Pumiao Town, Yongning District carried out the activity of "hand in hand with epidemic prevention and AIDS fighting to bring health home" to care for floating population

Nanning Cloud - Nanning News Network News (reporter Luo Ning correspondent Yang Hua) "What are the ways of AIDS transmission?" "How should citizens prevent and control the spread of AIDS?" On November 30, Pumiao Town, Yongning District held an AIDS prevention and control propaganda activity at Xinxing Square with the theme of "Hand in hand to prevent and fight AIDS and bring health home". More than 800 people, including representatives of the medical and health system, enthusiastic citizens, migrant workers and community volunteers, participated in the activity.

The whole activity opened with dance, sketch and other artistic performances that the audience liked, and the program was interspersed with award-winning question and answer sessions. In addition, in order to expand the publicity coverage and increase the participation rate of the masses, the activities also set up a game of throwing traps, a quiz about AIDS prevention knowledge, a prize winning contest for health and family planning knowledge, and a health free clinic. Health knowledge bulletin boards were placed on the scene and relevant publicity materials were distributed, making AIDS prevention and control knowledge deeply popular.

The staff distributed publicity materials to the masses. Photographed by Yang Hua

"Pumiao Town is located at the junction of urban and rural areas, with a large number of migrant workers and other migrants, most of whom are in their prime of life and have a single lifestyle, and are the key population for epidemic prevention and AIDS prevention propaganda." Mo Armed, director of the Health and Family Planning Office of Pumiao Town, introduced.

Since this year, Pumiao Town has joined medical institutions, health supervision and other relevant units in factories, villages and residential areas to carry out AIDS prevention publicity activities for the masses, migrant workers, construction workers and other personnel, improve the awareness of the masses on AIDS prevention and control, consciously participate in AIDS prevention and control work, and protect the lives and health of the masses.

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