The Nanning Economic Development Zone releases new momentum of high-quality development

The magnificent Beibu Gulf Science Park.

Production line of Guangxi Xuanma Food Co., Ltd.

Construction site of Longguang ASEAN Fresh Food Smart Port Project.

The optical module project of Raytheon Technology Nanning Industrial Park has a leading 100 level clean workshop and production equipment in southwest China.

In February this year, the magnesium aluminocarbonate chewable tablets developed by Guangxi Nanning Baihui Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd. successfully passed the national consistency evaluation, and it is planned to start mass production in June this year. The picture shows the whole picture of the plant area of Guangxi Nanning Baihui Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

Oral Liquid Workshop of Guangxi Nanning Baihui Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd.

In just two months, the 15000 KVA enterprise power supply project was officially electrified, ensuring the smooth operation of the third phase project of Raytheon Nanning Science and Technology Industrial Park (Shenguan Park); The project will start as soon as the land is acquired. The Longguang ASEAN Fresh Food Smart Port project will invest nearly 600 million yuan in five months and is planned to be put into operation in October this year; Supporting leading industries, Baihui Pharmaceutical's magnesium aluminocarbonate chewable tablets successfully passed the national consistency evaluation and will be put into mass production soon

Since this year, Nanning Economic and Technological Development Zone (hereinafter referred to as "Nanning Economic and Technological Development Zone"), with a fighting attitude of "speed up at the beginning and competition at the beginning", has conscientiously implemented the spirit of the high-quality industrial development conference of the autonomous region and Nanning City, centering on the comprehensive implementation of the strategy of strengthening the capital, taking initiative in the requirements of elevation and quality development, accelerating the transformation of new and old driving forces, strengthening industries, gathering elements and improving services, Various measures were taken to promote the industrial economy of the park to get off to a good start and make every effort to speed up the "14th Five Year Plan".

In the first quarter of this year, the gross industrial output value of Nanning Economic Development Zone above designated size was 7.023 billion yuan, up 24% year on year, with an average growth of 14.43% in two years, 6.13 percentage points higher than the average growth of Nanning in two years; The industrial added value above designated size was 1.244 billion yuan, up 22.2% year on year, with an average growth of 12% in two years, 2.1 percentage points higher than the average growth of Nanning in two years. Among them, 11 industrial enterprises above the designated size in the electronic information industry contributed 1.821 billion yuan in output value, with a year-on-year growth of 134.97%, driving the economic growth of the Economic Development Zone by 18.48 percentage points.

One Policy for One Enterprise Refreshes "Economic Development Speed"

In the afternoon of April 28, the third phase power supply project of Raytheon Nanning Science and Technology Industrial Park (Shenguan Park), which was built by Green Harbor Group, was officially powered on, providing a strong guarantee for the smooth operation of the production line of the third phase project.

"The power supply project is one of the key projects of the third phase project. At the beginning of this year, Nanning Economic Development Zone learned that we had an urgent need for 15000 KVA new electricity, immediately organized relevant departments to establish an effective communication mechanism, and held no less than 10 communication and coordination meetings with us, which strongly promoted the completion of the power supply project of the third phase project on schedule." Ruisheng Technology (Nanning) Guo Lei, engineer of the Infrastructure Department of the Company, said.

It is reported that the project includes supporting construction with a power supply capacity of 15000 KVA, four distribution rooms, excavation and burial of cable ducts with a length of about 1500 meters, installation of 7 transformers and 115 distribution cabinets. At the beginning of January this year, Green Harbor Group, Nanning Economic Development Zone Finance Bureau, Nanning Economic Development Zone Construction and Development Bureau and other departments took the initiative to connect with Raytheon and the power supply department. At the end of February, they entered the site for construction, and completed the design, construction, installation, commissioning and other work in less than 60 days. Qin Yuansheng, general manager of Greenport Group Nanning Science and Technology Construction Co., Ltd., said, "For a project of this scale, it usually takes at least three months from project establishment to installation and commissioning. We completed it in less than two months."

Behind the constantly refreshing "economic development speed" is the core of Nanning Economic Development Zone's accurate and efficient service enterprises. The main leaders and leaders in charge of the Party Working Committee and the Management Committee of Nanning Economic and Technological Development Zone regularly lead teams to the key enterprises under their jurisdiction for research in batches, timely identify and solve the outstanding difficulties and problems that restrict project construction and enterprise development, customize "one enterprise, one policy", and deeply serve the production scheduling of key industrial enterprises above the designated size.

At the same time, the Management Committee of Nanning Economic and Technological Development Zone has accelerated the development of the "four fixed" mechanism of "determining enterprises, leaders, departments and goals", established the 2021 temporary planning enterprise cultivation library, selected the audio phone and smart wear OEM projects, the production project of Yingtuo AI intelligent innovative terminals, and 24 key service projects such as joint optical communication, acoustic signal and power transmission products projects, Urge the project to be completed and put into production as soon as possible, solve various production factor problems arising in the production and operation process, and promote the enterprise to reach the production capacity as soon as possible and enter the regulation and integration as soon as possible.

Continuously optimize the business environment and continuously release the bonus of the exhibition. In the first quarter of this year, 11 industrial enterprises above the designated size in the electronic information industry of Nanning Economic Development Zone contributed 1.821 billion yuan of output value, with a year-on-year growth of 134.97%, driving the economic growth of Nanning Economic Development Zone by 18.48 percentage points. Among them, the output value of Raytheon Technology in the first quarter increased by 56%, becoming a new increment point in the industrial output value of electronic information industry in Nanning Economic and Technological Development Zone, and driving the economic development of electronic information industry enterprises such as Colin, Hongdian, Weiyitong, etc.

"The Management Committee of the Economic Development Zone held the second quarter economic operation analysis and scheduling meeting in late April. In order to tackle the second quarter and strive to achieve" double more than half "in the first half of the year, we will strictly implement the mechanism of the party and government leaders of the Economic Development Zone serving enterprises, go deep into enterprises to carry out" one-on-one "assistance, and help enterprises solve difficulties and problems in labor, capital, raw materials, etc. in the production and operation process." Lin Queping, Deputy Director of Economic Development Bureau of Nanning Economic Development Zone, said.

Keep an eye on key projects and stabilize investment against the trend

At the construction site of the Longguang ASEAN Fresh Food Smart Port Project located in the Nanning International Railway Port area, there are many tower cranes, excavators waving their arms, and the main structure of two fresh integrated processing centers has begun to take shape.

"The Management Committee of the Economic Development Zone plans in advance to implement various preferential policies and measures for us, realize the commencement of the project immediately after the acquisition of land, and actively cooperate with and coordinate the preliminary basic work such as" three supplies and one leveling ". We have completed the investment of nearly 600 million yuan in less than five months. According to the current construction progress, the Phase I Start up Zone will be completed and put into operation by the end of October this year." Cheng Kun, the project manager of Longguang ASEAN Fresh Food Smart Port, said that on January 29, the day when the first phase of the project was delisted, the site leveling work such as earthwork excavation and outward transportation would be carried out. At present, two fresh integrated processing centers have completed the construction of the main structure of the first floor, two urban central kitchens have preliminarily completed the foundation construction, three logistics centers have completed the pile foundation construction, 5G IOT Center and dormitory buildings have completed the earthwork, and the overall project is steadily and rapidly moving forward to delivery and opening.

It is reported that the Phase I startup area covers an area of 231 mu, with a total investment of about 2.2 billion yuan. After completion and operation, it is estimated that the annual gross industrial output value will reach 3 billion yuan, becoming the first major industrial project completed and put into operation in Nanning International Railway Port.

Since this year, Nanning Economic Development Zone has resisted the downward pressure of slow growth of industrial investment caused by the COVID-19 epidemic, the change of investment direction or delay of investment in industrial investment projects under its jurisdiction, and the transformation of Mingyang Industrial Park from industry to mass health industry. It has vigorously introduced key projects, and focused on the docking of key projects and reserve of backup projects. In the first quarter of this year, Nanning Economic Development Zone achieved 55.85% of the annual investment plan for 33 major projects at or above the municipal level; Vipshop, Longguang ASEAN Fresh Food Smart Port and other nine projects have started, and completed 150% of the first quarter's tasks; 10 projects with a fixed asset investment of more than 50 million yuan (including) (10 projects with a fixed asset investment of more than 30 million yuan (including) for leasing standard factory buildings).

"In the first quarter, the actual domestic capital reached 2.77 billion yuan, 110.86% of the first quarter, and the direct use of foreign capital completed 151.21% of the first quarter's tasks, an increase of 164.62% year on year. Next, we will do a solid job in enterprise services, project construction, industrial investment promotion, airport economic demonstration area and other key work." Chen Liang, deputy director of the Investment Promotion Bureau of Nanning Economic Development Zone, said that the area of jurisdiction closely focuses on electronic information Leading industries, such as biomedicine, take the initiative to carry out "enterprises help transformation and upgrading" and "implement three enterprises into Guangxi" as the starting point, and implement investment attraction in the industrial chain and precise investment attraction. Among them, in February this year, we signed the Eveto AI intelligent innovation terminal production project with a total investment of 350 million yuan. After the project is completed and put into operation, it is expected to achieve an annual gross industrial output value of no less than 2.2 billion yuan and an annual tax revenue of no less than 6 million yuan.

Supporting and guiding leading enterprises to accelerate the agglomeration of emerging industries

When we entered Guangxi Nanning Baihui Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd., the pharmaceutical production line operated in an orderly manner, and the red "happy news" hanging on the wall was eye-catching.

"In February this year, the magnesium aluminocarbonate chewable tablet we developed successfully passed the national consistency evaluation, and it is planned to start mass production in June this year. At present, only two enterprises in Guangxi have passed the consistency evaluation, and Baihui Pharmaceutical is one of them." Deng Haichao, deputy general manager of the company, said that from January to April this year, Baihui Pharmaceutical's sales revenue was 69.89 million yuan, up 133% year on year; The output value was 63.57 million yuan, up 104% year on year. Since March, the company has started the expansion project of the production of aluminum and magnesium carbonate raw materials in the raw material workshop. After the project is completed, the production capacity of aluminum and magnesium carbonate raw materials can reach 650 tons per year. In the second half of this year, the company will also start the stereoscopic warehouse project, build a pharmaceutical intelligent stereoscopic warehouse and logistics center, and provide supporting facilities for the company's subsequent capacity expansion.

Baihui Pharmaceutical is one of the industry leaders that Nanning Economic Development Zone focuses on introducing and supporting. In 2013, the company signed a project investment agreement with Nanning Economic and Technological Development Zone, implemented a technical transformation project, improved the original production process, and built an intelligent pharmaceutical manufacturing factory that meets the requirements of the new era. Nanning Economic and Technological Development Zone implements relevant preferential policies for enterprises and gives active support in industrial technological transformation, integration of industrialization and industrialization, drug consistency evaluation, etc.

In recent years, Nanning Economic and Technological Development Zone has made every effort to attract the large and the strong. With the help of development and opening platforms such as the new land and sea channel in the west and the airport economic demonstration zone, it has actively docked with key areas such as the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area, introduced a number of key projects settled in the industrial chain, and accelerated the formation of electronic information, biological medicine, advanced equipment manufacturing The airport industry and urban food industry go hand in hand. Rely on the leading role of leading enterprises, attract them to expand investment and drive upstream and downstream product enterprises to settle down, forming the linkage effect of introducing one, building one, and bringing a batch of.

In order to continue to strengthen strategic emerging industries, Nanning Economic Development Zone, relying on leading enterprises such as Raytheon Technology, will accelerate the building of electronic information industry clusters, deepen the construction of two major industrial chains of high-end electronic core components and intelligent terminals, focus on promoting the construction of Raytheon precision modules, optical modules, Colin, Weiyitong, Eveto and other projects, and strengthen the docking with the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area, Actively undertake industrial transfer. Accelerate the building of bio pharmaceutical industrial clusters. Focus on the development of three major industries of modern pharmaceutical manufacturing, health food, and medical equipment, expand and strengthen pharmaceutical manufacturing enterprises such as Baihui, Xianzhu, Huluwa, and create a batch of national medicine, national single batch number flagship products.

The transformation and upgrading of traditional advantageous industries also accelerated. Relying on the existing industrial foundation, Nanning Economic and Technological Development Zone encourages traditional food and tea beverage manufacturers such as Wahaha, Dingjin and Jinjiang Fuyuan to strengthen technological transformation; Focus on Xuanma Lansheng, accelerate the development of high value-added convenient food, leisure food and other emerging food industries, actively create enterprise brands with local characteristics, and form a regional advanced food processing industry cluster.

In the second quarter, Nanning Economic Development Zone will further promote leading industries to become bigger and stronger, cultivate and develop airport industries, and promote traditional industries to "grow new" and emerging industries to "grow from scratch". Based on the changing needs of the industry city integration mode that has both industrial resource endowment and meets the requirements of high-quality development, adhere to the concept of green development, continue to supplement, lengthen and strengthen the industrial chain with innovation as the engine, accelerate the speed of policy implementation, deepen the soil for industrial innovation, and constantly release the innovation vitality of enterprises and scientific and technological personnel. By successfully fighting the battle of industrial revitalization, cultivating "industrial trees" and flourishing "industrial forests", we can unblock the blocking points buried in the path of achieving high-quality industrial development, and sprint to "more than half" in the first half of this year.

(Author: Xiang Guoze, Chen Yu, Chen Weidong)

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