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Teachers, students and parents must read! Here comes the anti bullying instruction manual →

2024-03-20 17:56 Author:

Learn to associate with people

Is an important lesson in life

Teenagers are at a critical stage of growth

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Chengdu Education Release

Which behaviors belong to campus bullying

Among students, if the party who has the advantage in age, body or number intentionally or maliciously commits the following acts against the other party, or bullies or insults the other party in other ways, resulting in personal injury, property damage or mental loss, it can be deemed as constituting bullying.

Beating, kicking, slapping, scratching, bumping, pulling and other behaviors that infringe upon the body or threaten to threaten.

The act of violating human dignity by abusing, ridiculing, mocking, sarcasm, or insulting nicknames.

Seizing, forcibly demanding or deliberately destroying the property of others.

Malicious exclusion, intimidation, threat, coercion, isolation of others, influence others to participate in school activities or social exchanges.

Fabricate facts to slander others, spread rumors or wrong information to slander others, and maliciously spread others' privacy through the Internet or other means of information dissemination.

What conditions

Will indicate

Children may be being bullied


Suddenly unwilling to go to school

The children who did not exclude the school suddenly showed a tendency not to go to school. It may be that there are some things in the school that make the children worried and unwilling to face and deal with.


Unprovoked emotional change

The child came home from school unhappy and had the idea of being tired of school. The lively and cheerful child suddenly became cloudy and sunny. Maybe something in the school affected him.


Complain that some classmates are targeting him

This is a signal for children to seek help. Parents can provide some feasible ways to teach children to try to alleviate this situation, and ask them within a certain time, or invite students to play at home and chat casually.


There are scars on the body

The child came home from school with dirty body and scars. At first, it was caused by fighting, but the child insisted that he had accidentally hurt himself. Never ignore it.


Abnormal behavior

If a child is emotionally unstable, a little thing can cause a very intense reaction, such as being very clingy, refusing to go to school, being very timid and afraid of others, and even having a tendency to self harm. It is suggested that parents go to school to learn about the situation.


Sleep problems

Insomnia, nightmares, bed wetting and other problems are also one of the manifestations of school bullying.

Children's experience

Campus bullying

What to do


When bullied,

What should children do?

★ Keep calm.

★ Ask for help. Call for help from passers-by, and use abnormal actions to attract the attention of people around.

★ Personal safety always comes first. Try to repel the other party with warning words, or try to extricate yourself from the predicament through strategic conversation and environment. But don't provoke the other party.

★ Learn to ask for help. Don't take the initiative to conflict with classmates in school, and find the teacher to solve in time once it happens.

★ You must tell your parents. No matter what threats you encounter, you should tell your parents not to suffer physical and psychological trauma.


When children are bullied,

What should parents do?

★ Teach children to respect, love and protect themselves.

Some parents usually require their children to be obedient and suppress their self-esteem, which may easily lead to their children being bullied at school. If the situation exceeds the children's coping ability, parents should take action and communicate with the school and teachers.

★ Encourage children to establish beneficial interpersonal relationships.

Children who are withdrawn, unsociable and have poor interpersonal skills are more likely to suffer from campus bullying. Parents should cultivate their children's ability to establish friendly and supportive interpersonal relationships with their peers from an early age, which can buffer the impact of campus bullying.

★ Calm down. The most important thing is children.

When the child tells about the situation of bullying, please keep calm, listen well and respond, so that the child knows that the situation is completely controllable. No matter what happens, his parents will stand by him and support him.

★ Empathy, don't ask too many details first.

Don't just comfort the child and don't argue with his classmates. This may make the child mistakenly think that the bullying is due to his own problems, which will lead him to deeper pain and self blame. Show empathy for children and send a signal to them that the things he describes are not "normal" in the process of growing up, and you are very sad about the treatment he has suffered.

★ Accept, parents will never abandon you.

Children are prone to extreme emotions after being bullied, such as abnormal resistance to interpersonal relationships and unwillingness to go to school. At this time, parents should be tolerant, because children may be in a state of stress, and do not cause secondary harm to them.

★ Calm down the children's emotions first.

When children are extremely insecure, they pay more attention to the care of others. The earlier they handle their emotions, the less harm they will do to their children and the less impact they will have in the future. This is more important than solving the problem itself.

★ Thank you. You are brave to tell the story.

Tell the child that he is grateful for his courage to tell you about it, and explain to him that only when he is willing to talk about it can his parents have the opportunity to help him. A more effective way of expression is: I know you need great courage to tell me this. Despite such difficulties, you are still willing to tell me. Thank you for your trust.


Campus bullying occurs,

What should the school do?

★ Relief oriented: For victims of campus bullying, the school should immediately organize medical assistance, psychological intervention, judicial assistance, etc.

★ Moderate punishment: The school must notify the parents of the perpetrators of campus bullying, give serious criticism and education, and never tolerate them. The general principle is to ensure the purpose of education and rescue, and give appropriate punishment within the scope of the law.

★ Quick response: The school should pay attention to the students' situation in a timely manner, carry out rescue work immediately, and reasonably deal with bullying.

★ Low profile remedy: In the process of disposal, the school should pay more attention to the interests of the victims' children and parents, protect the privacy of minors, and objectively respond to social concerns from the perspective of victims.


Prevention of bullying on campus

Parents teach their children like this


Don't be a bully

The acts of deliberately beating others, insulting others, demanding others' property, and intentionally illegally injuring others may constitute the crime of provocation, forced insult, robbery, and intentional injury in our criminal law.


Don't be a follower or a cold eyed bystander

Refuse to fan the flames and become the "accomplice" of the bully.

Reject irrelevant bystanders and appropriately express sympathy and concern for the victims.

Give help to the victims within the scope of their ability.

Timely report to teachers and parents, or even call the police.


Reduce the risk of being a victim

Make more friends in school, get along well with classmates, and resolve conflicts in a tolerant, rational and peaceful manner. Do not use extreme methods.

In case of being bullied, teachers and parents should be informed in time.

Improve self-protection awareness and ability, and strengthen physical quality training at ordinary times, so as to carry out self-protection at dangerous times.

Resisting school bullying makes every child bathed in the sunshine of the rule of law. We need to tell children not to be violent or victims. Let's work together and say no to school bullying! May all youth be treated warmly!

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