be enriched and developed with the deepening of practice.

People's Daily (June 13, 2024, version 09)

(Editor in charge: Sun Kaijia, Huang Wei)