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CCTV program "People" column special program "Li De Shu Ren" series: (I) "Li De Shu Ren Xia Shuzhang" "Li De Shu Ren Chen Zheng"

13:27, January 9, 2020 Source: National Office of Philosophy and Social Sciences

In order to continuously and deeply publicize the outstanding experts and scholars in the field of philosophy and social sciences who are both virtuous and professional, show their outstanding academic attainments, excellent style of study with dedication, outstanding contributions to society, spiritual demeanor of self-cultivation and scholarship, and convey the master's demeanor with wonderful stories, reflect the light of thought, and carry forward the spirit of the times, we, together with the Central Radio and Television Station, Welcome to watch the special program "Paymaster" on the National Memory of CCTV's Chinese international channel and the special program "Lide Shuren" on the People of the Chinese science and education channel.

The special program of the People program of CCTV, Li De Shu Ren: (1) Li De Shu Ren Xia Shuzhang, Li De Shu Ren Chen Zheng

Main content of this episode: The main content of this episode: Xia Shuzhang, the founder and pioneer of Chinese administration, devoted himself to the research and construction of this discipline all his life, and became the leader of Chinese public administration. Marx's "Das Kapital" is abstruse and difficult to understand. After unremitting research, Chen Zheng wrote his own teaching materials, so that readers can deeply feel the wisdom of "Das Kapital".

(Editor in charge: Sun Shuang, Ai Wen)