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The 4th Forum of High end Think Tanks for National Governance in Developing Countries was successfully held

08:55, November 25, 2023

On November 7, 2023, the Fourth Forum of High end Think Tanks for National Governance in Developing Countries, co sponsored by the Central Party School (National School of Administration), the Central Institute of Party History and Literature, Peking University and China Daily, was held in Beijing. The theme of the forum is "the road of modernization for developing countries", which aims to deeply publicize and implement the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress, tell a good story about China and Chinese style modernization, and promote exchanges and cooperation among developing countries in the field of national governance. The world today is in a situation of great change not seen in a century, and the process of modernization of human society has reached a new crossroads. What kind of modernization the developing countries need and how can they achieve modernization are important issues that every person with lofty ideals who pays attention to world prosperity and progress is thinking about. During the forum, government officials, well-known experts and scholars from the United States, Britain, Brazil, Ethiopia and other countries gathered with more than 100 experts and scholars from domestic high-end think tanks to conduct in-depth ideological dialogue around these topics from different perspectives.

Li Yi, Vice President (Vice Dean) of the Central Party School (National School of Administration), and Wang Junwei, Director of the Academic and Editorial Committee (Deputy Minister) of the Central Institute of Party History and Literature, presided over the first and second half of the forum respectively. Chang Jiang Xiaojuan, former Deputy Secretary of the State Council, Sun Shangwu, Deputy Chief Editor of China Daily, Yang Mingwei, Director of the Bureau of Foreign Cooperation and Exchange of the Central Institute of Party History and Documentation, Zhang Yi, President of the National Institute of Social Development of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Yao Yang, President of the National Institute of Development of Peking University, and the Central Party School (National School of Administration) Wang Manchuan, director of the Public Management Teaching and Research Department, delivered a keynote speech as the Chinese representative. Fuxin, former Minister of Tourism and former Deputy Minister of Development, Industry and Trade of Brazil, Teka Enthab, former Minister of State of Trade and Industry of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Younis Aboyubo, Director of the Division of Governance and National Construction, Emerging and Conflict Issues of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia, Jeffrey Sachs, professor of the School of Public Affairs of Columbia University in the United States, Robert Walker, honorary researcher of Green Templeton College of Oxford University in the United Kingdom, and Joseph Gregory Mahoney, deputy editor in chief of the Chinese Journal of Political Science in the United States, made keynote speeches as foreign guests.

Chinese and foreign experts and scholars pointed out in the forum that modernization is the historical trend of the world's development. Modernization has been the common pursuit of people all over the world since modern times, and is an important goal of national governance in developing countries. Chinese style modernization is a correct way to seek win-win cooperation, providing a new choice and an important driving force for the modernization of developing countries. From different perspectives, professional fields and practices, the Chinese and foreign experts at the meeting also talked about the exploration and mirror learning of the modernization development path of developing countries and developed countries, and enhanced consensus in the dialogue and exchange. Chinese and foreign experts at the meeting generally recognized that the development path of Chinese style modernization provides experience and models for those countries in the world who want to develop and maintain their own independence. The forum triggered a warm interaction, and many on-site representatives conducted in-depth exchanges and discussions around national governance, economic and social development, think tank construction and other issues.

This forum was jointly organized by the Scientific Research Department of the Central Party School (National School of Administration), the Department of International Cooperation, the Scientific Research Planning Department of the Central Party History and Literature Research Institute, the National Development Institute of Peking University (School of South South Cooperation and Development), and the China Watch Think Tank of China Daily.

Source: Central Institute of Party History and Literature

(Editor in charge: Pi Bo, Huang Jin)