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Seminar held by China Academy of Modern International Relations and Veracruz University in Mexico

09:36, September 22, 2023

On September 21, 2023, the Chinese Academy of Modern International Relations and the University of Veracruz in Mexico held a seminar on "Central and Southern Mexico Development and China Mexico Cooperation" in Beijing. President Yang Mingjie and President Aguilar of Veracruz University in Mexico jointly attended and delivered speeches. Vice President Wang Honggang presided over the opening ceremony.

In his speech, President Yang Mingjie pointed out that the Modern Academy and Veracruz University have maintained close cooperation since 2010 and look forward to further exploring the convergence of ideas and interests between China and Mexico through bilateral dialogue and joint research, so as to provide more innovative ideas and policy public goods for the development of bilateral relations.

President Aguilar said that Veracruz University and scholars of the Modern Academy have conducted three rounds of mutual visits, jointly held six international seminars, and achieved fruitful cooperation. This seminar focuses on the cooperation between China and Mexico in the field of infrastructure, highlighting the deepening of bilateral exchanges. It is hoped that in the future, we will jointly strengthen research in the fields of energy transformation, people to people and cultural exchanges, and make new contributions to deepening the friendship between the two countries.

Both sides agreed to continue cooperation in the future, expand areas of exchange, innovate cooperation methods, and launch more and updated cooperative research results.

Academic seminar: Yang Shouguo, director of the Institute of Latin American Studies, Sun Yanfeng, deputy director of the Institute, Li Meng, director of the Center for Mexican and Central American Studies, Xu Gang, executive director of the Belt and Road Research Center, and other experts and scholars of the Modern Academy, as well as Oliva, director of the Department of International Relations of Veracruz University The representative to China, Steven, and others held exchanges and discussions on specific issues such as China Mexico relations and China Mexico infrastructure cooperation.

Source: China Academy of Modern International Relations

(Editor in charge: Pi Bo, Huang Jin)