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Notice for soliciting contributions to the National Social Science Fund's "Achievement Report"

11:31, December 27, 2023 Source: National Office of Philosophy and Social Sciences

The National Social Science Fund's "Achievement Report" is an internal journal founded by the National Philosophy and Social Sciences Office to promote academic innovation and serve the scientific decision-making of the Party and the government. Since its establishment in 1996, the Achievements Report has received a lot of instructions and affirmation from leading comrades of the Central Committee and relevant departments, playing an important role in the decision-making of the Party and policies. In order to further run the "Achievement Report", we are now soliciting contributions from experts and scholars in the social science field. The details are as follows.

1、 Respondents

It is mainly the undertaker of various projects of the National Social Science Fund, and other social science researchers are also welcome to actively contribute.

2、 Request for contributions

1. Carry out academic analysis on major issues that need urgent attention and solution in the work of the Party and the state, and focus on hot and cutting-edge issues in the academic community, and put forward innovative ideas, countermeasures and suggestions.

2. Adhere to the correct political direction, value orientation and research orientation.

3. The manuscript should be ideological, strategic and innovative, and highlight the awareness of problems.

4. Distinctive views, clear logic, simple style of writing, and refined language (within 2500 words of the text and about 500 words of the content summary).

5. There is no intellectual property dispute.

3、 Praise and reward

1. The research results (including phased results) of the National Social Science Fund project are adopted by the Achievement Report, which can be used as a condition for applying for exemption from the identification and conclusion of the project.

2. If the Results Report is approved by the central leadership or adopted by the relevant decision-making department, it will be praised in an appropriate form.

4、 Acceptance of manuscripts

1. All day acceptance and submission mailbox ghbcgc@vip.163.com , and indicate the name of the manuscript in the subject of the email (if the research content is sensitive or confidential, please burn the manuscript to a CD and send it).

2. Please indicate whether it belongs to the research results of the National Social Science Fund project, and attach the name of the main author's unit, title and position, and contact number.

3. Be responsible for the manuscript. Once employed, please carefully revise within the specified time according to the editing requirements. If you do not agree to the modification, please make a statement in advance.

If you have other questions, please contact the Results Management Office of the National Office of Philosophy and Social Sciences.

Mailing address: Achievement Office of Social Science Office, No. 5, West Chang'an Street, Xicheng District, Beijing (100806)

National Office of Philosophy and Social Sciences

December 27, 2023

(Editor in charge: Qin Hua, Liu Tingting)