The Nanjing Federation of Trade Unions in Emerging Industries is the resident industry of the Nanjing Federation of Trade Unions. It was established to adapt to the development of emerging industries in Nanjing. It covers some large state-owned enterprises, state-owned restructuring enterprises, large private enterprises, and foreign-invested enterprises in Nanjing, with a total of 95 trade unions in enterprises and institutions. The trade unions of emerging industries earnestly practice the development path of socialist trade unions with Chinese characteristics, guide the trade unions of their enterprises and institutions to implement the instructions of the central and provincial and municipal Party committees on the work of trade unions, and implement the decisions, deployment and work tasks of the National Federation of Trade Unions, the Provincial Federation of Trade Unions, and the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions; Be responsible for the guidance, service and management of the work of the trade union of the affiliated enterprises and institutions, guide and urge the trade union of the enterprise to fully perform its trade union maintenance functions, and carry out trade union work with industrial characteristics; Mobilize and organize employees of the industry to carry out various mass economic and technological innovation activities with industrial characteristics and adapting to market economy conditions; Help and guide the trade unions of enterprises to establish and improve the system of workers' congress and the system of equal consultation and collective contract, and safeguard the economic, political and cultural rights and interests of workers; Complete other tasks assigned by the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions.

Director: Zhou Yonghai Tel: 84551255