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12 new stores! There are more than 100 national women's patriotism education bases

2024-03-14 11:29 Author:

Recently, the All China Women's Federation decided to name 12 venues including the former residence of Soong Ching ling as national women's patriotism education bases. The venues named this time come from nine provinces, autonomous regions and cities, including Beijing and Tianjin. Some show the heroic stories of women's enthusiasm to support during the revolutionary war, some show the tenacious struggle spirit of women groups, and some carry forward the traditional family virtues of the Chinese nation and profound family feelings, each with its own characteristics and rich display. So far, the total number of women's patriotism education bases in China has reached 105.

The All China Women's Federation requires that women's federations at all levels should adhere to the innovative theory of the Party to forge souls and educate people, forge character, play a good role in ideological and political education of the base, and lead women and families to remember the revolutionary history, inherit the red gene, and continue the red blood.

In recent years, the All China Women's Federation, together with the State Administration of Cultural Heritage and the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, has held activities such as "Inheriting the New Journey - National Women's Patriotic Education Base Revolutionary Cultural Relics Joint Exhibition", "Red Memory Forever", and the National Women's Patriotic Education Base Stamp Punch Shop, to guide and drive women's federations at all levels to take the base as the position, innovate and carry out colorful commemorative activities Thematic exhibitions, learning and education continued to stimulate women's feelings of loving the Party, patriotism and socialism, and strengthened their ideals and beliefs of listening to the Party's words and following the Party in the immersive exhibition viewing and participatory experience activities.

List of Newly Named National Women's Patriotic Education Bases

Former Residence of Song Qingling in Beijing

Tianjin Pingjin Campaign Memorial Hall

Shanxi Xigou Exhibition Hall (Shen Jilan Memorial Hall)

Memorial Hall of Anhui River Crossing Campaign

Fujian Zhangzhou Chinese Women's Volleyball Team Spirit Exhibition Hall

Jiangxi He Zizhen Memorial Hall

Deng Yingchao's Ancestral Residence in Henan

Revolutionary Museum of the Capital of Hubei Henan Anhui Soviet Area

Henan Hongqiqu Memorial Hall

Henan Fuhao Tomb

Hunan Cai Hesen Memorial Hall (Cai Chang's Life Story Exhibition Room) and Cai Hesen's Former Residence

Guangxi Liu Zongyuan Memorial Hall

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