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Leadership of the Party and Chinese style Modernization -- Summary of 2022 High end Forum of Journal of Shandong University (Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)

11:03, December 5, 2022

The 20th CPC National Congress has drawn a grand blueprint for comprehensively promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese style modernization, emphasizing that Chinese style modernization is a socialist modernization led by the Communist Party of China, and adhering to the leadership of the Communist Party of China is one of the essential requirements of Chinese style modernization. In order to explore the core connotation and realization path of Chinese style modernization, especially the core role of the Party in Chinese style modernization, on November 25, 2022, the Journal of Shandong University (Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition) held a high-end forum of "Party leadership and Chinese style modernization" online. More than ten experts and scholars from the Party School of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (National School of Administration), the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Tsinghua University, Renmin University of China, Shandong University, Beijing Normal University, South China Normal University, and Shandong Normal University conducted comprehensive and in-depth discussions around the theme of the forum, further explaining the theoretical connotation of Chinese modernization Clarify the historical mission of the Party in the process of Chinese style modernization, and explore the path to achieve Chinese style modernization.

The Theoretical Connotation of Chinese Modernization from the Perspective of Grand History

Han Qingxiang, a first-class professor of the Communist Party School (National School of Administration) of the CPC Central Committee, and an expert led by the expert studio, delivered a report on "the 'logic of strengthening the country' of Chinese style modernization". Han Qingxiang believes that the theoretical connotation of China's modernization after the founding of New China has gone through the evolution process of following its own path, the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the path of Chinese modernization, and Chinese modernization. Before the reform and opening up, it was emphasized that China's development should break the path dependence on Western modernization and maintain autonomy in the process of modernization. After the reform and opening up, we will take our own path and turn it into a path of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and establish a socialist market economic system and a basic economic system. The road of Chinese modernization has made it clear that Chinese modernization is a type of modernization different from western modernization, and is an inevitable choice for building a modern power in an all-round way and realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Chinese style modernization is an expansion of the path of Chinese style modernization and a theoretical summary of the modernization practice since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. It defines the theoretical system and discourse system of China's modernization from four aspects: road, theory, system and culture, and provides a unique explanation path for China's development that does not rely on western modernization discourse. In a word, China has experienced a process of change in the trend of world modernization, in which the world has lost itself, the world has me, and the world has changed to me. Chinese style modernization is bound to become a new choice for human modernization.

Yang Fengcheng, a distinguished professor of the "Yangtze River Scholar" of the Ministry of Education and a professor of the School of Marxism of Renmin University of China, delivered a report on "Chinese modernization in the context of the grand historical view". Yang Fengcheng believes that socialism with Chinese characteristics and Chinese style modernization define the same thing from different discourse systems. The former is in the coordinate system of socialism and capitalism, while the latter is derived from the coordinate system of national development goals and development status. From the perspective of the consensus standard of modernization, the development of China's modernization also starts from industrialization and urbanization, followed by the popularization of education and the continuous progress of technology, followed by the lifestyle dominated by the modern values that people pursue; By historical standards, at different stages of modernization, the problems faced by China are similar to those faced by other nations, but the way to solve them is different. Combined with the centennial history of the Communist Party of China, the development of the theoretical system of China's modernization has obvious stages. From the war years to the early days of the founding of New China, and then to the reform and opening up, the Communist Party of China has formed modernization thoughts with the characteristics of the times. If we only refer to socialism with Chinese characteristics, we will lose the perspective of modernization. Chinese modernization not only reflects the common characteristics of national modernization in all countries in the world, but also has Chinese characteristics. The Chinese experience and Chinese wisdom contained in it can also be used for reference by other developing countries and create a new form of human civilization.

Shang Zhixiao, professor of Marxism College of Shandong Normal University and dean of Contemporary Chinese Marxism Research Institute of Shandong University, gave a report on "the origin of modernization and the historical responsibility of Chinese modernization". Shang Zhixiao believes that modernization mainly refers to a progressive state from tradition to modernity, and it is a social transformation that lasts for a long time and affects the whole world. From the perspective of modernization development history, modernization in the world began in western capitalist countries, but modernization cannot be equated with westernization, but is the inevitable outcome of human social development and progress. Until the founding of New China, China's modernization process has passively entered the trend of modernization, which is an independent and independent modernization. After the founding of New China, China's modernization entered an independent stage of development. From the perspective of the history of world modernization and the course of China's modernization, Chinese style modernization has gone out of the path of modernization with the realization of common prosperity as its value orientation, which is different from that of Western countries. It is a modernization that organically integrates particularity and universality. Therefore, the formation of Chinese style modernization not only means that China has embarked on a new journey to comprehensively build a modern socialist country, but also created a new form of human civilization.

Liu Jianjun, a distinguished professor of the "Yangtze River Scholar" of the Ministry of Education and a professor of the School of Marxism of Renmin University of China, delivered a report on "the fundamental significance of taking Marxism as guidance". Liu Jianjun believes that Marxism is of fundamental significance to the Party, the country and the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Marxism is the fundamental guiding ideology for building the Party and revitalizing it. Marxist scientific theory is where the Party firmly believes in, grasps history and takes the initiative to make revolution. At the same time, Marxism is also the fundamental guiding ideology for building and revitalizing the country. Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era is the Marxism with Chinese characteristics and times, scientific socialism, and the fundamental guiding ideology for Chinese modernization.

Guo Qiang, Deputy Director of the Scientific Socialism Teaching and Research Department of the Party School of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (National School of Administration), made a report on the "grand logic of the CPC leading Chinese style modernization". Guo Qiang believes that from the perspective of the struggle history of the Communist Party of China, Chinese style modernization can be roughly divided into the following stages: the new democratic revolution created political conditions for Chinese style modernization; The socialist revolution and construction have laid the material foundation and made theoretical preparations for the exploration of Chinese style modernization; Reform and opening up and the socialist modernization drive have officially opened up the path of Chinese style modernization. The key words behind the modernization led by the Communist Party of China are revolution and reform, and the big logic followed is the first principle of Marxism. In the process of modernization, the historical logic, theoretical logic and practical logic of Chinese style modernization are all active in seeking change, pioneering and innovating, constantly improving specific systems, promoting the evolution of the relationship between production relations and productivity, and eliminating the obstacles between production relations and superstructure. Therefore, we must continue to comprehensively deepen reform, explore and innovate in order to achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese style modernization.

Chen Jinlong, a distinguished professor of the "Yangtze River Scholar" of the Ministry of Education and the dean of the College of Marxism of South China Normal University, delivered a report on "the interaction between the leadership of the Party and Chinese modernization". Chen Jinlong believes that the greatest contribution of the report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China is to build a theoretical framework of Chinese style modernization. The motivation of constructing the theory of Chinese style modernization mainly lies in four needs: the need to comprehensively build a modern socialist country, the need to comprehensively promote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, the need to highlight the significance of the world of Chinese style modernization, and the need to initially construct a socialist narrative framework with Chinese characteristics. The theoretical framework of Chinese style modernization takes the "four bases" as the construction method: explaining the characteristics of Chinese style modernization based on the comparison of western modernization, defining the essential requirements of Chinese style modernization based on the "ten clarifications", interpreting the major principles of Chinese style modernization based on the historical experience of the Party's hundred years of struggle, and establishing the strategic focus of Chinese style modernization based on the internal laws of modernization. The theory of Chinese style modernization presents the characteristics of "four unifications": the unity of universality and particularity, the unity of regularity and purposiveness, the unity of history, reality and future, and the unity of China's position and the world's concerns.

He Zhonghua, professor of the School of Philosophy and Social Development of Shandong University, gave a report on "the advantages of Chinese style modernization from a historical perspective". From a historical perspective, He Zhonghua believes that the revolutionary historical view before reform and opening up and the modern historical view after reform and opening up are essentially the relationship between salvation and enlightenment, which are rooted in the context of Marx's world history. From this point of view, we cannot exaggerate the tension between revolutionary and modern historical views, because without the context of Marxism, we cannot understand the western challenges, China's response model, and the historical background and essence of China's modernization development. From a macro perspective, the center of world civilization is not always fixed at a certain point. Therefore, the realization of the Chinese Dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation has two meanings: one is to return to the peak state in its history, and the other is to benchmark the modernization of Europe. The road advantage of Chinese style modernization is the excellent traditional Chinese culture and the Marxist system and philosophy. The combination of the two can produce an immune effect on the limitations of modernization itself.

The Historical Mission of the Party in the Process of Chinese Modernization

Wang Binglin, professor of the Institute of CPC History and Party Building of Beijing Normal University and the College of Marxism, delivered a report on "the great spirit of party building and Chinese modernization". Wang Binglin believes that the great spirit of party building is a spiritual power to realize Chinese style modernization. From the period of the new democratic revolution, the great founding spirit of the Communist Party of China has led the Chinese style modernization from passive to active ideologically and organizationally. As far as the basic characteristics and essential requirements of Chinese modernization are concerned, the great spirit of Party building runs through all aspects of Chinese modernization. In fact, the great spirit of Party building itself is the product of the combination of excellent traditional Chinese culture and Marxism. It can play a role as a spiritual pillar in creating a new form of human civilization and building a community with a shared future for mankind. It can strengthen ideals and beliefs, stimulate the people's spirit of struggle, and gather the nation's great power to achieve Chinese modernization.

Wang Lisheng, Secretary of the Party Committee of the Institute of Philosophy of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and Dean of the School of Philosophy of the University of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, delivered a report "The leadership of the Communist Party of China is the greatest advantage of Chinese modernization". Wang Lisheng believes that the leadership of the Communist Party of China is the greatest advantage of Chinese style modernization. From the strategic direction, the leadership of the Communist Party of China can ensure that the Chinese style modernization will always move in the socialist direction, and form a theoretical system of modernization under the socialist system; From the strategic goal, the modernization led by the Communist Party of China has always focused on the overall interests of the Chinese nation and the Chinese people, and unified the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and the construction of a modern world of common prosperity into the great process of Chinese modernization; From the perspective of strategic planning, the Communist Party of China has always had long-term strategic goals and specific strategic planning. Scientific and reasonable strategic planning is the important advantage of the Communist Party of China in leading Chinese modernization; From the perspective of social mobilization, the strong leadership of the Communist Party of China is the key to fully mobilize the enthusiasm of all aspects and promote Chinese style modernization, and is the fundamental guarantee to maximize the cohesion of the progressive forces; From the perspective of social integration, the grass-roots party organizations of the Communist Party of China have achieved full coverage from the vertical to the bottom and from the horizontal to the edge. The association between the party organizations, other social organizations, and individual masses has also strengthened the connection between the Communist Party of China and society and individuals, thus unifying the ideology of more than 1.4 billion Chinese people to build a socialist modern power in an all-round way In the great practice of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Therefore, in the new journey of building a socialist modern country in an all-round way, we must adhere to and continuously improve the overall leadership of the Party, so as to provide a fundamental political guarantee for the continuous promotion of Chinese style modernization and the realization of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Xiao Guiqing, professor of the School of Marxism of Tsinghua University and executive vice president of the Xi Jinping Institute of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, delivered a report "The leadership of the Party is the fundamental guarantee for building a modern socialist power". Xiao Guiqing believes that the leadership of the Party is the fundamental guarantee for building a modern socialist power. Adhering to and strengthening the comprehensive leadership of the Party is an important principle that must be firmly grasped in the new era and new journey. First of all, the Communist Party of China has led the Chinese people to usher in a great leap from standing up, getting rich to becoming strong, which fully proves that the leadership of our party is the inevitable result of historical development, and the path of socialist modernization led by the party is the only way to achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Secondly, the Communist Party of China has drawn a blueprint for Chinese style modernization and divided it into overall goals, medium and long-term goals, thus promoting the long-term goal of Chinese style modernization to gradually become a reality. Moreover, the essential requirement of Chinese style modernization is the socialist modernization led by the Communist Party of China. Only by adhering to the leadership of the Party can we ensure the correct direction of China's socialist modernization drive, give full play to the advantages of the system, and rally the strength of unity and struggle for the new journey of building a socialist modern country in an all-round way.

Wang Shaoxing, Distinguished Professor of Shandong University, Distinguished Researcher of the National Party Construction Research Association and Vice President of the Chinese Society of Scientific Socialism, delivered a report "The key to building a socialist modern country in an all-round way lies in the Party". Wang Shaoxing believes that the inherent characteristics of China's political party and state relations determine that the Communist Party of China occupies the core position in the value system of the modernization of national governance, and the modernization level of the political party's governance system and governance capability directly affects the value orientation of the modernization of national governance. From the perspective of means and purposes, the modernization of party governance is the political premise and core drive of the modernization of national governance, and the modernization of national governance is the value transformation and purpose of the modernization of political governance; From the perspective of value connotation, party governance is not only an important part of the modernization of national governance, but also a driving force for the modernization of national governance; From the perspective of practical mechanism, the Communist Party of China can cope with numerous internal and external uncertainties. Therefore, the modernization of party governance system and party governance capability is the internal requirement and inevitable choice of the modernization of national governance. Democratization and rule of law are both the essential provisions of the modernization of national governance and the internal requirements of measuring party governance. Therefore, we should unswervingly promote democracy and the rule of law in party governance.

The Path to Chinese Modernization

Hu Angang, president of the Institute of National Conditions of Tsinghua University and chief expert of the Institute of National Governance and Global Governance, delivered a report on "the main basis for achieving Chinese style modernization in 2035". Hu Angang believes that Chinese style modernization is a transitional period from the primary stage of socialism to a higher stage, and its theoretical basis is the theory of the primary stage of socialism. From this point of view, the new era is the transition from the primary stage of socialism to the advanced stage of socialism. In this transitional period, China has emerged some new trends and new features: the main social contradictions in China have been transformed into contradictions between the people's growing needs for a better life and unbalanced and inadequate development; The national conditions of population and resources of "more population, less arable land" have not changed, but the economic and social conditions of "weak foundation, GDP per capita ranking behind the world" have fundamentally changed. The next 15 years will be a transitional period for China from the primary stage of socialism to a higher stage. The "Five in One" will become an integrated version of the overall layout of socialist modernization with Chinese characteristics An important basis for building a modern socialist country.

Huang Sujian, a researcher of the Institute of Industrial Economics of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and president of the China Enterprise Management Research Association, made a report on "promoting Chinese style modernization with high-quality development of state-owned enterprises". Huang Sujian believes that state-owned enterprises must play a strategic supporting role in the process of Chinese style modernization. Chinese style modernization is the modernization of the public economy as the main body, so in the new era, state-owned enterprises should undertake six major missions: solving the failure of China's three types of markets, high-quality development, achieving common prosperity, solving major social contradictions, building a new development pattern, and deeply participating in the new industrial revolution. Then state-owned enterprises should play a strategic supporting role in building a socialist market economy, transforming the economic development paradigm, high-level opening up, innovation driven development, achieving common prosperity, building a new development pattern, and digital transformation. The high-quality development of state-owned enterprises is not only leading the high-quality development of the whole society, but also an important force to promote the realization of Chinese style modernization. Therefore, it is necessary to further deepen the reform of state-owned assets and enterprises.

Zhao Shumei, vice president of the Marxism School of Renmin University of China, delivered a report on "improving the Party's ability to serve the people and promoting Chinese modernization". Zhao Shumei believes that improving the Party's ability to serve the people plays a central role in promoting the process of Chinese style modernization. The reason is that for a large country with a population of more than one billion, the ideal of serving the people is not enough. It must have the ability to serve the people that is equal to the ideal. Reviewing the centennial history of the Communist Party of China, the purpose and ability of serving the people is an important basis for the Communist Party of China to open up the path of Chinese modernization. At present, the era environment for promoting Chinese style modernization is more complex, the task is more arduous, the backbone needs to be strengthened, and the ability of party members needs to be improved. Therefore, the Communist Party of China is required to constantly improve its ability to serve the people. Ideologically, we should firmly establish the purpose of serving the people wholeheartedly and point out the direction of struggle for the people; In terms of system, we should improve the system and specific system; On the team, we should improve the overall effectiveness of the Party's organizational system in serving the people, improve the quality of leading cadres' practice of the Party's mass line, and improve the ability of the majority of Party members to do solid mass work.

Source: China Social Sciences Network

(Editor in charge: Cai Yuhe, Huang Jin)