The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the State Council and the Central Military Commission issued a commemorative medal for the 70th anniversary of the Chinese People's Volunteers' War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea

↑ This is the commemorative medal of the 70th anniversary of the Chinese People's Volunteers' War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea (photographed on October 3). Photographed by Xinhua News Agency reporter Li He

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, October 22 This year marks the 70th anniversary of the Chinese People's Volunteers' War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea. The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the State Council, and the Central Military Commission of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CMC) issued commemorative medals for the 70th anniversary of the Chinese People's Volunteers' War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea.

The commemorative medal is made of gold plated and silver with a diameter of 50mm. The core part of the medal is the image of a volunteer soldier and 70 beams of light. It is surrounded by ribbons composed of peace doves, water lines and national flags of China and North Korea, and the periphery is made up of five stars, cinnamon leaves and arrows representing five battles. The five petal shape of the Jindalai flower symbolizes the 70th anniversary of the Chinese People's Volunteer Army's War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea, It means that the great war to resist US aggression and aid Korea is a just war to defend peace and resist aggression. The great spirit of resisting US aggression and aid Korea will always be the precious wealth of the Chinese people, demonstrating China's firm determination and confidence to defy strong enemies, maintain world peace and build a community with a shared future for mankind.

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