Hundreds of barges compete for the current to compete in Hunan -- Hunan chapter along the footprint of the General Secretary
Hundreds of barges compete for the current to compete in Hunan -- Hunan chapter along the footprint of the General Secretary
2022-06-13 21:48:58 Source: Xinhua Tip: Full text Words, reading needs minute
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Xinhua News Agency, Changsha, June 13 Title: Hundreds of barges compete for the current in Hunan Province -- Hunan Chapter along the footprint of the General Secretary

Xinhua News Agency reporters Ding Xiguo, Tan Jian, Liu Fangzhou

Hunan, a red hotland of heroes, has always touched the heart of General Secretary Xi Jinping.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), General Secretary Xi Jinping has visited Hunan three times for investigation and research, anchoring new coordinates, clarifying new positioning and giving new missions to the development of Hunan from the perspective of the overall strategy of the Party and the country.

Hundreds of barges compete in Hunan. Along the direction guided by the General Secretary, the hot scene of building a new socialist modern Hunan in an all-round way is surging in three Hunan and four rivers. New achievements are constantly created and new situations are constantly opening up.

"Poverty alleviation is not the end, but the starting point of a new life and a new struggle"

In western Hunan, Shibadong Village, Huayuan County, Hunan Province, located in the hinterland of Wuling Mountains, has a large population, poor land, high mountains and steep roads. The problem of poverty has lasted for a long time, and it was a typical epitome of many areas in Hunan that needed to be lifted out of poverty.

On November 3, 2013, General Secretary Xi Jinping went to Shibadong Village to visit poor people and put forward "targeted poverty alleviation" for the first time. The concept of "seeking truth from facts, adjusting measures to local conditions, classified guidance and targeted poverty alleviation" is like a spring breeze blowing from the ancient Miao villages all over China.

On June 30, 2021, in Shibadong Village, Huayuan County, Xiangxi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, villagers greeted guests at their own restaurants. Photographed by Chen Sihan, reporter of Xinhua News Agency

"The general secretary's method is the most effective way to help the poor for so many years," said Shi Jintong, secretary of the Party branch of Shibadong Village. Since the General Secretary visited Shibadong Village, tourism, mountain spring water, kiwi fruit, Miao embroidery and other industries have been developed in the village. In 2016, Shibadong Village became one of the first poverty free villages in Hunan; In 2021, the per capita income of the whole village will exceed 20000 yuan, more than 10 times that of eight years ago.

During the eight years of poverty alleviation, Hunan has taken the responsibility of "being the first place to advocate" and created a precise, characteristic and sustainable poverty alleviation path. By the end of 2020, 6.82 million rural registered poverty-stricken people across the province have been lifted out of poverty, and the poverty problem that has plagued this land for thousands of years has been completely solved.

"Poverty alleviation is not the end, but the starting point of a new life and a new struggle." In September 2020, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to Hunan again for investigation and research, pointing out that Hunan should "adhere to the priority development of agriculture and rural areas", "deepen the agricultural supply side structural reform", "deepen the reform of agricultural villages and activate the endogenous power of rural revitalization".

On October 29, 2019, villagers worked on the assembly line in Shanquan Water Plant, Shibadong Village, Huayuan County, Xiangxi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture. Photographed by Chen Sihan, reporter of Xinhua News Agency

In many villages in Guzhang County, Hunan Province, white tea seedlings are bringing profound changes. Wengcao Village in Morong Town is a Miao inhabited village. When this traditional village met the "White Leaf No.1" modern white tea supported by Zhejiang in recent years, it supported the tea tourism integration industry around the theme of characteristic Miao village, homestay experience, base sightseeing, etc. In 2022, the fresh leaves of white tea picked in the village before and after the Tomb Sweeping Day will be processed into dry tea, with a sales income of 34 million yuan.

When tea seedlings take root, farmers' "wealth creation strength" also grows. Shi Liutang, secretary of the party branch of Wengcao Village, said that the most gratifying change in the village in recent years was that the villagers tried every way to increase their income and create wealth, showing a new look of gratitude and hard work.

The reporter learned that since 2020, through the establishment and improvement of the monitoring and assistance mechanism, Hunan has highlighted key groups in key areas, increased support for key counties and villages in rural revitalization, strengthened the management of assistance in villages, strengthened the skills training of rural labor force, and stabilized the employment base of poverty alleviation population.

On May 15, 2020, Ma Huihuang (left), the poverty alleviation team leader of Shibadong Village in Xiangxi, Hunan, and Shi Linjiao (middle), a returning college student, broadcast live the promotion of local specialties. Photographed by Chen Sihan, reporter of Xinhua News Agency

At the same time, a series of "golden" policies have been implemented. Vigorously implement the seed industry revitalization action, strengthen agricultural science and technology support, improve the level of agricultural mechanization, focus on the development of rural industries, deeply implement the "six major strong agriculture" action, and improve the mechanism of agriculture related and agricultural belt

At the beginning of 2022, in line with the requirements of the General Secretary, Hunan Province continued to deepen the strategic layout and precise implementation of policies, issued the opinions on doing a good job in the work of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" and promoting rural revitalization in a down-to-earth manner, put forward the work goal of ensuring stable agricultural production and increase in farmers' income, and rural stability and tranquility, and made efforts to do a solid job in rural development, rural construction We made arrangements for key work such as rural governance.

In today's land of Sanxiang, the achievements of poverty alleviation have been consolidated, advantageous industries with distinctive characteristics have flourished, farmers' income has increased steadily, and rural revitalization has been steadily carried out.

"Break a new path in promoting high-quality development"

The Yangtze River flows eastward, leaving a beautiful arc in Linge Laoduan, Junshan District, Yueyang City, Hunan Province. The river bank here was once occupied by illegal sand and stone wharf. Now, it has recovered its natural state. The finless porpoise, known as "Smiling Angel", often plays in the waters here.

This is the picture of the Yangtze River taken on May 24 in Linge Laoduan, Junshan District, Yueyang City. Photographed by Chen Sihan, reporter of Xinhua News Agency

In the following few years, 251 sand and stone wharves along the Yangtze River in Hunan were demolished and greened; 1034 enterprises involved in heavy metal pollution were shut down in the battle of Xiangjiang River governance; The Dongting Lake ecological environment defense war was launched, the 470000 mu low fence was removed according to law, 326000 mu European and American black poplar was cleared in place, sand mining was completely prohibited in the nature reserve, and all pulp production enterprises were shut down

This is Chebian Lake in South Dongting after the removal of Aiwei in 2022. Xinhua News Agency (photographed by Zhong Zubiao)

Hunan has only 163 kilometers of the Yangtze River coastline, but "one lake and four rivers" connect the Yangtze River and radiate across the province. 96% of the province's regions are within the Yangtze River Economic Belt. For a long time, extensive development has accumulated many problems, and industrial transformation and upgrading and promoting high-quality economic development have become an urgent issue.

In September 2020, General Secretary Xi Jinping put forward a clear request to Hunan during his inspection: to strive to build a national important advanced manufacturing industry, scientific and technological innovation with core competitiveness, and a highland of reform and opening up in inland areas, to break a new path in promoting high-quality development, and to show new achievements in building a new development pattern, In promoting the rise of the central region and the development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt, we should highlight our new responsibilities and strive to write a new chapter in Hunan's adherence to and development of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era.

General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions are precise, concise and comprehensive, and clarify the guiding ideology, action program and fundamental adherence for Hunan's development.

In midsummer, Shanhe Intelligent Equipment Co., Ltd. is busy with production. He Qinghua, the chairman of the board of directors, always remembers the scene when the general secretary came to the workshop for inspection in September 2020, and he is always excited. He told the reporter that all employees had always kept in mind the General Secretary's advice on "independent innovation" and constantly accelerated the pace of innovation. In 2021, the number of patent applications of the company increased significantly. In the first four months of this year, the company has released eight high-end engineering equipment. "This road of seeking long-term development through independent innovation will be firmly pursued by me and my peers," He Qinghua said.

On February 7, the staff of Hunan Shanhe Intelligent Equipment Co., Ltd. debugged the equipment in the workshop. Xinhua News Agency (photo provided by respondents)

On the basis of a deep understanding of the clear requirements of the General Secretary, since 2020, various construction projects in Hunan have been comprehensively launched and new achievements have been continuously made: construction machinery and advanced rail transit equipment have won the national advanced manufacturing industry cluster competition, and more than 160 national specialized, special and new "little giant" enterprises have been added; The number of high-tech enterprises has exceeded ten thousand; There are more than 6700 new enterprises in the Free Trade Zone.

In order to activate the new momentum of high-quality development, Hunan also proposed to implement the "eight major projects", such as the multiplication of advanced equipment manufacturing industry and the cultivation of strategic emerging industries, promote the self-reliance of science and technology, implement the "seven major plans", such as tackling key core technologies, and take advantage of new generation information technology, self controllable and high-performance computers, high-end equipment manufacturing The first mover advantage of industries focusing on new materials has gradually formed.

Hunan has now emerged as a cluster of advantageous industries, such as engineering machinery and rail transit, and has created a number of modern industrial provinces that are "the first in the world" and "the first in China".

"Continue to take the long march of the new era"

Shazhou Yao Village, Rucheng County, Hunan Province, is the place where the story of "half quilt" takes place.

On September 16, 2020, as soon as General Secretary Xi Jinping arrived in Hunan, he went directly to Shazhou Yao Village. General Secretary Xi Jinping stopped for a long time before the statue showing the scene of women soldiers of the Red Army cutting quilts to send villagers.

The General Secretary said with deep feeling: "The story of 'half quilt' represents the original aspiration of our party and reflects the essence of the party for the people

Zhu Xiaohong, 53, is the grandson of Xu Jiexiu, the hero of the "Half quilt" story. On that day, the General Secretary made a special trip to his home to visit him. Zhu Xiaohong said to the General Secretary, "The Red Army gave my grandmother half a quilt in those years, but today the Communist Party has brought a happy day to my family."

The story of "half quilt" has become a "required course" for Hunan Party members and cadres to forge their original aspiration.

"The fact that the General Secretary attaches so much importance to the story of 'half quilt' is to remind us to always keep the warmth of the masses in mind." Tan Shihua, the leader of the Shazhou Village Rural Revitalization Task Force and the first secretary in the village, said, "The General Secretary taught us in Hunan that we should adhere to the people centered development thought and strive to solve the problems of the masses' 'urgent difficulties and anxieties'. This is the direction of our efforts. "

In recent years, Party organizations at all levels in Hunan have kept in mind the General Secretary's advice that the province's financial efforts to ensure people's livelihood have only increased, and the proportion of people's livelihood expenditure in financial expenditure has remained at about 70%. The per capita disposable income of residents exceeded 30000 yuan, and the income gap between urban and rural residents continued to narrow.

On September 17, 2020, Zhu Xiaohong cut vegetables in her own farmhouse kitchen in Shazhou Yao Village, Rucheng County. Photographed by Chen Sihan, reporter of Xinhua News Agency

Focusing on the problem of "urgent difficulties and anxieties" of the masses, in accordance with the principle of "small incision, landing and giving the masses a sense of gain", Hunan insists on taking the "key little things" of the masses as the "top priority" of the Party and the government, and has launched a series of "practical measures".

Improve urban and rural infrastructure, strengthen public service construction, improve medical service capacity, improve the urban and rural minimum living standard, and improve the level of relief security...... In 2021, Hunan Province raised a total of 42.872 billion yuan of various funds, 20 key livelihood issues were completed comprehensively or exceeded, and people's well-being was effectively improved.

Error Correction Editor in charge: Qiu Lifang
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