In 2021, Guangxi Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Mass Cultural Activity Week will be held to discuss cultural development cooperation

The concert featuring Cantonese classical songs and featured literary and artistic programs presented by the artist was loved by the audience and photographed by reporter Song Yankang

Nanning Cloud Nanning Evening News (Reporter Song Yankang) On the evening of December 3, the opening ceremony of the 2021 Guangxi Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Mass Cultural Activity Week and the Cantonese Golden Melody Concert were staged on the stage of Nanning Folk Songs Lake.

In the evening, the opening ceremony of the activity week invited outstanding art groups from the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area and major cities along the Pearl River Xijiang Economic Belt and local art groups in Guangxi to jointly carry out a concert integrating Cantonese classical songs and featured art programs to share friendship and cooperation.

Among them, the song and dance "Common Home", which kicked off the concert, expresses the deep feelings of Guangxi and Guangdong that are rooted in the same blood; "The Great Wall will never fall, and the Yellow River will never fall..." The classic Cantonese song "The Great Wall will never fall" brought by a good band in Qinzhou touched the heartstrings and stirred patriotic feelings with passionate melody and sonorous rhythm; The "Spring in Dawan District" performed by the singer of Guangzhou Cultural Center presents the beautiful scene of prosperity and diversified cultural development of Dawan District; Due to the prevention and control of the epidemic situation, the Guangdong District performance of the artists in Foshan City, "A Dream of Two Flying Swallows", was presented in the form of video, which also demonstrated the charm of traditional cultural treasures.

From December 2 to 6, the 2021 Guangxi Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Mass Cultural Activity Week of "Jointly forge ahead on a new journey and create a new chapter of win-win cooperation" was held in Nanning. During the activity week, a group of cultural workers from Nanning, Guigang, Wuzhou, Qinzhou, Fangchenggang, Guangzhou, and Foshan will have in-depth exchanges to discuss cultural development trends and innovative experience, and will also hold an exchange forum and signing ceremony for the "Family of Guangxi and Guangdong" mass cultural strategic cooperation alliance.

Editor: Luo Ning

Editor in charge: Qin Fengni

On duty editor: Tang Jiekui

(Author: Song Yankang)

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