Bashan and Yushui Play the Progressive Music -- Chongqing Chapter in the Footprint of the General Secretary
Bashan and Yushui Play the Progressive Music -- Chongqing Chapter in the Footprint of the General Secretary
2022-06-17 20:51:57 Source: Xinhua Tip: Full text Words, reading needs minute
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Xinhua News Agency, Chongqing, June 17 Title: Bashan and Yushui Play the Progressive Music - Chongqing Chapter along the footprints of the General Secretary

Journalists from Xinhua News Agency: Li Yong, Zhang Guilin, Li Song

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has visited Chongqing twice and made important instructions on Chongqing's reform and development. Under the guidance of the General Secretary, Chongqing has accelerated the construction of an inland open highland and a beautiful place with beautiful mountains and rivers, worked hard to promote high-quality development, create high-quality life, and forge ahead with a new modern journey with a new look.

This is the scene of Chongqing city taken from Nanshan Mountain, Nan'an District, Chongqing (taken on April 13, with UAV splicing photo). Photographed by Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Chan

"Happiness comes from struggle"

Zhongyi Township, Shizhu Tujia Autonomous County, Chongqing, located in Wuling Mountains, was once one of the 18 deeply impoverished towns in Chongqing, with high mountains and deep ditches and poor land.

In April 2019, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to Huaxi Village, Zhongyi Township, deep in the mountains to learn about poverty alleviation work. At Ma Peiqing's home, the general secretary looked at the barn, went into the kitchen and asked about his life and income in detail. In the courtyard, the General Secretary also sat around and talked with villagers' representatives and grass-roots cadres.

This is Ma Peiqing, a villager of Huaxi Village, Zhongyi Township, Shizhu Tujia Autonomous County, Chongqing, photographed on December 31, 2020. Photographed by Wang Quanchao, reporter of Xinhua News Agency

Later, at the symposium hosted by Chongqing to solve the outstanding problems of "two worries and three guarantees", General Secretary Xi Jinping called on us to fight against poverty in the crucial stage of the decisive battle. We must be resolute and tenacious, and we will never stop until we win a complete victory.

"The General Secretary is particularly concerned about the implementation of the" Two Worries and Three Guarantees "and tells us that happiness is the result of struggle, and the villagers should strive together and try to run forward..." Ma Peiqing told reporters that in the past, the family found food rations in the "chicken coop" and depended on the weather to feed themselves. These years, they not only got out of poverty, but also started tourism reception at home, and had a stable income, Life is like "sesame blossoms high".

For more than three years, local cadres and masses have paid close attention to the revitalization of the industry, relying on good ecology, vigorously developing rural tourism, traditional Chinese medicine planting, fruit and vegetable economy and other characteristic industries; In order to extend the industrial chain, dig deeply into the local tradition of keeping Chinese bees, and build a Chinese bee town to promote the integrated development of agriculture, culture and tourism

This is the citrus planting base (UAV photo) in Xinli Town, Zhongxian County, Chongqing, taken on May 25. Photographed by Wang Quanchao, reporter of Xinhua News Agency

Under the guidance of the General Secretary, Chongqing will not let a poor family fall behind on the road to a well-off society in an all-round way. By the end of 2020, all of the city's 1.906 million rural poor people have been lifted out of poverty, and all of the 18 poverty-stricken districts and counties have been removed from poverty.

Chongqing is a large city, a large countryside, a large mountain area and a large reservoir area, and the task of coordinated development is arduous. During the two visits to Chongqing, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out the direction for the coordinated development of urban and rural areas in Chongqing:

In January 2016, during a survey in Chongqing, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that we should promote the coordinated development of urban and rural areas, promote the synchronous development of new industrialization, informatization, urbanization and agricultural modernization, strengthen the development stamina in strengthening weak areas, focus on forming a balanced development structure, and constantly enhance the integrity of development;

In April 2019, during his visit to Chongqing, General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that we should accelerate the integrated development of urban and rural areas, establish and improve the institutional mechanisms and policy systems for integrated development of urban and rural areas, and promote regional coordinated development.

In accordance with the requirements of General Secretary Xi Jinping, Chongqing continues to consolidate the foundation of revitalization, and actively works and continues to strive: to comprehensively strengthen the development momentum of poverty alleviation areas by consolidating and expanding the achievements of poverty alleviation and effectively linking them with rural revitalization; 87000 kilometers of "four good rural roads" have been built, and the popularization rate of rural sanitary toilets has reached 84%; Basically eliminate the "empty shell village" of collective economy; The per capita disposable income of rural residents will increase by 10.6% in 2021.

On May 19, villagers in Quanfa Village, Quchi Township, Wushan County, Chongqing checked the growth of crisp plums. Photographed by Wang Quanchao, reporter of Xinhua News Agency

Speed up the construction of a coordinated regional development pattern of "one zone, two clusters". The leading role of Chongqing's main urban metropolitan area has been continuously strengthened. The ecological priority and green development of the town groups in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area in northeast Chongqing have been accelerated. The cultural and tourism integration and coordinated urban and rural development of the town groups in Wuling Mountain Area in southeast Chongqing have achieved initial results. The beautiful picture of urban-rural integration and regional coordinated and coordinated development is slowly unfolding in Bayu.

"Pay more attention to planning from the overall situation and serving the overall situation with one area"

This is the scene of Chongqing Orchard Port (UAV photo) taken on May 24. Photographed by Wang Quanchao, reporter of Xinhua News Agency

The whistle is blowing, and the new China Myanmar channel (Chongqing Lincang Myanmar) international railway train recently launched at the Guoyuan Port National Logistics Hub in Liangjiang New Area, Chongqing. Relying on this channel, Chongqing and its surrounding goods can enter the Indian Ocean through water rail high seas intermodal transport

In January 2016, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to the Orchard Port and told it to build, manage and operate the port well, and serve the development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt, the construction of the "Belt and Road" and the further development of the western region with first-class facilities, technology, management and services.

"The General Secretary has pointed out the direction for us. In recent years, we have focused on building a green and intelligent port, improving multimodal transport, and expanding port functions. The Orchard Port has been upgraded from a traditional inland river port to a global 'transit station' connecting the upper reaches of the Yangtze River," said Niu Xiandan, general manager of Chongqing Orchard Port International Logistics Hub Construction and Development Co., Ltd.

Chongqing is an important strategic fulcrum of the Western Development, and is located at the junction of the "Belt and Road" and the Yangtze River Economic Belt. In April 2019, when General Secretary Xi Jinping visited Chongqing, he asked Chongqing to pay more attention to planning from the overall situation and serving the overall situation from the overall situation, try to play a supporting role in promoting the western development in the new era, play a leading role in promoting the joint construction of the "Belt and Road", and play a demonstration role in promoting the green development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt.

Chongqing focuses on the expansion of logistics channels, improves the transport capacity of China Europe trains, expands the radiation scope of new land and sea channels in western China, and solves the international logistics problems in western China; On the one hand, we should improve the level of the open platform, connect with high standards of international economic and trade rules, and promote the China Singapore connectivity project, the Chongqing Pilot Free Trade Zone and other collaborative efforts. In recent five years, Chongqing has actually utilized foreign capital amounting to 51.7 billion US dollars, and 312 of the world's top 500 enterprises in Chongqing.

General Secretary Xi Jinping has high hopes for Chongqing to adhere to the new development concept and accelerate the construction of a modern industrial system. General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed during his research in Chongqing that "new development concept is the baton, and we should resolutely implement" "we should unify our thoughts and actions to the new development concept, advocate innovation, focus on coordination, advocate green, foster openness, and promote sharing".

This is the scene of Chang'an Automobile Liangjiang Intelligent Factory on June 16 in Liangjiang New District, Chongqing. Photographed by Wang Quanchao, reporter of Xinhua News Agency

Innovation is the key to enterprise development and market success. Chongqing BOE Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd., which was visited by General Secretary Xi Jinping, has always taken scientific research projects as the starting point, encouraged technology leaders to take the lead, and continued to promote scientific and technological breakthroughs around the innovation iteration of semiconductor display technology and the popularization and application of high-end displays, with independent innovation achievements emerging.

Live up to your great trust and strive to climb. Chongqing firmly grasped the first driving force of scientific and technological innovation, vigorously implemented the innovation driven development action led by big data intelligence, and promoted the construction of "smart manufacturing city" and "smart city" to achieve new breakthroughs. The added value of the digital economy accounted for 27.2% of the regional GDP.

Under the care and promotion of General Secretary Xi Jinping, since 2020, Chongqing and Sichuan have worked together to build the Chengdu Chongqing double city economic circle. At present, we are jointly implementing a number of major scientific and technological projects to accelerate the construction of Chengdu Chongqing Science and Technology Innovation Corridor; Promote industrial cooperation and jointly build world-class industrial clusters such as new energy, intelligent connected vehicles and electronic information. An important growth pole of high-quality development supporting the western development in the new era is accelerating its rise.

This is the construction site of BOE (Chongqing) Innovation Center Project (UAV photo) taken on May 2. Photographed by Wang Quanchao, reporter of Xinhua News Agency

"Build an important ecological barrier in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River"

General Secretary Xi Jinping was deeply concerned about the ecology of the Yangtze River. During his visit to Chongqing, he pointed out that "protecting the Three Gorges Reservoir Area and the mother river of the Yangtze River is crucial to Chongqing's long-term development and the overall development of the country", "strengthening ecological protection and restoration, and building an important ecological barrier in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River".

This is the scene of Qutang Gorge on the Yangtze River (UAV photo) taken on April 10. Photographed by Wang Quanchao, reporter of Xinhua News Agency

Chongqing is the last gateway of the ecological barrier in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River. To protect the "green water on one river and green mountains on both banks" is not only the inevitable requirement for Chongqing to shoulder the "upstream responsibility", but also the potential for its own development.

Jinyun Mountain National Nature Reserve, located in the central urban area of Chongqing and on the bank of Jialing River, is full of birds singing and flowers fragrance, green, and lakes "inlaid" in the mountains are rippling.

In the past, the private building of farmhouses on Jinyun Mountain was prominent, and the reserve was "eroded". In 2018, Chongqing launched comprehensive environmental improvement and ecological restoration of Jinyun Mountain Reserve. Dismantle illegal buildings, replant and nurture tree species, and implement ecological relocation... Over the past few years, more than 300000 square meters of green space have been restored. After systematic restoration, the "green lung" function of Jinyun Mountain Reserve has been restored, and it has become people's conscious action to respect and protect nature.

When investigating Chongqing, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that "we should deeply implement the environmental protection action of 'blue sky, clear water, tranquility, green land, and pastoral', build an important ecological barrier in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, promote the acceleration of the appreciation of urban and rural natural capital, and make Chongqing a beautiful place with beautiful mountains and rivers." Bearing in mind the earnest teachings of the General Secretary, Chongqing has always placed the systematic protection and restoration of the ecological environment of the Yangtze River in an overwhelming position, promoting ecological priority and green development, focusing on mountain protection, water control, fishing prohibition, etc., and accelerating the green transformation of production and lifestyle.

On June 4, tourists visited Jinyun Mountain in Chongqing. Photographed by Wang Quanchao, reporter of Xinhua News Agency

In recent years, the ecological restoration of abandoned open-pit mines in the Yangtze River Economic Belt in Chongqing has been completed in an all-round way, covering more than 2200 hectares; More than 3400 sewage outlets in Chongqing section of the Yangtze River, Jialing River and Wujiang River have been renovated; In 2021, there will be 326 days of good air quality; The proportion of excellent water quality in 74 national assessment sections reached 98.6%; The city's forest coverage rate reached 54.5%

This is Guangyang Island, Chongqing (UAV photo) taken on June 5. Photographed by Wang Quanchao, reporter of Xinhua News Agency

Bearing in mind the General Secretary's instructions, this year, Chongqing further proposed to consolidate the effect of "water control" and let more waters reproduce the beautiful scenery of "fish flying at the bottom"; Improve the quality and build a "Green Mountains on both sides of the Straits, a thousand mile forest belt", and strive to reforest 3.15 million mu in 10 years; Develop mountain agriculture and eco-tourism according to local conditions... The charm of a city with mountains and rivers and a beautiful place is more obvious.

Error Correction Editor in charge: Qian Zhongbing
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