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The seventh congress of Guizhou Federation of Social Sciences was opened in Guiyang

Xu Shaoting 11:14, November 17, 2022 Source: Guizhou Daily

On November 16, the seventh congress of Guizhou Federation of Social Sciences was opened in Guiyang. Chen Yiqin, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and Director of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress, attended the opening ceremony and delivered a speech. She stressed that it is necessary to adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, deeply study, publicize and implement the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress, fully implement the important statement of General Secretary Xi Jinping on philosophy and social sciences, sincerely support the "two establishment", faithfully practice the "two maintenance", and strive to open up a new prospect for the prosperity and development of Guizhou philosophy and social sciences in a new era, It provides strong ideological guarantee, spiritual impetus, theoretical support and intellectual support for writing a new chapter of colorful Guizhou's modernization, and makes Guizhou contributions to the construction of philosophy and social science with Chinese characteristics.

Li Bingjun, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and Governor, Liu Xiaokai, Chairman of the CPPCC Provincial Committee, and Lu Yongzheng, Shi Yubao, Chen Shaobo, He Li, Guo Xiwen, and Chen Yan, provincial leaders attended. Lu Yongzheng presided over the opening ceremony, and Guo Xiwen read out the congratulatory letter from the National Office of Philosophy and Social Sciences.

Chen Yiqin, on behalf of the provincial party committee and the provincial government, extended warm congratulations to the opening of the conference and sincere greetings to the vast number of philosophy and social science workers in the province. She pointed out that since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has issued a series of important statements on philosophy and social sciences, pointing out the direction of progress, providing fundamental compliance and injecting strong impetus into the prosperity and development of China's philosophy and social sciences. Since the sixth congress of the Provincial Federation of Social Sciences, the provincial philosophy and social sciences front has resolutely implemented the important statement of General Secretary Xi Jinping on philosophy and social sciences, learned and studied the innovative theory of the Party with fruitful results, the service center has achieved rich results in the overall situation, built a "Guizhou brand" of social sciences with fruitful results, achieved good results in strengthening its own construction, and made remarkable achievements in all aspects of work, It has made important contributions to Guizhou to win the battle against poverty on time and create a "golden decade" of catching up and surpassing. In the new era, Guizhou, together with the whole country, embarked on a new journey of modernization. The new era is an unprecedented great era, and the new journey is an unprecedented great practice. Philosophy and social science has entered another spring of great development and prosperity. Guizhou philosophy and social science workers have a very broad stage to make contributions, and the prospects for the prosperity and development of Guizhou philosophy and social science are extremely bright. The provincial philosophy and social science front should set the tide of the times, connect with the changes of the past and the present, make the first sound of thought, actively state learning and argument for the party and the people, offer advice and suggestions for the development of Guizhou, and shoulder the glorious mission entrusted by history.

Chen Yiqin stressed that the philosophy and social sciences of Guizhou can and must make great efforts to learn, publicize and implement the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress, adhere to and develop socialism with Chinese characteristics, and promote high-quality development and modernization in Guizhou. The provincial philosophy and social science front should take the study, publicity and implementation of the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress as the primary political task at present and in the future, always adhere to the direction of serving the people and socialism and the policy of letting a hundred flowers blossom and a hundred schools of thought contend, adhere to creative transformation and innovative development, and closely focus on holding the banner, gathering the hearts of the people, cultivating new people, rejuvenating culture and developing image, With firm confidence, one heart and one mind, we will work hard and forge ahead bravely to form a batch of high-value research results, put forward a batch of high-quality advice, train a batch of high-quality professionals, build a batch of high-level base teams, create a batch of high-level platform brands, and strive to promote the development of philosophy and social sciences in our province to a new level.

Chen Yiqin stressed that the prosperity and development of Guizhou's philosophy and social sciences in the new era must take the Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era as the guide, grasp the world outlook and methodology of this guiding ideology, adhere to and use the positions, views and methods that run through it, and transform the "six must adhere to" into a sober theoretical consciousness Firm political belief and scientific thinking method. First, we must insist on the supremacy of the people and fully express the people's aspirations; second, we must insist on self-confidence and self-reliance and fully highlight the characteristics of Guizhou; third, we must insist on upholding integrity and innovation and fully grasp the pulse of the times; fourth, we must insist on problem orientation and fully guide practical development; fifth, we must firmly adhere to the system concept and fully follow the law of development; sixth, we must insist on keeping the world in mind Fully reflect the world vision. Based on the reality of Guizhou and rooted in the land of Guizhou, we should actively promote the construction and innovation of the discipline system, academic system and discourse system of philosophy and social sciences.

Chen Yiqin stressed that the provincial philosophy and social science front should always focus on the center and serve the overall situation, closely focus on the grand blueprint and strategic deployment described by the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, focus on the major theoretical and practical problems faced by Guizhou's development, make more achievements in theoretical research, offer more good strategies in service development, and see more effectiveness in publicity and popularization Make more contributions to the benefit of the people, play a better role in serving the high-quality development and modernization of the province, and achieve greater achievements.

Chen Yiqin stressed that it is necessary to adhere to the Party's leadership throughout the whole process of philosophy and social science work, comprehensively strengthen organizational leadership, improve the working mechanism, and vigorously strengthen talent support, so as to create a good atmosphere for the prosperity and development of philosophy and social science. All levels of social science federations in the province should comprehensively strengthen their own construction in the spirit of self revolution, further play the role of bridge and link, and unite the strong joint force of the philosophy and social science front. The majority of philosophy and social science workers in the province should show their true skills and achieve good results in studying theoretical problems, answering the topics of the times, solving practical problems, and achieving self achievement and value in establishing morality and speaking for the motherland, Guizhou, and the people.

Before the opening ceremony, provincial leaders such as Chen Yiqin, Li Bingjun and Liu Xiaokai met with representatives attending the conference and took a group photo with them.

At the opening ceremony, the head of the Provincial Federation of Trade Unions delivered a congratulatory speech on behalf of the provincial people's organizations. All the sister provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities sent congratulatory letters to the conference.

Representatives of the 7th Provincial Social Science Federation Congress, comrades in charge of relevant provincial departments, and comrades in the social science sector attended the opening ceremony.

(Editor in charge: Pi Bo, Huang Jin)