Xinhua News Agency's annual satellite image: 2022, the changing world - Xinhuanet
two thousand and twenty-two twelve / thirty-one 16:29:23
Source: Xinhua News Agency

Xinhua News Agency's annual satellite image: 2022, a changing world

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In January 2022, the berth will be full of operating ships in Singapore Port. The Free Trade Agreement with the largest population, the largest economic and trade scale and the greatest development potential in the world, the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement, came into force on January 1, creating new opportunities for regional cooperation. The spread of COVID-19 and the rise of protectionism and unilateralism, but the trend of international cooperation and development cannot be stopped.

In January 2022, the Rose Hill Memorial Cemetery, located in California, the United States and known as the largest cemetery in North America, will be leveled. In the third year of the global pandemic of COVID-19, the virus continued to mutate, and the global epidemic repeatedly delayed, profoundly changing the world.

In January 2022, the "Gaofen 5" satellite observed that the sulfur dioxide gas mass generated after the eruption of the submarine volcano on the island of Ahaapai in Tongahong flew over Australia and the Indian Ocean and reached the west coast of the African continent. This volcanic eruption is the "largest explosion" in the earth's atmosphere since the instrument records.

In May 2022, Ukraine Yasu Steel Plant was almost razed to the ground. In February 2022, Russia launched a special military operation against Ukraine for "targeting the threat that has posed to us". NATO is keen on camp confrontation, which has exacerbated the global security crisis.

In July 2022, in Colombo, the capital of Sri Lanka, vehicles waiting for refueling in front of a gas station with a gray black square roof line up on another street. As the epidemic led to the decline of tourism, agricultural decision-making errors and other factors, coupled with the conflict between Russia and Ukraine that raised the global prices of food, energy and other commodities, Sri Lanka's prices rose, food and fuel shortages, and the government declared "bankruptcy". This is a microcosm of the turbulent world in 2022.

In August 2022, the precipitation in the northern part of the Indian Ocean observed by satellite and ground stations: Pakistan and Afghanistan have strong precipitation, leading to serious floods, while the Horn of Africa has been short of precipitation for five consecutive rainy seasons. Extreme weather affects the whole world, and the humanitarian crisis in South Asia, East Africa and other regions is even more severe.

On September 26, 2022, the navigation track of LNG carrier (AIS) obtained by satellite and land-based receiving station on the coast of France. Most of these ships came from the United States. After the initiation of sanctions against Russia, the United States sold natural gas to France and other European countries at several times the original price. This has caused losses of nearly 100 billion euros in the economies of France and Germany, and also made American energy giants such as ExxonMobil and Chevron hit the highest profit record in history.

In October 2022, the Amazon rainforest is surrounded by farmland. After winning the Brazilian general election in October 2022, Lula promised to stop the growing deforestation of the Amazon rainforest in recent years. By the end of 2022, Brazil, Mexico, Colombia, Argentina, Venezuela and Chile, the major populous countries in Latin America, will have elected left-wing governments, and the political, diplomatic, social, economic and environmental policies of the whole region will be greatly changed.

In October 2022, a large second-hand car store in Houston, the United States, was full of cars that no one bought. High interest rates and other factors are restraining people's demand, leading to the continued decline of second-hand car prices and sales. In 2022, the unconventional loose monetary policy of the United States in 2020 and 2021 will be changed to a radical tightening policy. The Federal Reserve will raise interest rates seven times in the year, which will not only affect the U.S. economy, but also may lead to global economic recession.

In November 2022, the night view of Qatar Gulf Stadium was taken by China Sustainable Development Science Satellite 1 (SDGSAT-1). The core area of the stadium was colorful, and bright lights were clearly visible hundreds of kilometers away from space. Argentina won the World Cup. Three years after the outbreak of COVID-19, mankind will still open up a new history with courage and hope.



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Xinhua News Agency Satellite News Lab

Error Correction [Editor in charge: Jiao Peng
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