Striving for the First to Start a New Situation -- Jiangsu Chapter along the Footprint of the General Secretary
Striving for the First to Start a New Situation -- Jiangsu Chapter along the Footprint of the General Secretary
2022-06-01 22:27:34 Source: Xinhua Tip: Full text Words, reading needs minute
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Xinhua News Agency, Nanjing, June 1 Title: Strive to be the first to start a new situation - Jiangsu Chapter along the footprint of the General Secretary

Xinhua News Agency reporters Liu Kang, Jiang Fang, Chen Gang

This is the product commissioning site (UAV photo) of Jiangsu XCMG Heavy Machinery Co., Ltd. taken on May 9. Shen Jizhong

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), General Secretary Xi Jinping has visited Jiangsu for many times, and worked out a grand blueprint of "strong economy, rich people, beautiful environment, and high social civilization". He has given the major mission of "striving to set an example in reform and innovation, promoting high-quality development, striving to set an example in serving the country to build a new development pattern, and taking the lead in achieving socialist modernization".

Jiangsu has always followed the direction of the General Secretary, comprehensively grasped the new tasks of the new development stage, implemented the new development concept with innovative measures, strived to be the "ballast stone" of the economy, the "pathfinder" of reform, the "new window" of opening up, and the "new benchmark" of development, and forged its original intention to create a new situation of socialist modernization.

This is the scene of Nantong's five mountains and riverside areas (UAV photo) taken on November 13, 2020. Photographed by Ji Chunpeng, reporter of Xinhua News Agency

"Strive to occupy the commanding heights of the world and control the technological discourse"

In 2017, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to Xuzhou City, Jiangsu Province for investigation. The first stop was XCMG. General Secretary Xi Jinping boarded the XCA220 all terrain wheeled crane cab independently developed by the company, asked the technicians about the technical innovation and operation process in detail, and emphasized that "innovation is the source of the core competitiveness of enterprises, and many core technologies are unattainable and cannot be bought".

During this visit, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that "we should increase investment, strengthen research and development, accelerate development, strive to occupy the commanding heights of the world, and control the technological discourse", "focus on the world's forefront, and strive to explore good models and experience of innovative development".

"We are constantly making impact on the global industrial peak." Wang Min, Chairman and Secretary of the Party Committee of XCMG Construction Machinery Co., Ltd., said, "When the General Secretary came to visit, we ranked seventh in the global industry, and now we have reached the third place. The localization rate of key components below 300 tons of cranes has reached 100%, and the localization rate of kiloton has reached 90%."

Implement the General Secretary's mandate, and scientific and technological innovation has become a vivid practice in Jiangsu. Focus on building the industrial innovation belt along Shanghai and Nanjing; Suzhou, Wuxi and Changzhou jointly build the Taihu Bay Science and Technology Innovation Circle; We will strengthen 30 advantageous industrial chains, and 6 clusters will be selected as national advanced manufacturing clusters... Jiangsu will deepen the construction of an industrial science and technology innovation center with global influence, and strive to build an advanced manufacturing base with international competitiveness. By the end of 2021, the number of high-tech enterprises in Jiangsu had exceeded 37000, more than seven times that of 2012.

Innovation driven needs to break through the difficult problem of science and technology transformation.

On December 13, 2014, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to Jiangsu Industrial Technology Research Institute to listen to the introduction of research and development work, understand product performance, and inquire about the industrial prospect. After communicating with scientific researchers, the General Secretary proposed to strengthen the connection between science and technology and the economy, between innovation achievements and industries, between innovation projects and real productivity, and between R&D personnel's innovative labor and their income, so as to form a new mechanism conducive to the production of innovation achievements and the industrialization of innovation achievements.

"The good 'prescription' made by the General Secretary to solve the 'two skins' of science and technology and economy has pointed out the direction for us," said Liu Qing, president of Jiangsu Institute of Industry and Research and director of the Yangtze River Delta National Technology Innovation Center, "Today, Jiangsu Industry Research Institute has established 68 professional research institutes in advanced manufacturing, new materials and other fields, transferred more than 8000 technological achievements to the market, and incubated 1150 technology-based enterprises."

Accelerate the construction of Zijinshan Laboratory for Network Communication and Security and other scientific research "heavy tools", and introduce the policy of "special talent research zone" for provincial laboratories; Focus on advanced materials and other areas that need to be broken through, and comprehensively promote key projects to tackle key problems, "unveil the list and take the lead"; Actively create national technology innovation centers in fields such as high-performance computing applications to provide support for enhancing the independent and controllable ability of key industries...... In 2021, the contribution rate of scientific and technological progress in Jiangsu will reach 66.1%, and the regional innovation ability will continue to remain at the forefront of the country.

This is the Nantong section of the Yangtze River (UAV photo) taken on October 25, 2021. Photographed by Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Bo

"Unswervingly follow the path of civilized development featuring development of production, prosperity of life and sound ecology"

Shiye Town, Zhenjiang City, is an "island" in the Yangtze River. In 2014, General Secretary Xi Jinping came here to investigate and learn about the local new rural construction. He went into the kitchen of the villager Hong Jiayong's house to check, and sat around with them to do household chores. He urged local cadres to "deepen the overall planning of urban and rural areas, solidly promote the integrated development of urban and rural areas, and make the countryside a beautiful home for living and working in peace and contentment".

At that time, Hong Jiayong's son and daughter-in-law went out to work, and Lao Hong did not see the child very often. In the past seven years, Shiye Town has accelerated the transformation and upgrading of infrastructure, built a water transportation axis, and built a green industry integrating tourism, leisure, efficient agriculture, health care, etc.... The island in the middle of the river, which used to be more than 50 square kilometers and less than 15000 people, has now become a well-known tourist island and music island. Hong Jiayong's son and daughter-in-law returned home to find jobs in the local sewage pipe network maintenance center and tourism reception service center. "The family is reunited, and life is more beautiful than before," Lao Hong said.

Entering a new stage of development, imbalance and inadequacy are particularly prominent in the field of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers". Whether we can take the lead in solving the problem is related to the quality of a well-off society in an all-round way and the quality of socialist modernization.

During his visit to Jiangsu, General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that "without agricultural modernization, rural prosperity and prosperity, and farmers living and working in peace and contentment, national modernization is incomplete, incomplete, and unstable. Developed regions must lead the way in this regard".

Jiangsu has been constantly restructuring the relationship between urban and rural areas, and accelerating to make up for the imbalance between urban and rural areas. In accordance with the general requirements of "prosperous industry, livable ecology, civilized rural style, effective governance, and prosperous life", promote high-quality and efficient agriculture, livable villages, and prosperous farmers; We will continue to work on the integration of urban and rural planning, industrial layout, infrastructure, public services, labor employment, and social management; Digitalized "restructuring" of agriculture, "reconstruction" of rural areas, "reshaping" of farmers... The modernization path of common prosperity of all people, coordination of material civilization and spiritual civilization, and harmonious coexistence of man and nature is getting wider and wider.

"We will unswervingly follow the path of civilized development featuring development in production, affluence in life and good ecology." General Secretary Xi Jinping's ardent advice to Jiangsu is constantly translating into reality.

In 2021, the per capita net income of farmers in Jiangsu will reach 26791 yuan, more than double that of 10 years ago, and the urban-rural income ratio will shrink to 2.16:1, making it one of the provinces with the smallest gap in China.

In Shoucheng Village, Jiulongkou Town, Yancheng City, northern Jiangsu Province, rows of small buildings with pink walls and black tiles are scattered in an orderly manner, changing the old look of "empty walls and old tile roofed houses"; Taoyuan Village, Yangshan Town, Wuxi, southern Jiangsu Province, breaks the rural development dilemma of "no work, no wealth", and is committed to "building the most beautiful countryside in China, and tasting the best life in the world"... Walking through urban and rural areas in Jiangsu Province, the new rural community, historic and cultural villages, and traditional villages are all beautiful, and "urban villages" and "cities with fields" complement each other.

Children play in the cultural activity square of Yongmaowei Natural Village, Shiye Town, Zhenjiang City (photographed on April 13, 2020). Photographed by Ji Chunpeng, reporter of Xinhua News Agency

"Only when the background of green development is well laid, will there be great progress in future development"

In November 2020, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to the riverside area of Wushan District in Nantong for investigation. "Has the chemical enterprise been closed, transferred or upgraded?" "Has the sulfur distribution base really been cancelled?" "How many fishermen have left?" "How can fishermen be resettled after they go ashore?" The General Secretary asked in detail as he walked.

In March 2013, General Secretary Xi Jinping, when attending the deliberation of the Jiangsu delegation at the first session of the 12th National People's Congress, cited ancient poems to praise the beautiful scenery of Jiangsu, and instructed the solid promotion of ecological civilization construction and the implementation of the "blue water and blue sky" project.

The Jiangsu section of the Yangtze River, which is more than 400 kilometers long, bears more than 70% of the freight volume of the whole line, and the Jiangsu section of the Grand Canal, which is more than 700 kilometers long, is equivalent to the freight volume of eight Beijing Shanghai expressways... The industry along the river is dense, the cities and towns are densely distributed, and the population is large, so the governance pressure is huge.

How to coordinate environmental protection and economic development with the new development concept? In 2014, when General Secretary Xi Jinping visited Jiangsu, he mapped out a grand blueprint of "strong economy, rich people, beautiful environment and high level of social civilization", taking "beautiful environment" as one of the distinctive signs of the construction of new Jiangsu.

Six years later, the General Secretary went to Jiangsu again and hosted the symposium on comprehensively promoting the development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt in Nanjing. The General Secretary said earnestly: "Only when the background of green development is well laid, can there be vigorous development in the future."

In the Jiangsu section of the Yangtze River, an action of ecological progress, production retreat, and pollution control retreat has been vigorously promoted. The number of chemical enterprises was reduced by more than 4400, and the output value of chemical industry was cut by nearly half. The cumulative takeoff and retreat along the river coastline exceed 60 kilometers.

Along the Grand Canal, a "beautiful axis" with clear water, green banks, beautiful scenery and Wenchang is rising. As the only key construction area of the Grand Canal National Cultural Park, Jiangsu has built a planning system at a high starting point to systematically promote the Grand Canal Cultural Belt and the National Cultural Park project, thus the Grand Canal is reborn.

Jiangsu is anchoring a path of global exploration of ecological priority and green development, constantly expanding the form of beauty, improving the connotation of beauty, extending the space of beauty, and enriching the experience of beauty. The beautiful Jiangsu scroll is slowly presenting a new grand scene in the south of the Yangtze River.  

Hong Jiayong (right), a villager in Yongmaowei Natural Village, Shiye Town, Zhenjiang City, and his wife Yang Songhua are busy at home (photographed on April 13, 2020). Photographed by Ji Chunpeng, reporter of Xinhua News Agency

Error Correction Editor in charge: Li Zhiqiang