Footprint Episode 2: Why three scrambled eggs
Footprint Episode 2: Why three scrambled eggs
2022-05-26 09:00:09 Source: Xinhua Tip: Full text Words, reading needs minute
Pay attention to the learning process

By the roaring train

Change to a rickety truck

The mountain road is winding and dusty


Xi Jinping follows the team of educated youth

after many setbacks

Finally set foot on the loess land in northern Shaanxi

Living in a cave

Started his "native" life in Liangjiahe production team


In the palm box he brought with him

Pretend to be young people's thirst for knowledge

Villagers said that he often held books as thick as bricks

Look at it when eating and when herding sheep in the mountains

In order to read a long cherished masterpiece

Xi Jinping invited a man to eat three scrambled eggs

Error Correction Editor in charge: Zhao Yang
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