Beat the drum to urge the battle to be more vigorous -- win the decisive battle to shake off poverty and launch the final sprint

October 17 is the seventh National Poverty Alleviation Day, and China's poverty alleviation has entered a crucial stage of decisive battle. Under the bugle call, the fight against poverty has yielded gratifying results. Reporters in Sichuan, Guizhou, Xinjiang and other provinces and regions saw that some poor counties without hats were beating drums to urge the battle and making unremitting efforts to gnaw the last hard bone.

Use real moves and skills to speed up the improvement of weaknesses

With the launch of the war supervision charge, all localities aim at "precision" and focus on the most difficult groups, the most prominent problems, and the weakest links. Bottleneck problems affecting the realization of poverty alleviation tasks have been solved one by one.

More than 16000 poverty-stricken households live in safe housing, and school-age children at the compulsory education stage should be fully educated... In Jinyang County, Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province, bottlenecks such as housing difficulties, school difficulties, and medical difficulties that restrict poor people from becoming rich have been effectively solved. The poor villages in the past have a new look: hardening roads lead to their homes, 34 township standard central schools, health centers, and convenience service centers have been built and put into use.

Jiashi County, Xinjiang, which has become the "most difficult" in water improvement due to special geological conditions, completed cross city water diversion with the support of the state this year. The water improvement project with a total investment of 1.749 billion yuan spans three counties, bringing snow water from the glacier on Mount Mustague hundreds of kilometers away to thousands of households. So far, Xinjiang has fully realized drinking water safety.

"After county level self inspection, the predetermined goal of poverty alleviation has been basically achieved." Ma Shengbin, deputy secretary of the Xinjiang Moyu County Party Committee in charge of poverty alleviation, said that Moyu County, with more than 40% of the poor population, has supplemented and strengthened its weak points. The outstanding problems of "two worries and three guarantees" have been basically solved, and decisive progress has been made in poverty alleviation.

In order to do a good job in targeted poverty alleviation, local governments have made efforts to stabilize employment, develop industries and drive income growth. A series of employment support policies have reduced poverty and increased the income of poor households.

In order to meet the local employment demand, Cele County in Xinjiang provides more jobs for poor families by relying on poverty alleviation workshops, public welfare posts and other channels.

The clothing factory in Yaboyi Village, Cele Town, Cele County has solved the employment problem of nearly 40 people this year. "You can walk to the factory for 10 minutes, and you can also take care of children at any time." Sadie Guri McTemin, who works in the clothing factory, said that learning technology, getting paid, and stabilizing employment make "one person get employed and the whole family get rid of poverty".

In Weining Yi, Hui and Miao Autonomous County, Guizhou, 400000 mu of vegetables have been harvested. This year, more than 690000 tons of vegetables have been sold. Xiao Fajun, Secretary of Weining County Party Committee, introduced that the vegetable industry system in the county has basically taken shape, and the agricultural added value is expected to reach 11.64 billion yuan this year, laying a good foundation for stabilizing and consolidating poverty alleviation achievements.

Excellent soldiers and strong generals "go to the ground to embroider and answer questions", and do not withdraw if they do not win a complete victory

In Yimohe Township, the most remote town in Jinyang County, the incidence of poverty was as high as 82%. On the National Day holiday just past, Ahoubi, the deputy head of the township, did not take a day off, and ran to the relocation sites for poverty alleviation in other places. Together with the cadres of the relocation sites, he helped the people who moved into the new houses to adapt to the new life as soon as possible.

The more critical the stage is, the more we need to work together. In some poverty-stricken counties without taking off their hats, the cadres and the masses are continuing to fight with the attitude of charge.

"Cadres come to the door every day, and we are embarrassed to sleep late," said many poor households in Tuogerigazi Village, Tuogerigazi Township, Yutian County, Xinjiang. In order to get rid of poverty as scheduled, hundreds of thousands of local cadres at all levels continued to sink into the grassroots and help poor households in the countryside.

In Weining County, more than 80% of the county level cadres are stationed in villages to fight, and the provincial and municipal supervision teams carry out real-time listing and supervision, promoting the county to constantly find problems and rectify problems, forming a good situation where the relevant provincial and municipal departments help the grassroots and promote rectification.

"The more time we rush, the more we need to continue to 'embroider in the ground and answer questions'." Wan Dongsheng, member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Jinyang County Committee and secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, said that we will continue to implement the strictest system of assessment and accountability, and use strong organizational security to force cadres to be "hard for officials" and not to be "peace officials" who do nothing.

Consolidate the industrial foundation and improve poverty alleviation

The fundamental policy for poverty alleviation is to develop industries. As we enter the final sprint stage, all regions seize the time to bring the benefits of industrial poverty into play.

At the beginning of this year, Tongren City of Guizhou Province sent out elite troops and strong generals from all districts (counties) to help the Tujia Autonomous County along the river with its core, most effective and most driving industries. In Mengzishu Village, Qitan Town, the bamboo fungus processing plant built with the assistance of Wanshan District counterpart has been put into production. Yao Chengwen, deputy leader of Wanshan District's poverty alleviation team supporting Yanhe County, introduced that from capital, personnel to construction and sales, six security groups have invested "real money and silver" and come up with "family skills" to help the local people out of poverty.

Since this year, the COVID-19 epidemic has brought a "plus question" to the poor counties without taking off their hats. In some places, there were once problems such as the poor people being blocked from going out to work, poverty alleviation products sales and industrial poverty alleviation difficulties. To this end, Xinjiang has initiated trans regional transfer of employment within the region, adopted a multi sector cooperation and linkage mechanism, and coordinated the development of more than 50000 jobs in labor-intensive industries such as textiles and clothing, construction workers, which is dedicated to arranging employment for poor households in poor counties that have not yet taken off their hats, so as to ensure that at least one person per 42100 poor households can obtain employment, and fundamentally solve the problem of poverty alleviation.

At the critical stage of the final sprint, all regions also organized forces to fight the fight against poverty. Through village by village investigation and household by household sorting, they strengthened their weaknesses, eliminated blind spots, prevented fraud and muddle through, and further consolidated the achievements of poverty alleviation; At the same time, through the early warning mechanism, the per capita income of those who have not been lifted out of poverty and those who have been lifted out of poverty and are unstable will continue to be dynamically tracked, and classified assistance will be implemented to ensure that no one is missing or missing from the poverty alleviation efforts.

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