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Let excellent traditional culture enter people's life -- Nanning held colorful activities to celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival

During the Dragon Boat Festival holiday, Nanning, the capital, was very lively and joyful. A variety of activities are carried out in communities, communities and activity centers in the urban area, and dragon boat races are held in the county. People enjoy the holidays by making dumplings, sachets and other traditional ways, enhance exchanges and emotions in inheriting and disseminating the excellent traditional Chinese culture, and enhance cultural identity and national pride.

Nong Shengwen Meets with Li Chuangfeng, Chairman of Kintec Group, and Kintec Semiconductor Storage Co., Ltd

On June 6, Nong Shengwen, member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee of the Autonomous Region and secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, met with Li Chuangfeng, chairman of Shenzhen Jintaike Semiconductor Co., Ltd., and representatives of Jintaike semiconductor storage industry chain cooperation enterprises in Nanning.

Jiangnan Street, Jiangnan District launched a series of activities of "Our Festival · Dragon Boat Festival"

In order to carry forward the excellent traditional culture of the Chinese nation, create a warm and peaceful festival atmosphere, and further strengthen the awareness of the Chinese national community. Recently, Jiangnan Street, Jiangnan District has extensively carried out a series of activities of "Our Festival · Dragon Boat Festival"

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