Nanning Women's Network
Welcome to Nanning Women's Network!

Civilized practice

array(29) { ["thumbs"]=> array(0) { } ["tags"]=> array(5) { [0]=> String (6) "Bullying" [1]=> String (6) "Campus" [2]=> String (6) "Violation" [3]=> String (6) "Legal" [4]=> String (12) "Minor" } ["sort"]=> int(0) ["terms"]=> array(6) { [0]=> int(28992) [1]=> int(328021) [2]=> int(21480) [3]=> int(63810) [4]=> int(60199) [5]=> int(28946) } ["appid"]=> int(1) ["recommend"]=> int(0) ["catids"]=> string(4) ",78," ["url"]=> string(41) " " ["title"]=> String (55) "Hengzhou City: Propaganda of Legal System into Campus to Promote Law Popularization and Help Growth" ["description"]=> String (231) "It is the common responsibility of society, schools and families to further enhance students' awareness and ability to prevent sexual abuse, deepen the protection of minors' rights and interests, and prevent campus bullying through legal publicity, which requires all parties to be conscientious, closely cooperate, and jointly manage" ["sourceurl"]=> string(0) "" ["published"]=> int(1711878656) ["thumb"]=> bool(false) ["comments"]=> int(0) ["thumb_ratio"]=> int(1) ["id"]=> string(7) "3200797" ["tran_published"]=> string(5) "03-31" ["model"]=> string(0) "" ["is_hot_content"]=> bool(false) ["pv"]=> int(0) ["virtual_pv"]=> int(218) ["click_pv"]=> int(0) ["virtual_digg"]=> int(30) ["shares"]=> int(0) ["digg"]=> int(30) ["all_pv"]=> int(0) ["content_terms"]=> array(2) { [2]=> array(5) { [0]=> String (6) "Bullying" [1]=> String (6) "Campus" [2]=> String (6) "Violation" [3]=> String (6) "Legal" [4]=> String (12) "Minor" } [4]=> array(1) { [0]=> String (15) "Hengzhou Women's Federation" } } ["source"]=> String (15) "Hengzhou Women's Federation" ["author"]=> array(0) { } }

Hengzhou City: Propaganda of the legal system into the campus, law popularization and growth

It is the common responsibility of society, schools and families to further enhance students' awareness and ability to prevent sexual abuse, deepen the protection of minors' rights and interests, and prevent campus bullying through legal publicity. All parties need to be conscientious, closely cooperate, and jointly manage [Details]

Nong Sheng Wen: Adhere to the supremacy of the people and do a good job of people's livelihood. Write a more warm and thick "people's livelihood answer sheet"

Nong Shengwen went into the elderly dining hall and elderly care service center, listened to the introduction of community elderly care service mode, and talked with the elderly who were eating, dancing and studying [Details]

Organizer: Nanning Women's Network
GGZAB: No. 45010302000870
Guangxi ICP preparation 11003557

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