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Six departments including the Central Propaganda Department, the Central Office for the Construction of Spiritual Civilization and the All China Women's Federation launched the 9th National Ethical Model Selection and Commendation Activity

2023-11-19 16:24 Author:

In order to vigorously cultivate and practice the core socialist values, carry forward the traditional Chinese virtues, and establish a new style and new look of the times, the Propaganda Department of the Central Committee, the Central Office for the Construction of Spiritual Civilization, the All China Federation of Trade Unions, the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League, the All China Women's Federation, and the Political Work Department of the Central Military Commission recently issued the Notice on the Selection and Commendation of the Ninth National Moral Models and its implementation measures, The Ninth National Moral Model Selection and Commendation was launched, requiring extensive publicity activities for moral model learning to guide people to advocate moral models, learn moral models, and strive to be moral models, so as to promote the formation of a strong social atmosphere of advocating virtue and being good, learning from the best and acting with virtue in the world.

The notice emphasized that, guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, we should thoroughly implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, conscientiously study and implement Xi Jinping's cultural thoughts, base ourselves on the central tasks and overall work of the Party and the country for a new era and a new journey, focus on building spiritual pillars, setting value benchmarks, cultivating new people for the era, and focus on inspiring confidence and fighting spirit, and stimulating the strength to forge ahead, We will select a group of moral models with outstanding deeds, public recognition, distinctive characteristics of the times and strong typical demonstration, focus on demonstrating the fruitful achievements of ideological and moral construction in the new era, and fully demonstrate the energetic spirit of the Chinese nation.

The notice pointed out that the Ninth National Moral Model Selection and Commendation should be taken as the key work to improve the construction of innovative spiritual civilization. It should be carefully deployed, carefully organized and implemented, and the publicity of model deeds, learning model quality, and practicing model spirit should run through the whole process of selection and commendation, so as to establish a new era and new fashion of morality, respect for morality, and observance of morality in the whole society.

The notice requires that we should adhere to the mass line and social evaluation, adhere to the level by level recommendation and level by level check, adhere to strict and fair standards for selection, select moral benchmarks recognized by all sectors of society and the people, and ensure that the selected moral models are excellent, famous and standing with authority and credibility.

It is reported that the ninth national moral model is divided into five categories: "model of helping others", "model of courage for righteousness", "model of honesty and trustworthiness", "model of dedication", and "model of filial piety and love for the elderly". It is selected through the steps of mass recommendation, selection review, publicity, voting and selection, and will inspire hundreds of millions of people to transform the strength of moral model into vivid practice, To provide a strong ideological guarantee, a strong spiritual force and a strong moral support for building a modern socialist country in an all-round way and promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation in an all-round way.

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