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Reading China: Scenery and Humanities won the title of 2023 China's Best Book

11:54, April 26, 2024 Source: National Office of Philosophy and Social Sciences

On April 23, 2024, the 2023 "China's Good Book", which was selected under the guidance of the Propaganda Department of the CPC Central Committee and organized by the Chinese Book Review Society, was unveiled at the CCTV-10 "National Reading Conference - China's Good Book of 2023" grand ceremony. Reading China: Scenery and Humanities, compiled by the National Philosophy and Social Sciences Office and jointly published by Zhonghua Book Company and Science Press, won the title of China's best book in 2023!

This book is a popular book that vividly shows how the Chinese nation creates brilliant civilization on the beautiful land. The book is composed of three parts: natural edition, humanistic edition and Chinese foreign edition. The National Office of Philosophy and Social Sciences invited famous scholars of literature and history and geographers to work together to create a concise and illustrated description of the natural scenery and human creation in the vast land of China, the profound civilization nurtured by the great rivers, and the national spirit carried by the cultural heritage, It reveals the unique spiritual world and endless cultural genes of the Chinese nation in simple terms.

(Editor in charge: Jin Yi, Huang Wei)