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News of Xinhua Daily Telegraph Version 3

"In Taiwan, most people do not support 'Taiwan independence'"

Interview with Lian Shengwen, Vice Chairman of the Kuomintang

2024-06-16 12:12:42 Source: News of Xinhua Daily Telegraph Version 3

Xinhua News Agency, Xiamen, June 15 (Reporter Zhao Bo, Deng Qianqian, Fu Min) "I came to the Straits Forum to share the ideas of the Taiwanese people with mainland friends. In Taiwan, most people do not support 'Taiwan independence'." Lian Shengwen, Vice Chairman of the Chinese Kuomintang, who is attending the 16th Straits Forum here, said in an interview with the media on both sides of the Taiwan Straits.

Lian Shengwen, a tall man with formal clothes and black glasses, stands out in the crowd. For the past two days, he has participated in many activities such as the Straits Forum General Assembly and the Straits Youth Forum, and received the "serial questions" from the media across the Straits on the afternoon of the 15th.

When he participated in the Straits Forum for the first time, Lian Shengwen praised it as a "good platform" for people from all walks of life on both sides of the Straits to fully communicate and get to know each other. "As long as there is communication, there is a chance for dialogue; as long as there is a chance for dialogue, we can communicate rationally and pragmatically. Many things are different from each other, and there is no way to solve them. The worst fear is that we will die of old age without communication," he said.

Speaking of the current situation on both sides of the Taiwan Straits, Lian Shengwen said frankly that most people in Taiwan do not support "Taiwan independence". "Maybe the voice of a few people is loud and they are very excited, but this is not the real idea of the majority." He said that the Taiwanese people generally hope for peace across the Taiwan Straits and mutual benefit. We should actively and sincerely promote and develop cross Straits relations for the well-being and future of the majority of people on both sides of the Straits. "If you hurt your feelings for a few people, it is unfair to most people."

During his participation in the Straits Forum, Lian Shengwen mentioned many times that people on both sides of the Straits are part of the Chinese nation, whether in public speeches or in visits. "I believe that the Chinese Kuomintang can play a very important role in the process of the revitalization of the Chinese nation. This is also the Chinese Kuomintang's long-standing proposition and the goal we have always hoped to achieve," he said.

Lian Shengwen said: "Although it takes great courage and perseverance to continue to adhere to our ideas, I believe we are on the right path. Especially when the situation on both sides of the Taiwan Straits is volatile, it highlights the line and practice of the Chinese Kuomintang for cross-strait relations, which is really able to ensure peace in the Taiwan Straits."

"When I came to the Straits Forum this time, I put forward suggestions on several occasions to strengthen youth exchanges across the Straits." Lian Shengwen said that youth cooperation across the Straits is an important foundation for the future development of the Chinese nation, as well as an important foundation for national prosperity. No matter how the situation on both sides of the Taiwan Straits fluctuates, youth exchanges on both sides of the Straits must not be suspended, and even continue and expand.

He also said frankly that he hoped that young people on both sides of the Straits would not misunderstand because of the influence of some extreme comments on the Internet, but would communicate face to face, rationally and pragmatically through opportunities such as the Straits Forum. "Make friends, broaden your knowledge, and find like-minded friends."

In addition to leading a delegation to visit as Vice Chairman of the Chinese Kuomintang, this is also a "home trip" for Lian Shengwen.

More than 300 years ago, the Lian family moved from Zhangzhou, Fujian to Tainan, Taiwan. During the Japanese colonial rule over Taiwan, Lian Heng, a great grandfather of Lian Shengwen and patriotic historian who wrote the General History of Taiwan, led his family back to the mainland to live and apply for restoration of Chinese nationality. After the outbreak of the Anti Japanese War, his grandfather Lian Zhendong joined the National Revolutionary Army to participate in the war.

"From the history of our ancestors, we can see that as a genuine Taiwanese, we can also be an upright Chinese!" At the Straits Forum, Lian Shengwen's words won thunderous applause.

In October 2005, Lian Shengwen set foot on the land of his hometown for the first time and became the first person to return to Fujian in the 60 years of his family. During this visit to Fujian, he felt a lot when he saw the construction of the cross-strait integration development demonstration zone in full swing.

"I see many young people in Taiwan developing well here and integrating smoothly into local life." Lian Shengwen told the cross-strait media that these real cases are enough to show that cross-strait integration is a feasible direction that helps the development of cross-strait relations. "I hope to see more Taiwanese friends, whether Taiwanese businessmen, entrepreneurs or students, have a good development in Fujian."


Editor in charge: Shi Mengjia
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